
Kendall schools will require masks for students when social distancing not possible

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 19 August 2021 at 8:25 am

Board of Education approves reopening plan for 2021-22 school year

Photos by Tom Rivers: Nathan Loescher, a parent of three children in Kendall school district, urged the Board of Education to make mask wearing optional for students. “I think it should be a personal choice,” Loescher said during the Board of Education meeting at the junior-senior high school cafeteria.

KENDALL – The Board of Education on Wednesday evening approved a reopening plan that school officials say will have the start of the school year looking much like the year ended last June in terms of Covid restrictions and guidelines.

Students will need to continue wearing masks when social distancing isn’t possible in classrooms. They will be required to wear masks in hallways, common areas, on buses and if they are playing indoor sports such as volleyball. When students are playing outdoor sports, wearing a mask will be optional, Julie Christensen, the district superintendent, said in giving an overview of the reopening plan.

This is the main entrance to the Kendall Junior-Senior High School. The school year will begin with students needing to wear masks when they are closer to 3 feet from another person.

Social distancing is now considered 3 feet instead of 6 feet. That distance was reduced late last school year by the state Department of Health.

Kendall was able to offer in-person education for five days a week last school year and was able to space students out in the classroom at the 6-foot social distancing. The district’s student population has shrunk in recent years and the declining numbers have allowed Kendall to space out students for social distancing.

The district will be offering band, chorus and intramurals. Most students will eat lunch in their classrooms, and some will be in the cafeteria.

The district will have masks available for students. Bus drivers and cafeteria workers will be required to wear them.

The district plans to have some rapid Covid tests that it can administer and get almost immediate feedback if someone is positive for Covid.

“As you know things change on a daily basis,” Christensen said in going over the plan.

She said state and federal guidance from health officials has shifted during the Covid-19 pandemic. Right now the American Academy of Pediatrics, the federal Center for Disease Control and state Education Department are all recommending students, teachers and staff wear masks, regardless of vaccination status.

Christensen also noted that Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, who will become governor next week, has said the state may mandate masks for all students.

The Covid cases have been on the rise in Orleans County, the state and country with the spread of the Delta variant. Orleans is currently listed as a “red” zone by the CDC with high community spread of Covid.

“This is all subject to change,” Christensen said about Covid guidelines. “The Delta numbers are quite high.”

Three parents spoke at Wednesday’s Board of Education meeting and encouraged the district to make mask wearing be optional for students. The parents who spoke were respectful, unlike some parents in other districts who have shouted and berated school board members over mask-wearing policies.

Nathan Loescher spoke at Kendall’s meeting. He has three children. He said the mask-wearing policies don’t seem to make sense, especially because people don’t have to wear them indoors at diners and restaurants.

“I think it should be a personal choice,” Loescher told the board.

Two other parents spoke and didn’t like that teachers would be required to wear masks. That makes them harder to understand and students can’t see facial expressions and how teachers mouth words.

A father of two young children in the district said the masks and Covid protocols are making young children too preoccupied with germs, to the point where they are afraid to see relatives including their grandparents.

“We’re scaring the crap out of them,” the father said.

During the Board of Education meeting, which was held in the cafeteria of the junior-senior high school, a group of kids ran by to the soccer field. They were in a close group, laughing and bumping into each other. None wore masks.

The Kendall father said it didn’t seem to make sense that there were no masks on those kids but the district would have a policy to wear masks inside when social distancing not possible.

“There is confusion all over the place,” the father said.

Kendall school superintendent to retire after 14 years of leading district

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 13 August 2021 at 8:08 am

Julie Christensen will retire Dec. 31; Kendall seeks community input in picking next superintendent

Photos by Tom Rivers: Julie Christensen, the Kendall school district superintendent, speaks during commencement on June 26, 2020, which was held outside at the Kendall Fire Department grounds. Being outside in a drive-in setup was a way for the class to be together for graduation with attendance restrictions limited to 150 people although each vehicle counted as one person each the group stayed at the truck or car.

KENDALL – Julie Christensen, Kendall’s school superintendent for 14 years, has announced her plans to retire on Dec. 31.

She has led the district through $40 million of capital construction projects in the past decade, as well as lofty academic standing. Kendall is routinely recognized by the U.S. News and World Report for its academic performance and the district typically has a 100 percent graduation rate.

Christensen joined Kendall in 2007 after working as assistant superintendent for administration and personnel at Gates Chili Central School.

“It’s been a wonderful community,” Christensen said. “I feel good about what we’ve achieved. We have awesome students and a great staff, and a great community.”

Christensen’s three children all graduated from Kendall. Her oldest son was a freshman when the family moved to Kendall and Christensen said her son was quickly welcomed by his classmates when he was the “new kid.”

That friendly and caring community is part of the Kendall culture of valuing everybody, she said.

“At the end of the day it’s all about kids first,” she said. “This is a very welcoming at district. My kids felt that.”

She said the smaller school environment makes it easier for administrators and teachers to be creative and implement new programs. She cited a new Lego team at the elementary level that programs Legos for tasks and other STEAM programs.

Members of the Kendall Board of Education are pictured with district superintendent Julie Christensen, third from left, on Oct. 14, 2014 behind the existing cafeteria, where a new one will be built. The board members include, from left: Martin Goodenbery, Vice President Chris Gerken, President Nadine Hanlon, Chaley Swift and Charles Patt.

The school leaders celebrated the ground-breaking for a $25 million construction project for an array of improvements at both the elementary school and junior-senior high school building. The project includes new roofs for both school buildings, as well as energy efficient improvements, heating and ventilation work, and updated security measures. Both sites will also see improvements to parking lots and sidewalks.

The junior-senior high school was built in 1971 in an “open classroom” model that didn’t include contained classrooms. The capital project gave all the classrooms four walls and their own door.

Provided photo: This photo from July 2016 shows employees for the Elmer W. Davis of Rochester tearing off the roof of the Kendall Jr./Sr. High School. The building’s front entrance was given a radical new look over that summer.

One of Kendall’s capital project included a dramatic change to the exterior and front entrance of the Kendall Jr./Sr. High School as well as many interior upgrades.

“We’ve totally transformed both buildings, and all the fields,” Chrstensen said about the capital projects. “It will great instructional space for years to come.”

Lisa Levett, president of the Kendall Board of Education, issued this statement on behalf of the board:

“During Julie’s years at KCS, her commitment to the academic success of students led to high graduation rates and test scores, as well as the implementation of one-to-one devices for kindergarten through grade 12 and a ranking among the top seven percent of schools nationally.

“Her leadership advocating for student excellence kept our schools open five days a week during the 2020-21 school year. She led us through two beautiful state-of-the-art capital projects and many extracurricular program accomplishments. We are thankful for her knowledge and dedication to the success and continued development of KCS. Congratulations and best wishes to Julie in the next chapter of her life.”

Former Kendall Board of Education President Nadine Hanlon, left, smiles with Julie Christensen, school district superintendent, after the Board of Education accepted seven different construction bids on Sept. 24, 2014 for upgrades to the elementary and junior-senior high school. Those bids totaled $16.4 million.

Hanlon was the BOE president for seven years until her term expired June 30, 2020.

“Julie did a great job for the district she was very conscientious to provide quality education on the taxpayers’ budget,” Hanlon said. “She led the teachers and staff in providing a quality education.”

She said Christensen supported bringing in more resources for students, including mental health professionals and a school resource officer.

“People want to come to Kendall schools,” Hanlon said. “We have great graduation rates and Regents scores. She has been a great leader of all the staff.”

Kendall is working with Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES 2 District Superintendent Jo Anne Antonacci to pick the next superintendent.

A survey has been mailed to district residents and also is available online to assist the search committee in picking Kendall’s next superintendent. Click here to see the survey.

Some of the questions asked include:

  • What are the three most essential considerations regarding experience and background in hiring the next Kendall Central School District superintendent?
  • What are the three most essential personal/professional characteristics that should be sought?
  • In your opinion, what is the single greatest need for the Kendall Central School District right now?
  • In your opinion, what is the single greatest need for the Kendall Central School District in the next three to five years?
  • What is it about Kendall Central School District that makes you the most proud?

The Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES website will provide updates about the search process, including future forums to meet the finalists. Those forms are tentatively planned for Oct. 21, 27 and 28. The goal is to have the next superintendent begin on Jan. 1, 2022.

Click here to see the section on the BOCES website about the Kendall superintendent search.

Kendall woman, 73, dies in fire this morning on Peter Smith Road

Staff Reports Posted 31 July 2021 at 6:35 pm

KENDALL – A Kendall woman died in a fire at her home this morning, the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office is reporting.

The Orleans County Sheriff’s emergency dispatch center at 4:53 a.m. receive a 911 call of a house fire with a person trapped at 1965 Peter Smith Rd.

Deputy Joseph Laudico was on scene within nine minutes and discovered a fully involved working house fire. Attempts to gain entry were to no avail due to the heavy fire conditions, Sheriff Chris Bourke said.

Four people lived at the address, with three adults and a child. Two adults and the child were able to escape the fire. Firefighters discovered the body of Judy A. Snyder in a bedroom hallway, Bourke said.

This fatal fire is being investigated by the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office CID/Fire Investigators, O.C. Emergency Management/Fire Investigators, NY State Fire and the Orleans County Coroner’s Office and the Monroe County Medical Examiner’s Office.

Kendall Fire Department was assisted by firefighters from Carlton, Hamlin-Morton-Walker, Murray, Brockport as well as the Orleans County Department of Public Works.

The investigation is continuing into the cause and origin of this fire, Bourke said.

Kendall Town Board votes to reduce town justices from 2 to 1

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 23 July 2021 at 12:54 pm

KENDALL – The Kendall Town Board on Tuesday voted to reduce the number of town justices from two to one. The issue is subject to a permissive referendum. Residents who object to the decision have 30 days from July 20 to submit a petition, which could force the matter to go on the ballot in November.

The Town Board voted to abolish one of the part-time positions following the resignation of Town Justice David Gaudioso on April 5. Debra Kluth is the other judge and has been handling all of the cases.

With the Town Board’s vote on Tuesday, Gaudioso’s position won’t be filled and the position would be abolished on Dec. 31.

Many of the vehicle and traffic cases are handled by a Traffic Diversion Program through the Orleans County District Attorney’s Office. That program has reduced the workload for two town justices, said Tony Cammarata, the Kendall town supervisor.

“The Traffic Diversion Program has become a bigger part of process,” Cammarata said. “We don’t see the need for two justices anymore.”

Many other nearby towns have already eliminated the second town justice position and function with one judge.

Planning Board backs Albion business expansion, solar project in Kendall, new storage tank for Helena

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 23 July 2021 at 9:31 am

ALBION – The Orleans County Planning Board on Thursday evening voted in support of an Albion business expansion, a 5-megawatt solar project in Kendall, a new tank for Helena Agri-Enterprises, and two new ponds in Ridgeway.

• RS Automation expansion – In Albion, the County Planning Board recommended Albion officials approve the site plan for a 9,000-square-foot addition to RS Automation at 4015 Oak Orchard Rd. Rick Stacey, owner of the manufacturing company, said RS is growing at its Route 98 facility.

“We definitely need the space,” he told Planning Board members.

• Kendall solar project – In Kendall, the board recommended approval for a site plan and special use permit for a solar project at 1771 West Kendall Rd., which is south of the intersection of West Kendall and Carr roads.

DG New York CS LLC from Juno Beach, Fla., is developer of the project on land owned by Thomas Munzert. DG would use 34 acres of the site, with the solar panels on a single-axis tracking system. That will allow them to slowly rotate and follow the sun during the daylight.

The project was reviewed by the board in January, but it was up for review again when there was a change in the location of the access road and some of the panels.

There will be a 7-foot-high perimeter fence, and there will be 98 trees planted, spaced every 12 feet. Those trees include 25 Black Hills Spruce, 39 Norway Spruce, and 24 Scotch Pine.

The construction project will take 4 ½ months, company officials told the Planning Board.

• New storage tank for Helena Agri-Enterprises – The board recommended Ridgeway officials approve the site plan for a 73-foot diameter by 32-foot high tank storage for chemical bulk storage at 3956 Allis Rd.

Helena wants to add the storage tank for liquid fertilizer called urea ammonium. The non-flammable chemical is produced by combining urea, nitric acid and ammonia.

The product is in demand for farmers, especially in the spring planting season and also for “side dressing,” applying fertilizer between the rows of growing crops.

Helena will have a “double tank” or a tank within a tank to store the product, said John Ivison, branch manager of Helena’s location in Ridgeway.

• Two ponds in Ridgeway – The Planning Board recommended Ridgeway approve the site plans and issue permits for two ponds that would both be less than an acre in size.

Kirk Nice is proposing to construct a 40,000-square-foot pond to support farm irrigation at 3025 Knowlesville Rd.

Gregory Heitzenrater is proposing a 10,000-square-foot pond for recreational purposes at 2901 County Line Rd.

Kendall’s class of 1971 celebrates 50th reunion

Staff Reports Posted 17 July 2021 at 9:31 am

Photo courtesy of John DeVault

HAMLIN – Kendall’s class of 71 met for the group’s 50th reunion on Friday, July 16th, at Hamlin Beach State Park.

Front row: Charles Sorg, Lori Passineau, Pat Austin, John DeVault, Lorraine Crombe Thompson, Cathy Ruggles, Betty Couch Montgomery, Diane Abel, Eileen Rayburn Young and Marianne Wilson Kepler.

Back row: Paul Harper, Kraig Courtney, Ivy Skutt DeVault, Jane Albert Weitzel, Dale Cliff, Brenda Melidio Terry, Frank Holderfield and Annie Ward.

Kendall hosts first community parade in Orleans since 2019

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 17 July 2021 at 8:03 am

Lawn Chair Ladies excite the crowd in what may be their final performance

Photos by Tom Rivers

KENDALL – Doug Jones chats with Jason Hardenbrook before the start of the Kendall parade on Friday evening. Both are past Kendall fire chiefs. Hardenbrook drove one of Kendall’s fire trucks in the parade.

The parade on Friday was the first community parade since late 2019. The Covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions on gathering sizes wiped out all the parades last year and so far this year, except for some parades limited to automobiles. Those restrictions have been lifted.

There was a big crowd lined up along Kendall Road to watch the fire trucks, community floats and other parade participants. This photo shows members of the Kendall Fire Department marching in procession.

The number of participants in the parade was down from recent years with fewer fire departments sending trucks. Kendall FD officials said departments are feeling strapped for personnel it’s more difficult to send groups to parades. The size of the crowd seemed on par with parades of the past, which have always been well attended.

Mackenzie Niles gives a big hug to Fran Gaylord, a member of the Murray Joint Fire District. Mackenzie is Gaylord’s great-niece. She spotted him in the parade and ran towards him with outstretched arms.

The Kendall Lawn Chair Ladies fired up the crowd with a performance to “Keep Your Hands to Yourself.” Click here to see a video of the group’s routine during the parade.

The Lawn Chair Ladies have been a crowd favorite in their nine years of performing. The group, which is mostly women in their 60s and 70s, said this was their last performance.

Evan Levett drives a 1947 Formal tractor. He led the trio of tractors in the parade. Evan is the grandson of Gary Kludt, a long-time Kendall farmer.

Jack Hall of Brockport waves to the crowd while he drives a 1953 Massey-Harris tractor.

The parade featured Kendall’s oldest citizen: Betty Wilson. She gave enthusiastic greetings to the crowd. She was driven by her daughter-in-law, Sandy Wilson.

This group promoted the Kendall youth sports and recreation program.

These candidates in Kendall – Amy Richardson for town clerk (left) and Debbie Kluth for town justice – toss candy while riding in a 1929 Ford pickup owned by Warren Kruger, the Kendall highway superintendent.

This group of elected officials and candidates walk together. Assemblyman Steve Hawley is in front, and behind him are Orleans County Legislator John DeFilipps, legislator candidate John Fitzak and County Legislator Skip Draper.

Ellen Robinson, owner of Lone Oak Stables, and many riders from Lone Oak joined in the parade.

These three were on the cleanup crew following the horses.

Kendall Boy Scouts brought soakers and sprayed their Scout leaders.

This group promotes the Lake Alice Mud Bog on Aug. 21 in Waterport

Return of Kendall Carnival brings lots of smiles

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 16 July 2021 at 8:57 am

Photos by Tom Rivers

KENDALL – The Kendall Firemen’s Carnival returned on Thursday for the a three-day run after last year’s event was cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions. The top photo shows kids enjoying the Sky Fighter, which resembles an old fighter plane.

American Amusements Rentals of Franklinville has many classic midway rides on site at the Kendall Fire Department’s grounds on Kendall Road behind the fire hall.

Aubrey Blake, 7, of Clarendon heads down the Rapid Slide, which is 28 feet tall and 70 feet long. Her father Michael Blake joined her for the slide. Mr. Blake said he was happy to take his family to the carnival.

“It’s good family fun and it’s right here in Orleans County,” Blake said.

Shirley Jones and Mike Schultz work together serving beef on weck sandwiches for the Kendall Fire Department. Jones has volunteered at the carnival for 40 years. She was glad to be back at it on Thursday, despite the heat.

“It’s nice to see all of the people here enjoying themselves,” Jones said.

Schultz is president of the Kendall Fire Department and the deputy fire chief. He said the carnival is an important fundraiser, helping the volunteer department provide emergency services to the community.

“We’re glad to be back,” Schultz said. “We hope to have a big crowd all three days.”

It was a larger-than-normal turnout for a Thursday at the carnival. Many people enjoyed reconnecting with friends.

The carnival today will feature the first traditional parade in the county since 2019. There will be a long lineup of fire trucks and community groups in the parade that begins at 7 p.m.

The carnival includes a beer tent, lots of carnival food and live bands. Saturday’s schedule also includes a corn hole tournament at noon, garden tractor pull at noon, cruise-in car show from 4 to 7 p.m. and fireworks at 10 p.m.

Frank Hess of Wilson Enterprises in Wilson serves up a slice of pizza. Hess and many of the other food vendors were sidelined last year during the Covid pandemic. This is his third event this year. So far, there has been a big turnout from customers, who are happy to be back at fairs and festivals.

These kids have fun on the Super Trooper ride that peaks at 30 feet high.

The Ferris Wheel also was popular on Thursday. That ride takes people 35 feet up high.

Jeremy Moyer of Lyndonville rides down the Super Slide with his daughter, Josie.

This kid sits in the swing ride and enjoys the Kendall Firemen’s Carnival.

Kendall Carnival returns Thursday through Saturday with full schedule

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 14 July 2021 at 8:08 am

Friday will be first traditional parade in county since 2019

This photo from June 20, 2019 shows the last Kendall carnival parade. A big crowd of community members watched the procession of floats, marching bands and fire trucks. Lloyd Christ of Murray brought his big tractor to promote a tractor pull in Murray.

KENDALL – The Kendall Firemen’s Carnival will return this week after last year’s event was cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions.

The Kendall Fire Department is planning a full schedule including the first traditional parade in Orleans County since 2019. Last year all of the community parades were cancelled and there hasn’t been one yet in 2021.

The state lifted restrictions for outdoor events with Covid cases declining and the vaccination rate rising. However, people who haven’t been vaccinated will be encouraged to wear masks if they can’t maintain social distancing.

Kendall is the last fire department in Orleans County that runs a carnival. The event is an important fundraiser for the department, helping to maintain an ambulance service, and the fire department’s building and grounds, said Bryan Hardenbrook, Kendall FD lieutenant and a co-chairman of the carnival.

The midway rides will be back with American Amusements out of Franklinville providing the fun.

Hardenbrook is expecting a big turnout for the three days of the carnival from Thursday through Saturday. The ride operator, American Amusements, told Kendall officials it has had a very big response so far this year with festivals and carnivals returning.

“Every where they’ve gone they have had a record turnout,” Hardenbrook said.

There will be ride specials this week from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday with ride bracelets for $20.

There will be a kiddie parade Thursday at 6:30 p.m. with the lineup starting at 6 p.m. Friday’s main parade, which will include numerous fire trucks and community groups, will be at 7 p.m.

The beer tent, lots of carnival food and live bands also are on the schedule. The bands include High 31 on Thursday night, 7th Heaven on Friday night, and the Kid Kurry Band on Saturday night.

Saturday’s schedule also includes a corn hole tournament at noon, garden tractor pull at noon, cruise-in car show from 4 to 7 p.m. and fireworks at 10 p.m.

Kim Corcoran and the Kendall Lawn Chair Ladies are shown performing to “New York, New York” by Frank Sinatra on June 20, 2019. They have been a crowd favorite for several years. They will be back in the parade on Friday.

Kendall family grows hops, an uncommon crop in Orleans County

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 29 June 2021 at 10:15 am

Photos by Ginny Kropf: John Woodams stands among his rows of hops bines, which will be ready to harvest in September.

KENDALL – John and Kim Woodams are not only one of the most unusual business owners to graduate from the Microenterprise Assistance Program, but they are one of the few in the area to operate a hops farm.

John Woodams of Kendall, who works full time as a spindle grinder for Gleason Works in Rochester, started raising hops on the family farm five years ago. The farm was started by his grandfather, who bought it during the Depression for $100. The transaction was completed on the courthouse steps in Albion, John said.

Photo courtesy of the Woodams family: The Woodams family from Kendall is shown in their hops field. From left is Elizabeth, John, Eric, Kim and Ethan.

The farm was then handed down to his father, Richard, who started growing Christmas trees in 1987. John took it over and kept the Christmas tree business, but decided to add hops when he heard about them, quite by accident.

One year a customer who came to get a Christmas tree mentioned that his brother was a taster for Coors beer, and the conversation turned to raising hops. Hops used to be a big crop in the area during the 1800s and early 1900s, John said. But they got a disease, and there weren’t the chemicals then to treat them, so the hops all died out.

Woodams explained hops is the base for beer – a bittering agent which is added to malt to offset its sweetness.

There are different varieties and tastes of hops, Woodams said. He talked to a supplier in Michigan, who helped get him started raising hops. With help from his wife Kim, sons Ethan and Eric and daughter Elizabeth, the family planted 10 acres of hops, or 5,000 “bines” as they are called. Each one had to be tied on a 21-foot string. The strings are then tied onto a trellis which stretches across the entire 10 acres.

Raising hops is very labor intensive, John said. Besides planting each bine individually and then tying it to the string, they have to be sprayed and the ground treated to maintain its rich soil.

“There a lot of manual labor,” Kim said. “In the spring, we have to ‘train’  the bines to climb the string, or ‘coir’ as it is called.”

Besides helping in the field, driving tractor and twisting the vines, Kim is bookkeeper for their operation.

Hops produce a green pine cone, which is picked off the bines by a harvester, usually in September. Each bine is fed into the harvester, which strips off the cones. The cones go into apple crates and are put in a storage barn where dryers dry them down by 90 percent to 10 percent.

The bines produce a small harvest the first and second years, John said. It is generally not until the fourth year they produce a full harvest. He said each plant grows 20 pounds of hops.

John said he heard about the Microenterprise Assistance Program from Jim Whipple, who is now retired as chief executive officer of the Orleans Economic Development Agency.

“I was looking to put a business plan together and he suggested we talk to Diane Blanchard,” John said. “The class provided a lot of information on how to set up a business plan, project cash flow and determine profit and loss.”

He also praised Jon Costello, who is a mentor to the Microenterprise classes.

“He was a real asset to us,” John said.

Rows of hops are tied on string which is strung from 21-foot wires in their hops field.

Kendall’s Class of 2021 celebrates commencement outdoors on soccer field

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 27 June 2021 at 3:31 pm

Photos courtesy of David Klafehn

KENDALL – Kendall graduates are seated in chairs on the school soccer field on Friday evening. Kendall celebrated commencement for 49 graduates in the Class of 2021 at Jurhs Field.

Normally the event is held the junior-senior high school auditorium but Covid-19 restrictions and changing guidelines from the state prompted the district to try a new venue. The soccer field has new bleachers.

Last year, when the crowd size was limited to 150 people for outdoors events, Kendall tried an outdoor ceremony at the firemen’s field. Most of the crowd was limited to staying near their vehicles. This time they were free to sit in the bleachers without masks.

Lauren Miller, one of the graduates, gave the invocation at the beginning of the program.

Willow Clark, an advanced scholar and honorary valedictorian, addressed her classmates.

Ken DeRoller, a graduate from Kendall in 1964, gave the commencement address. After a career at Kodak, DeRoller become an Orleans County legislator. He is a graduate of Leadership Orleans and an active member of the Kendall Lions Club. He urged the graduates to consider building a life in Kendall and Orleans County when they get older, and look for ways to be involved in the community.

DeRoller continued the school’s tradition of having a graduate address the class at commencement.

Carol D’Agostino, high school principal, is at left and Lisa Levett, president of the Board of Education, is at right. Julie Christensen, the district superintendent, also was on the stage. She served as master of ceremonies for the program.

Kendall class advisors Jack Kennan and Jeff Parizek released a lantern in memory of Richard J. Gilman Jr. He and his mother Joan Gilman died from carbon monoxide poisoning on April 18, 2018. Richard “RJ” would have graduated with the class this year.

Waylon Peet shares a reflection about his friend, Richard J. Gilman Jr.

The crowd watches the ceremony from the stands of the soccer stadium which recently received new bleachers as part of a capital project.

The senior chorus sang “Never Enough” from The Greatest Showman.

Ethan Kuhn gets a laugh while giving the salutatory address.

Madison Nardi decorated her cap for the commencement – “Now we breathe, We pick ourselves up, We make our family proud, and We raise our voice louder.”

Joseph Nettles, the valedictorian, gives his speech.

Class officers – Olivia Rice, Jacob Esposito, Ethan Kuhn and Joseph Nettles – lead the class in moving their tassels to symbolize their graduation.

The class gathered for a group photo before the ceremony.

Many of the graduates decorated their caps for the occasion.

Kendall Lions present awards, including Citizen of the Year

Posted 22 June 2021 at 3:05 pm

Provided photos: Lions Club member John Becker presented the Citizen of the Year award to Bill Mayes.

Information courtesy of Helen Unterborn, a member of the Kendall Lions Club

KENDALL – At their last meeting of the 2020-2021 year, the Kendall Lions celebrated 46 years of service to the Kendall Community. Three new members were inducted into our club by Membership Chair Lion Mike Cusimano.

Lion Jeff Charland sponsored his son, Kurt Charland, as he became a member. Kurt also joins his mother, Lion Becky Charland. Lion Ed Haight proudly sponsored his brother and sister-in-law. We were pleased to welcome back Lion Phil Haight and induct his wife Lorraine as they join our club in service.

Lions Club members from left include Kurt Charland, Jeff Charland, Phil Haight, Lorraine Haight and Ed Haight. Kurt Charlene, Phil Haight and Lorraine Haight all joined the Kendall Lions.

The Kendall Lions also presented several awards recognizing community members and Lions Club members for their service to the community and the club.

We were proud to recognize Bill Mayes as our Citizen of the Year. Lion John Becker presented and shared how since the pandemic began, Bill has been traveling into the city two and sometimes three days a week to collect donated food. This has then been boxed and donated to many needy families in our Kendall Community.

Partyka Farms was recognized for its generous donations to many fundraisers and activities over the years. Lions Club member Eric Maxon presented the Robert J. Uplinger Award to the Partyka family.

Lion Eric Maxon highlighted their giving spirit and many of the ways they have supported our club through donations and sponsorship of our fundraisers and activities.

For the past several years, they have hosted our annual pumpkin patch for the elementary students. This year, to provide the pumpkins in a safe manner, they delivered the pumpkins and set them up for a drive-in event at the Fire Hall. During the pandemic when we were unable to host a breakfast for the 2020 Kendall Seniors, they donated coupons for a sweet treat to accompany our Lion pins as gifts for the seniors. The Kendall Lions extend a big thank you to the entire Partyka Family.

Mike Cusimano and his daughter, Julie Bunn, have made a great team for the Kendall Lions this year. Lion Mike Cusimano received the Ray Ernenwein Lion of the Year Award in recognition for his participation and leadership in the many events and service projects of our club.

Lion Julie Bunn is our newest Melvin Jones Fellow. She was recognized for her leadership and service. Lion Julie implemented aa Check In service for our Senior Citizens during the pandemic and organized many Lions and community members in picking up and delivering food boxes to over 50 families in our community. Lion Julie also is an active participant in our events and service projects and has taken on the leadership role of club treasurer.

Lions Club member Candy Minigiello (left) presented a Career Lion award to Gary Crawford, who is joined by his wife Linda Crawford.

Gary Crawford is the club’s incoming president. Lion Gary has been an active and loyal Lion for over 45 years. He is not only an asset to our club but the community as well, serving in the Fire Department and as an EMT for 50 years.

State will spend $950K replacing 4 culverts in Kendall as part of REDI initiative

Posted 21 June 2021 at 2:47 pm

Press Release, NYS Department of Transportation

KENDALL – The New York State Department of Transportation today announced the start of construction on a $950,000 project to combat flooding in the Town of Kendall, Orleans County, as part of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative (REDI), aimed at rebuilding lake shore communities affected by Lake Ontario flooding in 2019.

During times of high water, culverts adjacent to Edrose Shore, Knapp Shore and Thompson Drive become clogged with debris, causing frequent road closures due to flooding. This interruption to traffic is a safety hazard, limiting emergency access to nearby residents.

Town of Kendall Supervisor Anthony Cammarata said, “Through the Governor’s Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative, and with great partnership with state agencies, we will replace four critical culverts. These measures will not only reduce the chance of road closures due to flooding but will also increase public safety for the residents of the Town of Kendall, allowing continued access for emergency vehicles and personal. We are thankful for this opportunity to work collaboratively with New York State.”

Resiliency and revitalization measures for this project consist of replacing four existing culverts located within 200 feet of Lake Ontario with a more modern design that will ultimately enhance safety and promote uninterrupted access for nearby residents and homes.

State Department of Transportation Commissioner Marie Therese Dominguez said, “Governor Cuomo is continuing his promise to help lakeshore communities build back better and ensure our infrastructure is more resilient to the negative impacts of flooding and climate change. The State Department of Transportation stands with New Yorkers who have had to experience these devastating floods firsthand, and we are committed to helping shoreline communities become more resilient and economically viable for the future.”

Orleans County Legislature Chair Lynne Johnson said, “As we continue to progress REDI projects to fortify our lake front infrastructure, the replacing of culvert ends on Edrose Shore, Knapp Shore, and Thompson Drive in the Town of Kendall are a great example of making our infrastructure more resilient to flooding. This project, along with the other Orleans County REDI projects, is a testament to the level of commitment Governor Cuomo, the Lake Ontario Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative, the Town of Kendall, and Orleans County has made to ensuring we maintain public and private infrastructure that promotes economic development, sustainability, and resiliency.”

In response to the extended pattern of flooding along the shores of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River, Governor Cuomo created REDI to increase the resilience of shoreline communities and bolster economic development in the region. Five REDI Regional Planning Committees, comprised of representatives from eight counties (Niagara and Orleans, Monroe, Wayne, Cayuga and Oswego, and Jefferson and St. Lawrence) were established to identify local priorities, at-risk infrastructure and other assets, and public safety concerns. The REDI Commission allocated $20 million for homeowner assistance, $30 million to improve the resiliency of businesses, and $15 million toward a regional dredging effort that will benefit each of the eight counties in the REDI regions. The remaining $235 million has been allocated towards local and regional projects that advance and exemplify the REDI mission.

At Governor Cuomo’s direction, the REDI commission toured areas hard hit by flooding on Lake Ontario and worked with local communities to come up with a new vision for the shoreline from both a resiliency and economic development point of view in order to build back better and stronger for the future.

Kendall sixth-graders move up to the high school in style

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 17 June 2021 at 10:20 pm

Photos by Tom Rivers

KENDALL – Caleb Opalecky, a Kendall sixth-grader, is in a cloud of color powder during a color splash as part of the sixth-graders moving up ceremony this evening outside the Kendall Elementary School.

Brayden Steffen  is blasted with color powder in the not-so-stuffy moving up ceremony.

The event had been the junior-senior high school auditorium in years past, until last year when there was a drive-through outdoor ceremony due to Covid restrictions. Students a year hopped out of their cars for a splash of color in a quick moving up presentation.

This year, with Covid restrictions eased, the ceremony stayed outside and the 51 students in the class sat in chairs in the parking lot with their families.

Jacob Abrams makes a dramatic entrance. Each student walked through a decorated doorway along the sidewalk, and Middle School Principal Kevin Watson shared some of their highlights from school, as well as a favorite quote from the student, a favorite memory, a favorite teacher and their future dreams.

The sidewalk was decorated with messages from parents, congratulating the students on their success in the elementary school and wishing them well in the junior-senior high school.

Parker Denning, a Kendall sixth-grader, is doused with color from Kendall sixth grade teachers as part of a moving up celebration. The sixth graders next school year will be in the junior-senior high school. The six grade teachers include Meghan Dill and Erin Coughlin, left, and Gaby Watson and Amy Bateman, right.

Adriana Schiavone is all smiles after running through the cloud of powder.

Brayden Mack takes several shots of color powder from the sixth grade teachers.

Aliie Wietz takes some direct hits from the teachers, who delighted in their role.

Preston Manners disappears in a fog of color.

C.J. D’Agostino emerges from the cloud of color powder. The ceremony was about an hour and half and was high-energy, like many of the students. Kevin Watson, the principal, as was DJ and played a range of music from “Celebration” by Kool & the Gang to “Back in Black” by ACDC.

Kaitlyn Hinman takes her turn through the color splash.

Lucas Ogden closes his eyes and soaks up the color.

Olivia Sawyer runs through the color splash zone on a sidewalk next to the elementary school.

Devin Derosia leaves a trail of color powder after darting past the teachers.

After the students all went through the color splash, they enjoyed a hay ride on a flat bed truck, courtesy of Kludt Farms. The ride went from the elementary to the high school.

Dana Longrod (right) is retiring after 35 years as a Kendall elementary school teacher. He is currently teaching fifth grade. Each student presented him with his favorite drink, a can of Mountain Dew, or his favorite snack, a glazed donut. Here he accepts a can of Mountain Dew from sixth-grader Conner Millard.

Mr. Longrod took up the challenge from the students and was doused with color powder from the teachers.

14-year-old from Kendall and his mom both complete Sehgahunda trail marathon

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 23 May 2021 at 7:04 pm

Photos courtesy of Brundage family

Ben and his mother Sarah are congratulated on their finish by Ben’s dad and Sarah’s husband Dan Brundage, who also has run the Sehgahunda before.

LETCHWORTH STATE PARK – Ben Brundage, 14, of Kendall was the youngest to finish a trail marathon, the Sehgahunda, on Saturday at Letchworth State Park. He was the only finisher in the 19 and under age group.

The Sehgahunda is considered one of the most difficult trail marathons in the east coast. It has over 3,000 feet of elevation change.

Participants have 8 hours to complete the course which is 26.3 miles, an extra tenth of a mile on a traditional marathon course.

Ben, a Kendall ninth-grader, beat the cutoff, finishing in 7 hours, 46 minutes and 47 seconds.

His mother, Sarah Brundage, also finished the challenging course in 7:48:37. It was the third time Mrs. Brundage, 38, has completed the Sehgahunda.

“Ben wanted to run a marathon before graduating high school,” Mrs. Brundage said. “He chose this one because my husband Dan and I have run it before and he knew it would challenge him.”

Ben trained for the race by running 420 miles in the past 4 ½ months. He also ran cross country for Kendall in the fall, and is on Kendall’s track team, running the distance events – the 1 and 2 mile.