letters to the editor/opinion

Our Letters Policy

Posted 24 October 2023 at 3:00 pm

We appreciate input from our readers, and we publish letters to the editor without charge. The letters should be written by the person who submits the letter and not be “ghost written” by someone else. While open speech and responsibility are encouraged, comments may be rejected if they are purely a personal attack, offensive or repetitive. Comments are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Orleans Hub. Although care is taken to moderate comments, we have no control over how they are interpreted and we are unable to guarantee the accuracy of comments and the rationality of the opinions expressed. We reserve the right to edit letters for content and brevity. Please limit the length of your letter (we suggest no more than 500 words) and provide your name, telephone number, mailing address and a verifiable email address for verification purposes. Letters should be emailed to news@orleanshub.com.

County legislator praised for seeking to cut penny from sales tax rate

Posted 27 August 2023 at 9:34 pm


I would like to thank Legislature Don Allport for being in touch with the constituency and voting to rescind the long-time theft (June 1st 1993) of an extra one penny for sales tax in Orleans County.

The sales pitch back then 30 years ago was to be just a “temporary thing.” The people should have never allowed it. Never trusted their government. (Once you open the door to anything government it never goes away).

Allen Lofthouse, myself and many conservative committee people, citizens, over the years have railed against this and any other form of taxation that has come up but it had always fallen on deaf Republican ears with every excuse imaginable not to do it.

So we stopped coming to meetings. While the county government industrial complex grows and grows in Orleans County the smart residents move to more tax and business friendly states with conservatives running them. The rest of us here struggle and stagnate as our governments continue to tax and grow.

These Republicans are the same bunch that would not give us any relief on the fuel taxes. It is refreshing to hear an elected representative put the foot down and say NO to taxation, theft.

I often wonder what does it actually mean or represent to have the name Republican in front of a politician’s name? It seems at the county level in many cases to mean “Democrat.” Don’t listen to what they say pay attention to  how they spend and vote.

Paul Lauricella

Orleans County Conservative Party chairman

Don’t proclaim election fraud unless there’s proof

Posted 20 August 2023 at 5:42 pm


Of course, Trump is “innocent until proven guilty” but as an American, I am free to condemn his behavior based on his own public speeches, writings and actions.

The previous writer should stop shouting “election fraud” unless some actual proof can be produced. Where is it?

Free elections should be considered “Fair unless proven corrupt.”

Gerard M. Morrisey


Trump deserves due process and should be considered innocent until proven guilty

Posted 19 August 2023 at 8:31 am


The fourth Trump indictment is in. I remind people that this is the United States and President Trump is innocent till proven guilty.

Some are already judging him as guilty. I remind them that is un-American and President Trump like all Americans has God-given rights and the 51 constitutions of the United States guarantees President Trump and the MAGA crowd due process.

President Trump was impeached twice by the US House of Representatives as some of your readers point out. Those impeachments were indictments and in the trial of the first impeachment (indictment) President Trump was found not guilty.

The second impeachment (indictment ) was unconstitutional and no trial could take place rendering the impeachment (indictment ) null and void.

The Democratic Party and the Republicans in name only want to convict President Trump in the public opinion because they know that many Americans will simply convict President Trump without due process.

The Democrats and Republicans in name only crowd pushed a hoax that President Trump conspired with Russian agents when in truth it was members of the “Get Trump” crowd. I personally am glad President Trump is indicted because now he can show how the 2020 elections were not only unconstitutional in several states but election fraud took place.

I want to remind people due process is the American way and President Trump is innocent until proven guilty. I pray that President Trump has his day in court because I know first-hand how the “Establishment” can deprive an individual of that enumerated right.

Steve Colon


Former Albion resident wants return of live stream showing Main Street bridge construction

Posted 19 August 2023 at 8:22 am


I was born and raised in Albion and was a very active resident in many of the local organizations and charities. After moving away almost twenty years ago, I have been more than appreciative to read the Orleans Hub every day and keep up with Albion’s activities, progress, and news.

I settled down in a small-town northwest of Boston, and I find myself a very active resident where I live also. I find the main reason for that to be the parallels between Albion and the very quaint New England town I now live in. There will always be a part of Albion within my heart no matter where I am.

This brings up the subject which I wish to address. Although very minute in importance I guess, I just want to ask a simple question and hope that someone can answer for me. Every day after reading The Hub, along with the Rochester & Buffalo Newspapers, I like to browse and look to find and view Live Webcams at such places as Lake Ontario and Point Breeze, and other Western NY attractions.

One of my favorite webcams became the live feed of the Main Street bridge repair. I actually have viewed most of the demolition including the day that the sides of the bridge were taken down. I found it fascinating to watch history being made in my hometown, all the way from Boston. It became a daily ritual to see the advancements made by what seemed a very small crew of men.

I came to realize that once the canal filled, work became more tedious and would come to a slower pace. By early July, I found the webcam was disconnected with a message, “The Live Stream Recording Is Unavailable.”

Now, I thank those responsible for taking the time to set up and record a live feed just for the purpose of taking down an old bridge and replacing it with a new one. For those still around Albion, that may be something that doesn’t pique an interest.

However, I can state that now that I am an AARP member, watching the bridge that has so many wonderful memories crossing and sitting on while biking as a ’60s and ’70s Albion kid, something tugged at my heartstrings when watching all of this happening. I would love to ask, could the live feed be turned back on?

Please, update me on the construction of the bridge, and could someone answer my letter and let me know if I will have the opportunity to see the completion of this project on live feed?

Albion is and always will be my Home. I thank the Hub for printing my letter as I know the bridge project is most likely more a nuisance than an on-line activity. But when you get older, I guess certain things mean more and I cannot help but feel a part of me is changing forever too, even though for the best.


Paul Sidari

Chelmsford, MA

(former Albion resident)

Editor’s Note (Aug. 21, 2023): The livestream is back working (click here).

Reducing use of plastics as individuals, businesses can help sustain environment

Posted 17 August 2023 at 6:20 pm


It would be difficult not to notice the severe weather conditions across the globe. While we in this area have experienced minimal damage, our concern for the good of all should cause us to reflect on the part we play in these changes.

There are things we can do as individuals and working with others, in order to sustain our environment and alleviate the causes of climate change. In that way, the earth can continue to sustain us.

We can reduce our personal use of plastics, contact suppliers and policy makers in companies to reduce plastic in their packaging, encourage organizations we are associated with to do away with plastic supplies as much as possible, and take stock of what we purchase that contains plastic – even clothing. Synthetic materials contain plastic.

Let’s be aware and act for our common good!

Green Orleans

Tom Robinson of Medina, Sister Dolores O’Dowd of Albion, Gary Kent of Albion, Rosanne Leach of Kent

Albion recreation director appreciates support for summer parks program

Posted 17 August 2023 at 2:39 pm


This was a banner summer for the Village of Albion Summer Recreation Parks Program. A record number of 193 children of various ages signed up for the Parks Program held at beautiful Bullard Park which started on June 26th and ended on August 4th.

The Park Supervisors did a wonderful job of providing a fun, safe and exciting time each day at the park. Our Arts and Crafts person did a fabulous job with creating new and fun crafts. Mayor Javier graciously donated park t-shirts to each child registered as Trustee McMurray donated the discs for the disc golf course.

The Program saw many exciting activities such as: USTA Tennis Camp, walking trip to the Cone Zone, a day at Dubby’s Tailgate, a day at Oak Orchard Bowling Lanes, Genesee Orleans Youth Bureau, Orleans Health Department, Lugia’s Ice Cream Truck at the Park, fun day at the county-wide Carnival hosted by Best of Tymes Party Rental, and a final end-of-the-year celebration on the last day.

The Splash Pad, playground and gaga pit were very popular. The addition of the disc golf course added to the fun. Children were always engaged in activities and were never bored.

The following organizations visited the parks with great messages for the youths attending: GCASA, Hoag Library, Village of Albion Police K-9 with handler Nate Staines and the Genesee Orleans Youth Bureau,

I would to thank the many people and organizations who contributed to the growth and success of the Summer Park Program. Thanks go out to the Albion Central School District for being the host of USTA Tennis Camp. Thanks to the Batavia Daily News, and the Orleans Hub for their coverage of the summer program. Thanks to the Village of Albion Trustees, Mayor, Village Office Staff, Maintenance Department and the Recreation Committee all for their support throughout the summer.

Special thanks to Jeff Holler and the Albion Masons, Pastor Al and the First Lady of the Royal Body Shop Outreach Ministries Church for providing food, snacks and beverages and to Foodlink for providing lunches. Thanks to the volunteers who served the food each day and to the many people who donated money for the program.

In addition, thank you to the children who were wonderful all summer, along with the parents of the children who participated and supported the program.

The Summer Parks Program will be back in action at Bullard Park next summer better than ever with new ideas and activities.

Please follow the Village of Albion Recreation Department on Facebook and the Village of Albion website.

Thank you as always,

John J. Grillo

Village of Albion

Recreation Director

Stiffer penalties for crimes with guns would deter violence

Posted 13 August 2023 at 9:56 pm


We hear a lot about gun control. Every time there is a mass shooting incident, the politicians all jump on the band wagon. Otherwise they are silent about the subject. They can not miss the opportunity to be in the spotlight and run their mouths and be all talk. They act, and pass bills that have no teeth.

The politicians go after the law-abiding, gun-owning people who, under the 2nd amendment, have the right to bear arms.

What needs to be done is this: Go after the ones who do the crimes using guns.

The law should state: if you commit a crime with a gun and arrested the following apply:

1) No plea bargaining or pleading guilty to a lesser charge.

2) If found guilty: no parole, you serve your time, you will sentenced as follows:

A) Saying you have a gun and not showing it and/or showing it but not firing – 3 years in prison with no time off for good behavior.

B) Using a gun, firing it, no one injured – 5 years prison, no time off for good behavior.

C) Firing a gun, person(s) wounded – 10 to 25 years prison, no time off for good behavior.

D) Firing a gun, person(s) killed – life in prison, no exceptions of time off for good behavior.

E) Judge is not allowed not to follow this law – any deviation will result in prosecution of judge.

This is what will help most to stop gun violence. I know there are “goodie two shoes” out there that would be against this law. So be it, they can keep the violence.

Carl Boyle


Long-time Clarendon resident bids farewell to Orleans County and New York

Posted 9 August 2023 at 2:01 pm


This is an open letter to Kathy Hochul:

Queen Kathy, you win! We’ve just sold our Orleans County home of 30 years and are leaving your realm forever.

This conservative, gun toting , bible thumping Christian, lifetime New Yorker is joining the mass exodus of taxpayers from your state. As our new address is in South Dakota, we are NOT moving because of the weather as your predecessor famously claimed so often. It’s because of you and the most dysfunctional state government in the country.

The out-of-control taxes, thousands of hidden taxes called “fees”, prioritizing illegal immigrants over taxpayers and our own citizens in need, ridiculous overregulation, the pro criminal / anti police attitude, anti-business policies, and the “woke” culture you promote are the reasons we are leaving.

We will enjoy 4% sales tax, no state income tax, better roads and services,  lower crime rates (except for two Democrat-run urban areas) and a Republican governor that prioritizes the state’s citizens’ rights and desires over those seeking a handout or are here illegally (by definition, Mr. Fine). There is much less regulation, very little slanted liberal BS and a state that is run like a business – not a day care center.

The only reason NY’s population decline is not double or triple what it is can only be attributed to the number of social services seekers that are pouring in from states that actually expect people to work for a living and contribute to society when possible. People are far better united – unlike the divisiveness your predecessor excelled at and you carry forward.

South Dakotans rely on facts when voting – not “feelings.” Real data holds more weight than the liberal “feel good” policy de jour.

All new businesses are welcomed on a more even keel, not like in NY where special privileges are awarded to certain new businesses – usually in direct correlation to their campaign contributions. Then a lot of them disappear when the handouts are gone (witness Batavia’s Ag Park).

Law enforcement is appreciated and supported in South Dakota. They don’t pay millions of dollars to rioters and looters and there are real consequences for criminal behavior. Public safety is more important than the liberal thirst for some unrealistic utopia where bad people with bad intentions don’t exist. South Dakotans also recognize the undeniable fact that criminals don’t care about overly restrictive gun laws.

County governments in South Dakota are allowed real local autonomy, unlike NY. Our devoted and very capable county legislators, led by Lynne Johnson, are effectively powerless over Albany’s incessant attempts to control everything about our lives – from the unrealistic and dangerous overnight change to renewable energy (including the appliances we can buy) to making it almost impossible to fulfill our God given and Constitutional right to protect self, loved ones, and property.

State government in South Dakota actually strives to unite people, unlike your promotion of division and hostility toward those of a different political persuasion.

Did I mention that South Dakota is a state that is represented equally? Democrats and Republicans, as well as independents, care more about the state of the state than retaining a political stronghold over extreme left liberal policies or extreme right conservative ideals. Disagreements don’t devolve into name calling and temper tantrums. Problems are discussed, negotiated in a civil manner, and resolved.

As you continue to be a follower of West Coast extremism, you will further damage this state’s economy and its citizens’ quality of life.

I just can’t figure out if your socialistic reign over NY citizens is powered by greed or ignorance. I think most likely a lot of both.

Goodbye, Mrs. Hochul.

Borrowing a phrase from Johnny Paycheck, “Take this state and shove it.”

Bob Harker

Clarendon (for a couple more days)

Trump and MAGA followers put democracy and liberty on the line

Posted 6 August 2023 at 7:58 am


Just like the Chinese curse, these are “curious times” to live through.

Republicans claim to be the Law and Order Party. But if that’s true, its new dominant MAGA element are the real Rinos (Republicans in name only). Real Law and Order Republican patriots  – both witness and special counsel alike – have described to grand juries what Donald Trump did.

Think of the pickpocket who tells you “I didn’t mean to steal, I just had my hand in your pocket and on your wallet.” Photos, tapes, acts, speak for themselves. Presenting false certificates as official electors is fraud.

It appears the special counsel has Trump blocked. For example, he can not rely on legal advice from his lawyer co-conspirators. The independent prosecutor indicted Trump for what Trump did, not what he said about losing.

The best defense to this indictment may boil down to taking the stand and claiming “I was too ignorant to understand that I lost the election and too stupid to understand that schemes like these are criminal and don’t work.”

Of course the people who should know – his Attorney General Barr, his White House counsel etc. – claim they warned him. But sorting out what’s true is what trials are for.

Both of Trump’s impeachments and two of his indictments now are about staying in power.  That tells a lot about him and the coalition he pulled together under the MAGA banner.

I think it’s fair to say that before Trump that most of us did not realize how many people would  team up with scoundrels and bigots to get retribution and take other people’s rights away.   Trump is the first President to run on a platform promising retribution. DeSantis says he going to be “slitting throats.” Don’t like something or someone, they will go after it for you. The movement seems to be about power and not governance.

This indictment will provide several sign posts. Do old-fashioned law and order Republicans have a place in MAGA? Will all the jurors faithfully apply fact, logic, sort out lies and follow the relevant law? How many people will pay attention and figure out that MAGA slogans and leaders are on a course to ground the ship? (Televising the trial so Fox and Newsday can not falsify would help.)

The speaking indictments and testimony are now part of recorded history. MAGA-allied politicians who sacrificed their honor will eventually go down as whores no matter what the verdict – the spotlight of history tends to be very unkind. Our bedrock tradition of peaceful transition of power presented was a mere nuisance to these co-conspirators. That cannot be unwritten without book burning.

We will get insight into the fate of MAGA. Will MAGA someday fade into history just like the “Know Nothing” party of the 1830 to 1850s. It too was a conspiracy-driven, nativist, bigoted party characterized by discrimination, suppression and  retribution. Will history repeat itself? Can anything so closed minded long survive? History tells us dictatorships eventually fall. But when?

I have followed Donald Trump’s career since he bought the Commodore Hotel in the 1980s.  Time and again, with every set back, he wormed his way out leaving destruction in his wake.  Some see that as strength. Some see bravado and threats like that  as the hallmark of a mobster.  So after the verdicts come in what will people think about him and, by extension, MAGA?

It seems to me that living in an idealized past, destroying things to get there, is living the Chinese curse we must avoid. Looking towards, and preparing for, the future is the recipe for building better together.

All  these responses to Trump’s indictments will inform us all. But in the end until these MAGA created schizophrenic divides are resolved, democracy and liberty are on the line.

Conrad F. Cropsey


Trump offers confusing response to latest indictment

Posted 6 August 2023 at 7:40 am


In response to his multiple criminal indictments, Trump stated publicly on August 4,  “If you go after me, I am coming after you.”

Is this a message to his followers to resort to violence? Could it be the comment of person looking at serious jail time for his crimes? Or a childish response to legal matters now beyond his control.

This is all very confusing. I ask the Orleans County Republican Party Chairman Skip Draper to clarify this situation and explain Trump’s comment. I look forward to Mr. Draper’s explanation.

Jack Capurso

Albion HS class of 1960

Ashburn, Va.

OCALS appreciates help from many supporters with basket raffle

Posted 4 August 2023 at 11:48 am


On behalf of OCALS (Orleans County Accredited Learning Services) I would like to thank the public and local businesses for supporting our annual basket raffle fund raiser that was held this past July. OCALS is accredited by Pro Literacy and is a non-profit agency that provides free confidential tutoring services for adults, families and children in need of improving their literacy skills (including digital literacy).  We provide services to all individuals within Orleans County.

During the month of July, a total of 53 separate items were on display at Case-Nic Cookies in Medina for the public to purchase tickets in hopes of winning one (or more) of these prizes.  A special thanks goes out to the following businesses and individuals who donated these items:  Medina businesses – A Kut Above, Ashlee’s Place, Author’s Note,  Auto Zone, Avanti’s Pizza, Tompkins Community Bank, Bent’s Opera House, Blissetts Specialty Shop, BMP America, Inc., Case-Nic Cookies,  Creekside Floral, Cusimano’s, Della’s Chocolates, ellen j goods, Evan Ace Hardware, Flawless Beauty, Lee-Whedon Memorial Library, Orleans Ford, Orleans YMCA, Rosenkrans Pharmacy Inc., Shear Elegance Salon, Tim Hortons, Tops Friendly Market, Tractor Supply Company, Valu Home Center; Middleport – Friends of the Library Royalton Hartland Community Library and individuals – Assemblyman Steve Hawley, Cathy Hooker, Terry Kirkpatrick, Julie Keller, Amy Monti, Kathy Punch and Carolyn Wagner.

The backbone of our community is our local businesses and individuals who reside in the community. Your continued support (by donating items or purchasing tickets to the basket raffle) is truly amazing! We are grateful and humbled by the community support.

A special thank you to Mary Lou Tuohey for allowing us to set up in her store front at Case-Nic Cookies on Main Street in Medina and her staff for coordinating ticket sales and distribution of prizes won.

Thanks to all for making this fund raiser an even greater success in year 2 of this event!  We could not do it without you.

Carolyn Wagner

Secretary, OCALS Board of Trustees

Cookoff contestant appreciates those who made event possible

Posted 31 July 2023 at 8:15 am


Several thank yous are due to all who participated in the Stone Soup Cookoff. Marie Gabalski and the Cornell Cooperative Extension staff worked long hours to put this event together.  And the judges gave up a Saturday in the pouring rain to judge and taste the food.

It was a wonderful event and we are all looking forward to next year.  Yes, there were a few glitches such as the hot plates that lost power a few times, but we all had fun.

Jeanne Crane


Better solution needed for handling wastewater from STAMP

Posted 28 July 2023 at 2:45 pm


As a resident of Medina, NY, I am writing to express my emphatic opposition to the proposed 9-mile-long sewer pipeline from the STAMP manufacturing site in Alabama along Route 63 into Shelby, that would deposit up to 6 million gallons of treated wastewater into the Oak Orchard Creek.

Further, I stand in agreement with those statements made in opposition at the eminent domain hearing held July 27 in Alabama, NY, by Jennifer Persico, attorney with Lippes Mathias LLP, Michael Dobell, chief executive officer of the Orleans Economic Development Agency, Joe Cardone, the Orleans County district attorney, Scott Logan, a subchief for the Bear Clan of the Tonawanda Seneca Nation, Geri Hens of Niagara County, a beekeeper, Dr. Kirk A. Scirto, family medicine specialist at Tonawanda Family Care Center, and others who expressed their informed concerns on issues regarding the environment, ecosystem, tourism, economic development in Orleans County, health and the legality of the process.

I am not generally opposed to STAMP. The possibility of various economic benefits related to its operation could prove to be very positive for the Medina area and its citizens. That said, I completely agree with the statement made by Michael Dobell, chief executive officer of the Orleans Economic Development Agency:

“We are not opposed to the overall STAMP project as it exists in Genesee County. However, as representatives working on behalf of the residents and business owners in Orleans County, our mission is to foster economic development within Orleans County, and it would be inconsistent with that mission to support a project that would compromise local infrastructure, harm the county’s recreational waterways and is detrimental to economic development in Orleans County.”

I urge US Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, US Representative Claudia Tenney, NYS Senator Robert Ortt, NYS Assemblyman Stephen Hawley to employ the full weight of their offices in opposition to this project as currently presented, and work to find a better solution that puts people, communities and the environment above business at any cost.

Additionally, I would urge all others who desire to protect the quality and integrity of our communities, environment, ecosystem, tourism, economic development and health, along with a transparent and responsive legal process vis-à-vis this project to immediately contact those listed above and express your concerns.

Christopher M. Busch


Lower taxes needed to keep more people and businesses from leaving NYS

Posted 24 July 2023 at 11:44 am


You know things are bad in our state when staunch liberals like Mr. Remley and Mr. Fine are concerned about rising taxes and costs of living.

The problems we face will not be fixed by drastic and impractical school consolidation, nor will they be fixed by increasing the minimum wage, school taxes, and child care tax credits. These “solutions” will only make our problems more burdensome.

What we need is quite the opposite: conservative policies that reduce government spending – and therefore taxes – and regulations that invite companies to do business in our state. New Yorkers are leaving in droves for red states because, among other reasons, it is cheaper to live there. Businesses are doing the same. Our state budget has increased $56 billion since FY 2019-20 ($173 billion to $229 billion). That’s a 32% increase.

Instead of radically consolidating school districts, let’s lower school taxes. Instead trying to help people by raising the minimum wage, child tax credits, and a bevy of government assistance programs, let’s lower the tax levy so people have more money in their pockets.

Let the people have the power (and money), not our government.

Dan Passarell

Lockport, formerly of Albion

4-H mom appreciates professional photographer sharing tips with kids

Posted 21 July 2023 at 10:49 am


How many youth have the opportunity to learn from an internationally honored photographer, who even let them practice what he taught with his own professional and expensive equipment?

The answer to this is the Orleans County 4-H youth! These 4-H’ers had the opportunity to learn first-hand from Mr. Bruce Landis, from Photos by Bruce. Mr. Landis shared with students about aperture, shutter speeds and composition. He also inspired them with his fantastic photos which won international awards!

And he shared how you can take pictures for marketing, like an ad he did for New Balance with a focus of being made in America. The 4-H youth then had the opportunity to use his professional equipment to practice and apply what they had learned.

The 4-Hers returned to the classroom and Mr. Landis provided the youth with additional supportive and educational suggestions for improving the pictures that they had just taken. My children left the session excited to take more pictures, and critiquing my pictures, sharing that Mom that “water would be a rapids if it was tilted that way, remember what Mr. Landis said about making sure that your picture is level.”

We say a big thank you to Mr. Landis for taking the time and sharing his passion and amazing talent with the youth of our community!

If you have youth (5-18 years) that would be interested in learning from talented community members like Mr. Bruce Landis, then consider signing them up for 4-H through the Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension. There are so many different programs and talented volunteers that help to instruct, engage and encourage the youth of our community.

Also next week is the Orleans County 4-H Fair, so don’t forget to stop by the Trolley Building to see some of the 4-H’ers projects including photos!

Kerri Richardson
