Driver who hit 12-year-old kid in Albion wasn’t held responsible for actions

Posted 14 February 2024 at 3:29 pm


Before I begin my letter, I just want to express it is not my intention to bash anyone, and/or cause chaos. But it is my intention to express my concern, as a mother, to Orleans County’s ongoing failure to protect the people that live here.

On January 10, 2023, my 12-year-old daughter was walking home from school with a friend, who lives very close to the school. Some who know this story will consider it “jaywalking” but due to one side of the street not having a sidewalk, nor having a safe means for the children to cross over to the other side, I would not consider it this.

On this day, my daughter was struck by a vehicle driven by an 18-year-old male. When I reached the scene of the accident, I was immediately ambushed by several people. Some expressing their concerns over my daughter, and others trying to justify the driver.

The driver was not only on his cellphone, but he was also going at a rate of speed that was inappropriate for such a heavily populated area of school children walking home.

This accident was caught on a home’s ring camera and showed any mother’s biggest fear. My daughter and her friend did everything they were taught. Stop at the side of the road, look both ways, wait for the cars to pass, and cross when it is safe and there are no other vehicles coming. My daughter’s friend made it to the other side of the road, to her driveway but unfortunately, my daughter did not. She was hit. She was thrown up on the car, where her knee went through the headlight, and her head shattered the windshield, and was then thrown a few feet off the vehicle, into the street. To this day, my daughter is still undergoing medical treatment from injuries sustained from this accident.

The driver of the vehicle did not receive any consequences for hitting my daughter. He did not even receive as little as a traffic violation. He was not arrested, he did not receive a sobriety check to make sure he was not under the influence of anything while driving, he essentially received a slap on the hand.

My daughter, my family, my daughter’s friend, and her friend’s family, live everyday with the trauma of that day…her friend witnessing everything happen and having to run to her mom for help. But the driver, the driver got to go on with his life every day like he did nothing wrong. After fighting and fighting for days, weeks, months, the only thing that was accomplished out of this accident was a sign that was placed on the road, advising drivers to slow down, and children may be crossing.

Now, 12 months and 29 days after hitting my daughter, this same driver hit another person. Thankfully it was not a child but, unfortunately it was fatal. The same driver that did not receive any tickets, or consequences for his actions just 12 short months later killed someone. Ultimately, if those persons who are elected and in positions in which to protect us, would have done more, the young man that was killed on Feb. 8 may have had a chance at being alive today. I do acknowledge the current bail reform that was put into place but there are other methods of discipline that could have been taken, when my daughter was struck.

As I stated at the beginning of this letter, it is not my intention to bash anyone or cause more chaos. But we must do better. Our DA must do better, our police force must do better. Albion is not the safe and enjoyable town it once was. Our town must start holding those, who are continuously showing reckless behavior, responsible for their actions.

Kathryn Wilston

Village of Albion