Orleans County

Legislators issue proclamation for Juror Appreciation Month

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 20 November 2024 at 3:33 pm

Photo by Tom Rivers

ALBION – Joyce McNutt, the Orleans County commissioner of jurors, accepts a proclamation from County Legislator Fred Miller on Tuesday declaring November as Juror Appreciation Month.

McNutt said jurors are needed in trials at the local and county courts, and also for the grand jury.

The proclamation from the Legislature states, “The right to a trial by jury is one of the core values of American citizenship and the obligation and privilege to serve as a juror are as fundamental to our democracy as the right to vote.”

The Legislature said it appreciates the services of Orleans County residents “who annually give their time and talents to serve on juries whether it be in person or on telephone standby.”

Program funding requests due by Dec. 10 to OC Youth Board

Posted 20 November 2024 at 1:29 pm

Press Release, Orleans County Youth Board

ALBION – The Orleans County Youth Board today said organizations seeking funding for youth services programs and projects must have their applications submitted to the county by Dec. 10.

Applications are for programs and projects in Orleans County that take place between Oct. 1 and Sept. 30, 2025.

Kelly Kiebala, Orleans County Youth Bureau Administrator, said there are three different funding categories, the Youth Development Program (YDP), Youth Teams Sports (YTS), and Youth Sports & Education Opportunity Funding (YSEOF).

There are separate applications and the required documents for each funding source can be found on the Youth Bureau website (click here).

“The Youth Board encourages all youth organizations to download the applications and understand the different requirements for each grant,” Kiebala said.  “Organizations should apply for the funding that best suits their programs and maximizes their funding opportunities. We appreciate the important work these groups do in serving our youth and want to be sure they do not miss the deadline for funding.”

Those with questions about the application and funding programs should email the Youth Bureau at OrleansCountyYouthBureau@OrleanscountyNY.gov.

County presents $99 million budget that is under tax cap with 1.95% increase

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 19 November 2024 at 9:15 am

ALBION – Orleans County officials have put together a tentative $99,092,747 budget that represents a 7.1 percent spending increase and would raise taxes by 1.95 percent.

Jack Welch

The additional $375,000  in the tax levy from the $19,264,000 for 2024 stays under the tax cap, said Jack Welch, the county’s chief administrative officer. The tax rate will drop by 66 cents per $1,000 of assessed property to $7.91 due to growth in the tax base through reassessments.

Welch filed the tentative budget on Friday, the deadline to submit the tentative plan. There will be a public hearing at 4 p.m. on Dec. 3 for the budget, with the Legislature to vote in a meeting following the hearing in the legislative chambers of the County Office Building.

Welch, in a budget message, said the fiscal plan faces many financial pressures and uncertainties.

“This year’s $99 million budget recommendation is influenced by VUCA: volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity once again,” he said.

Mandated costs are on the rise, including the “9 for 90 Mandates.” Nine mandated programs used to consume 90 percent of the county’s tax ley. In 2024, it was up to 98.9 percent. But the 2025 budget has the mandates totaling $21,060,228 or 107.4 percent of the tax levy, Welch said. The mandated programs’ cost is up by 10.5 percent.

One of those mandates, health insurance costs, are up 19.8 percent to $7.7 million.

“The true challenge of this expense is that nearly 24 percent of this cost is for one drug,” Welch said in his budget message. “As an experience-rated group, orphan drug expenses play a significant role in the calculation of health insurance premium rates by all health insurance companies.”

The costs for retirement are up 22 percent over the 2024 budgeted expense for the pension contributions.

“The retirement increase is related to the increase in benefits for Tier 6 and the comptroller’s need to increase revenue since more employees are retiring from the workforce statewide,” Welch said.

Sales tax helps offset property taxes, and sales tax has been rising significantly in recent years. However, this year it was $900,000 below the amount in 2023 for the first six months, but then saw an $800,000 jump in the third quarter, Welch said.

“Accrued sales tax collections year-to-date are still below 2023,” he said. “This is the first time since 2016 we have experienced this. Residents have shifted their spending from taxable sales to sales that do not have a sales tax connected to essential goods like food and rent.”

The county’s Capital Plan includes $10,925,755 in projects and equipment upgrades.

That includes the following departments:

Highway – $8,132,479

Peter Bilt 10-wheeler, $260,000; Rollers, $200,000; local bridge and culvert repairs, $200,000; two pickup trucks on lease, $22,104; Upper Holley and South Holley Road replace and overlay, $460,000; patch and seal county roads, $200,000; highway reconstruction, $2,464,280; Eagle Harbor Road culvert replacement design, $170,000; Eagle Harbor Road culvert replacement, $759,625; Gillette Road bridge replacement design, $289,270; bridge preventive maintenance, $1,809,300; Route 279 bridge replacement, $1,136,900; Lakeshore Road bridge design, $161,000.

Buildings and Grounds – $1,410,000

Public Safety Roof, $1,200,000; sewer lateral lining, $150,000; Mental Health and Clerk’s buildings, $50,000; Animal Control roof, $10,000.

Information Technology Services – $70,000

Firewall replacement, $70,000.

Sheriff’s Office – $1,313,276

Dispatcher Stations upgrade, $810,000; jail repairs, $200,000; Jail vests, $13,000; Axon Tasers lease in jail, $6,000; animal control leased truck, $15,000; fleet maintenance program 2022, $66,493; fleet maintenance program 2024, $52,958; fleet maintenance program 2025, $106,000; Tasers lease from 2024 to 2028, $43,825.

Welch said the county has experienced big increases in homeless placements the past 30 months for temporary and emergency housing.

“Our total monthly placements are up over 190% when compared to July 2022 with our in-county placements up 116% and our out-of-county placements up over 600% as of October 2024,” Welch said.

The county budget includes 445 full-time, 107 part-time and 163 seasonal positions across numerous programs and services. This is a decrease of 4 full-time positions and an increase of 10 part-time positions compared to 2024.

The county has struggled to fill some positions in the government. With that reality, plus the rise in costs for employee benefits, the county has begun changing the work week for employees from 35 hours per week to 37.5 hours per week – with a goal of 40 hours per week rather than hiring additional employees, Welch said.

The annual fee for solid waste and recycling service will increase $5 to $225. This fee will continue to support the e-waste collection efforts for county residents at three sites across Orleans County, Welch said.

“The program remains very popular, with high demand for the disposal of CRT monitors and televisions,” he said. “The county is also planning to continue to offer the Household Hazardous Waste pick up annually, which includes residential tires.”

To see more on the tentative budget, click here.

United Way marks 60 years in Orleans County

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 18 November 2024 at 12:06 pm

125 attend Diamond Gala to celebrate organization

Photos by Tom Rivers

RIDGEWAY – State Assemblyman Steve Hawley presents a citation from the State Assembly in honor of the 60th anniversary of the United Way of Orleans County. He made the presentation on Saturday evening to Nyla Gaylord, executive director of the United Way.

“The mission of the United Way of Orleans County is to provide funding and support for Orleans County charities, civic organizations and the people of the county,” the citation states. “A connector of people, resources and fundraising, the United Way strives to make the county stronger. The United Way uses values of collaboration, responsiveness, service, accountability and aids area of the community such as youth, older adults and vulnerable families.”

The Diamond Gala was held at the Ridgeway fire hall with 125 people attending to support the United Way mission. The buffet dinner was catered by Donna Eick.

Nyla Gaylord, United Way executive director, said the organization is committed to helping raise funding for agencies in the community while also pursuing grants for other important initiatives.

Gaylord said the United Way has secured $2 million in grants towards projects, such as a respite program for caregivers of seniors, a digital literacy and low-cost internet initiative, and a nutrition program through Community Action/Cornell Cooperative Extension. United Way also helped with the basketball court upgrades at Bullard Park in Albion.

The organization also helped establish a “Code Blue Warming Center” at Christ Episcopal Church in Albion, working with other partners, including Oak Orchard Health, which runs the site.

“The United Way is one of the most recognized charities in our county, but not many people know what the United Way does,” Gaylord said. “In Orleans County the United Way raises funds to support local organizations providing needed programs and services to residents of Orleans County.”

The United Way does an annual funding appeal with that money dispersed to Arc GLOW (Camp Rainbow and Meals on Wheels), Cornell Cooperative Extension, Genesee-Orleans Ministry of Concern, GO Art!, Medina Senior Center, OK Kitchen, Orleans County YMCA, P.Raising Kids, Hospice of Orleans County, UConnectCare and Scouts.

“Our focus is on Orleans County,” Gaylord said. “All funds raised stay in Orleans County to benefit our neighbors.”

Gaylord said United Way is taking a leadership role in helping community leaders address some of tough issues, including a need for more affordable housing.

“Today, like 60 years ago, we are amid a time of great social change,” Gaylord said. “Our community faces unprecedented challenges – but also limitless new opportunities. Our mission statement says it all: United Way of Orleans County is a connector of people, resources, ideas and founding to make our community stronger.”

The attendees enjoyed a cake and cupcakes for dessert.

Jodi Gaines, president of the United Way board of directors, accepts the microphone from Assemblyman Hawley.

Gaines has been part of the United Way for 25 years. She started when she was at the former Dime Bank in Albion as a campaign captain. She liked how the United Way could take one donation and share it with agencies working on behalf of local residents.

“I can write a check and impacts so many, from babies to the elderly,” she said.

Gaines went on to start CRFS, and has recently returned as its owner and chief executive officer.

She said the United Way has shifted from a focus on an annual appeal to know securing funding from foundations in Rochester and Buffalo to address community challenges. The annual appeal still generates about $50,000 from the community, which is down from about $300,000 during its peak.

Gaines has been active with the local United Way back when there were two chapters in the county, western and eastern Orleans. The two chapters merged into a county-wide organization in 2011.

Both of the chapters originally were a “Community Chest” with local leaders helping to raise funds for agencies in the county.

Gaines said the “pivot” by the United Way to funding from the major foundations in Buffalo and Rochester has given the local United Way a renewed mission.

“We try to find the needs in the county and where we can help,” Gaines said.

Dean Bellack of Medina was asked to stand and be recognized. He served as director for three years and helped change the structure of the organization, bringing in big grants from the Rochester and Buffalo foundations. One of those grants pays the staff for the United Way over five years until the end of 2026.

Mollie Radzinski, the United Way board president, announces winners of the baskets and prizes up for raffle.

Besides Radzinski, the board officers include Jodi Gaines, president; Tim Moriarty, treasurer; and Jennifer Mateo, secretary. Other board members include Dean Bellack, Ginny Kropf, Jerome Pawlak, Don Colquhoun, Ayesha Kreutz and Lynn Vendetti.

Gary Simboli, a retired music teacher at Albion, provided the entertainment, sharing a show he wrote about the importance of positivity. Simboli said the news is dominated by tragedy, crime and natural disasters. He sang several songs with uplifting messages, including “Imagine” by John Lennon, “Firework” by Katy Perry, “Show Me The Way” by Styx, “Hero” by Mariah Carey and several others.

Schumer, Hochul announce $11 million for high-speed internet expansion in Orleans County

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 14 November 2024 at 8:37 am

ALBION – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer and Gov. Kathy Hochul on Wednesday announced $11 million in funding to expand high-speed internet in Orleans County.

The funding was part of $140 million announced on Wednesday in ConnectAll grants. Other award winners include: City of Jamestown, $29.9 million; Schoharie County, $30 million; Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board in Cayuga and Cortland counties, $26 million; Franklin County, $13.1 million; and Sullivan County, $29.9 million.

“Access to high-speed internet is not luxury, but a necessity, a utility as vital as electricity for everyday life,” Schumer said in a news release. “Upstate NY takes a major step towards closing the digital divide.”

Gov. Hochul said the grants are “a transformative step forward in our mission to connect every New Yorker to affordable, high-speed internet.”

The grants are funded primarily through the U.S. Department of the Treasury Capital Projects Fund via the American Rescue Plan.

The Orleans County Legislature last month announced the funding had been awarded to the county. The Legislature on Oct. 22 accepted the $11,562,698 grant to upgrade wireless internet service throughout the county.

The Orleans County Department of Planning and Development applied for the grant through Empire State Development’s ConnectALL Municipal Infrastructure Program. This will allow the county to increase wireless internet speeds from the current 25 Mega Bit Per Seconds (Mbps) to 100 (Mbps).

The county recently completed a build-out of a wireless internet system. There are now 19 towers and the county will add two or three more, likely near Lake Ontario where there are gaps in internet coverage, county officials said.

Orleans has two years to complete the project, upgrading the internet infrastructure on all the towers so 100 Mbps is available in download and upload speeds. The grant also will include a digital literacy component to help people learn about the technology.

County legislators on Oct. 22 accepted a bid of $11,216,500 from North Shore Networks LLC in Medina to implement the faster internet service. That company is led by Duston Ellis, who worked over a decade in Kentucky for Broadlinc, helping run a high-speed internet service in a rural area.

The press release from Schumer states the following about the Orleans County expanded high-speed internet service:

“Orleans County will utilize $11 million in MIP funds to extend its wireless internet network to serve more than 11,000 locations with 100/100 Mbps speed. In 2020, thanks to American Rescue Plan funding that Schumer provided to Orleans County, the County was able to realize a decade-long dream to expand high speed internet access across the County.

“This new $11 million project will build on that successful 2020 wireless internet project the County launched with RTO Wireless, by installing 21 wireless hubs on existing and new towers. The County will own the network, which RTO Wireless will design, construct, maintain, and operate. The towers will be open for lease to other ISPs.

“The County will also extend its partnership with the United Way to provide digital literacy training and community outreach, addressing the adoption barrier among low-income households. The project addresses the challenge of providing high-speed internet in rural areas with a low population density of 103 people per square mile.

“The County’s cutting-edge wireless solution, combined with strong community partnerships, provides a cost-effective alternative to fiber networks, promoting digital equity and enhancing connectivity for residents, businesses, education, and the agricultural community.”

Holiday dinner for veterans to be served Dec. 17 at White Birch

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 11 November 2024 at 2:38 pm

LYNDONVILLE – Orleans County veterans are welcome to a complimentary holiday on Dec. 17 at the White Birch Golf Course, 1515 North Lyndonville Rd.

The dinner is funded by the the Pfc. Joseph P. Dwyer Peer to Peer Program, which aims to increase social engagement and community connections for veterans.

Orleans County veterans are welcome to bring a guest to the Dec. 17 dinner. RSVPs due by Dec. 6. Call (585) 589-3219 to RSVP.

The dinner starts at 5 p.m., with a social hour from 4 to 5 p.m.

Guest speakers include Assemblyman Steve Hawley and retired Assemblyman Charlie Nesbitt, a helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War. Nick Mroz will be the deejay.

Code Blue has been activated with overnight warming center available if needed

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 8 November 2024 at 3:01 pm

A Code Blue has been activated beginning tonight for the first time this season. It will continue through 8 a.m. on Sunday.

Code Blue is activated on nights when temperatures or wind chill are at or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit for at least two consecutive hours. Once an alert is called it must remain in effect until at least 7 a.m., said  Julie Carasone, a community health worker for the Oak Orchard Community Health Center.

When a Code Blue is activated, there will be a warming center available overnight for people with no place to stay inside. They can stay overnight at Christ Episcopal Church at 26 South Main St. in Albion. The overnight warming center at Christ Episcopal is open upon request. Call (585) 340-1355 if the warming center is needed overnight.

Daytime warming centers at Hoag Library in Albion, Eastern Orleans Community Center in Holley, and Lee-Whedon Memorial Library in Medina.

Orleans gave Trump 4th strongest support among 62 counties in NY

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 6 November 2024 at 9:31 am

Lewis County tops at 73.9 percent for Trump

Donald Trump is shown in his official White House portrait in 2017.

Orleans County gave strong support for Donald Trump for U.S. President, with Trump getting 69.9 percent of the vote.

Only three other counties topped that percentage: Lewis, Wyoming and Allegany.

Trump picked up more support in New York this time. Kamala Harris had 55.4 percent to Trump’s 44.6 percent, according to the Associated Press.

Four years ago, Joe Biden had 60.9 percent of the vote, compared to 37.7 percent for Trump. Biden had 2 million more votes than Trump in 2020 – 5,244,886 to 3,251,997.

This election, Harris won New York and its 28 electoral votes by about 800,000 votes, 4,151,877 to 3,338,581 with 96 percent of polling sites reporting, according to the AP.

Here are the counties with the highest percentage votes for Trump:

  • Lewis – 73.9 percent for Trump (47.8 percentage points over Harris)
  • Wyoming – 73.8 percent for Trump (47.6 percentage points over Harris)
  • Allegany – 72.1 percent for Trump (44.3 points over Harris)
  • Orleans – 69.9 percent for Trump (40.5 percentage points over Harris)

Other nearby counties include:

  • Genesee – 67.1 percent for Trump, 32.9 percent for Harris
  • Monroe – 58.5 percent for Harris, 40.4 percent for Trump
  • Niagara – 57.7 percent for Trump, 42.3 percent for Harris
  • Erie – 53.8 percent for Harris, 44.8 percent for Trump
  • Livingston – 60.8 percent for Trump, 39.2 percent for Harris

On the other side of the political spectrum, New York County (Manhattan) was the most lopsided county with 80.8 percent for Harris (63.6 percentage points over Trump).

In Upstate New York, Tompkins County was the most in favor of Harris with 73.2 percent (48.4 points over Trump.)

Trump wins big in Orleans County

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 5 November 2024 at 10:57 pm

Susan Howard elected district attorney

Photo by Tom Rivers: A Medina resident displayed this sign in support of Donald Trump for president.

ALBION – Donald Trump won a commanding victory in Orleans County with 70 percent of the vote – 12,432 out of 17,780 ballots cast.

Head to head against Kamala Harris, Trump had a 70.4 percent advantage to 29.4 percent for Harris. There were also 121 write-in votes, 145 who didn’t vote for president, and 6 that were overvotes with more than one candidate picked.

The 70.0 percent for Trump with early votes, today’s in-person votes and most of the absentees compares to 71.4 percent in 2020 when he faced Joe Biden, and 66.8 percent of the election day votes in 2016 against Hillary Clinton.

Here are the results in Orleans County:


• U.S. President/Vice President (4-year term)

Donald Trump/JD Vance (R, C) – 12,432

Kamala Harris, Tim Walz (D, WF) – 5,227

• U.S. Senator (6-year term)

Kirsten Gillibrand (D-WF) – 5,344

Michael Sapraicone (R-C) – 11,375

Diane Sare (LaRouche) – 53

• Representative to Congress, 24th District (2-year term)

Claudia Tenney (R, C) – 12,131

David Wagenhauser (D) – 4,327


• Proposition One

Yes – 5,800

No – 10,718

• Supreme Court Justice, 8th District (4 positions)

Henry Nowak (D, R, C, WF) – 15,330

Catherine Nugent-Panepinto (D, R, C, WF) – 14,547

Deborah Chimes (D, R, C) – 14,261

Michael Norris (D, R, C) – 14,305

• NYS Senate, 62nd District (2-year term)

Robert Ortt (R, C) – 13,996

• NYS Assembly, 139th District (2-year term)

Stephen Hawley (R, C) – 14,228

Orleans County

• County Clerk (4-year term)

Nadine Hanlon (R) – 13,354

• District Attorney (4-year term)

Susan Howard (R, C) – 13,992

• Coroner (4-year term for 3 positions)

Rocco Sidari (R) – 10,837

Scott Schmidt (R) – 10,681

Julie Woodworth (R) – 10,460


• Town Clerk (1 year to fill vacancy)

Deborah Yockel (R) – 1,149

• Council Member (1 year to fill vacancy)

John L. Olles (R) – 1,136

1,265 absentees taken out for election, about 5% of voters

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 5 November 2024 at 9:22 pm

ALBION – Registered voters in Orleans County requested 1,265 absentee ballots and 1,095 were returned by today, Board of Elections officials said this evening.

The potential of 170 other absentees need to be postmarked by today and received in the mail by next Tuesday when they will be counted, said Mike Mele and Janice Grabowski, the county’s election commissioners.

Of the 1,095 absentees returned so far, all but 40 should be part of the vote totals later tonight, Mele and Grabowski said. Those 40 not counted were received on Monday and today and will be counted on Nov. 12.

The commissioners said there has been a big turnout today, with lines but the wait rarely topped 15 minutes. Mele said in Monroe County there have been waits of 2 ½ hours.

“There have been some lines but we expected that,” Mele said at about 9 p.m.

The county is using new voting machines this election and Mele and Grabowski said there haven’t been any significant issues with the machines, which replaced 15-year-old optical-scan equipment.

The polls closed today in Orleans County at 9 p.m.

Election Day arrives with polls open throughout Orleans County

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 5 November 2024 at 7:07 am

Photo by Marsha Rivers: Polls opened at Hoag Library in Albion at 6 a.m. today. There are 11 polling locations open in the county until 9 p.m.

ALBION – The big day has arrived with polls open throughout Orleans County. There are 25,538 registered voters in the county and 4,539 already cast ballots in nine days of early voting.

Polls opened at 6 a.m. and close at 9 p.m. Click here to see a list of pollign sites in the county.

The big race is for U.S. president with Kamala Harris and vice presidential candidate Tim Walz are on the Democratic and Working Family lines, while Donald Trump and vice presidential candidate JD Vance are on the Republican and Conservative lines.

Other positions on the ballot include:


  • U.S. Senator (6-year term) – Kirsten Gillibrand (D-WF), Michael Sapraicone (R-C) and Diane Sare (LaRouche)
  • Representative to Congress, 24th District (2-year term) – David Wagenhauser (D) and Claudia Tenney (R, C)


  • Supreme Court Justice, 8th District (4 positions) – Henry Nowak (D, R, C, WF), Catherine Nugent-Panepinto (D, R, C, WF), Deborah Chimes (D, R, C) and Michael Norris (D, R, C)
  • NYS Senate, 62nd District (2-year term) – Robert Ortt (R, C)
  • NYS Assembly, 139th District (2-year term) – Stephen Hawley (R, C)

Orleans County

  • County Clerk (4-year term) – Nadine Hanlon (R)
  • District Attorney (4-year term) – Susan Howard (R, C)
  • Coroner (4-year term for 3 positions) – Rocco Sidari (R), Scott Schmidt (R) and Julie Woodworth (R)


  • Town Clerk (1 year to fill vacancy) – Deborah Yockel (R)
  • Council Member (1 year to fill vacancy) – John L. Olles (R)

The ballot also includes the state-wide proposition number one, which adds certain protections to the State Bill of Rights, covering ethnicity, national origin,age, disability, and sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity and pregnancy. It also covers reproductive healthcare and autonomy.

A “YES” vote puts these protections against discrimination in the New York State Constitution.

A “NO” vote leaves these protections out of the State Constitution.

OCALS announces literacy organization will disband

Photos by Ginny Kropf: Board members of OCALS met for their annual meeting Thursday night at Hoag Library, for what would become their last meeting. Citing effects of Covid, the board voted nearly unanimously to disband, effective at the end of the year.  Board president Pam Schuner, standing, addresses members who are, clockwise from left front, OCALS founder Rose Ruck, Ann McElwee, Nicole Goodrich, Jackie Keller, Don Colquhoun, Carolyn Wagner, Catherine Hooker, Penny Nice, Terry Novak and Don Ruck.

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 5 November 2024 at 6:30 am

ALBION – Action taken by OCALS at their annual meeting Thursday night at Hoag Library was something none of them could have seen coming five years ago, announced board president Pam Schuner.

In a nearly unanimous vote, the board voted to dissolve the organization, effective Dec. 31.

“The mission of OCALS is to provide free confidential tutoring services to residents of Orleans County who want to improve their reading, writing and English speaking skills, along with improving their digital literacy proficiency,” Schuner said. “Unfortunately, the aftermath of Covid has severely impacted OCALS’s ability to achieve this mission. Since Covid (in 2020), the number of volunteer tutors has decreased to three and, likewise, the number of clients requesting our services has declined significantly as well.”

Don and Rose Ruck, who founded OCALS in 2006, were praised for their support of literacy in Orleans County and presented with a plaque during the final board meeting.

During the past several years, the board has taken numerous steps to increase OCALS’ presence in the community and recruit tutors, clients and board members. They have participated in the Orleans County Home and Garden Show, Medina’s Canal Village Farmers’ Market, Strawberry Festival in Albion, Orleans County 4-H Fair, Medina’s National Night Out and Medina’s Lions’ Vendor Fair during the Community Yard Sale.

They also hired Kathy Punch, an educator, who did more than 30 public presentations to promote OCALS throughout the county. This resulted in one new board member, Schuner said.

“Despite all our efforts, we have not seen an increase in potential new tutors, clients or board members,” Schuner said.

Added to their woes is the fact a majority of their board members with five to 10 years of service have decided to retire at the end of the year. With no replacements on hand, the remaining few board members will not be able to continue to run OCALS, Schuner said.

OCALS was started by Rose Ruck and her husband Don when, in 2003, after closing of Literacy Orleans, she sent out a survey regarding literacy in the county. She was amazed to learn most people in the county did not realize there was no literacy program. With a career spanning 35 years in the literacy field, including in Orleans and Genesee counties, Rose knew she had to do something.

She solicited some volunteers and officially launched Orleans County Literacy Services in 2006, with initial funding coming from the Ruck’s two daughters, Terry Novak and Donna Seyler.

As their services increased and they began serving a bigger segment of the population, the name was changed to Orleans County Adult Learning Services, or OCALS.

Schuner was the first paid employee, hired in 2010, and the only one for a number of years.

Dedicated board members included Ann McElwee, who developed a program she took to schools, Iroquois Job Corps and Lyndonville Library.

Don Colquhoun promoted literacy in workplaces and became vice president and treasurer.

Mary Lee Knights, who recently moved away, and Penny Nice were board members since the early years of OCALS.

“I’m so proud of all we’ve accomplished,” Rose said. “And although it’s sad, I’m totally in favor of this decision to dissolve the organization.”

According to law, a non-profit has to follow very strict procedures to dissolve. Colquhoun has been working with attorney Lance Mark to determine the correct steps to take.

This includes disposing of all its assets, and OCALS has identified a handful of local agencies who will benefit from their donations.

All office supplies will be donated to the Ministry of Concern; digital literacy backpacks, laptops, kindles and iPads will be donated to Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Digital Literacy program; Pre-K curriculum will go to P’Raising Kids; all their books will go to the Cobblestone Society; all tents, tables and chairs will be donated to the Lions Club; tablecloths and knickknacks have been given to Medina Area Association of Churches; all other outreach materials, such as a prize wheel, balloon pumps and ballon sticks will be given to Community Action.

After payment of any debts, funds will be distributed to agencies which have supported OCALS, including United Way, $30,000; Lyndonville Area Foundation, $15,000; and the Medina Sandstone Society, $1,000.

Schuner personally thanked each and every person who touched OCALS and the local communities in some way throughout OCALS’ tenure, especially Don and Rose Ruck. She presented the Ruck’s with the “Lighting the Way Legacy Award.”

“Your passion has touched the lives of all who had a role in OCALS,” Schuner said.

“It is with heavy heart the board of directors has determined we are unable to keep OCALS active,” Schuner added.

List of polling places in Orleans County for general election

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 4 November 2024 at 12:07 pm

Republicans have big lead among political parties but don’t quite have majority among registered voters

Tuesday will be election day in Orleans County and polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. in all 10 towns.

Most of the polling sites are at town halls, although Albion votes at Hoag Library, Carlton uses the Rec Hall and part of Ridgeway uses the Volunteer Fire Company.

Here is a list of the polling sites:

  • Albion – Districts 1 through 6: Hoag Library, 134 South Main St.
  • Barre – Districts 1 and 2: Town Hall, 14317 West Barre Rd.
  • Carlton – Districts 1 through 3: Carlton Fire Co. Rec Hall, 1853 Oak Orchard Rd.
  • Clarendon – Districts 1 through 3: Town Hall, 16385 Church St.
  • Gaines – Districts 1 through 4: Town Hall, 14087 Ridge Rd.
  • Kendall – Districts 1 through 3: Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Rd.
  • Murray – Districts 1 through 6: Murray Town Hall/Highway Garage, 3840 Fancher Rd.
  • Ridgeway – Districts 1, 3, 6, 7: Ridgeway Volunteer Fire Company, 11392 Ridge Rd.
  • Ridgeway – Districts 2, 4, 5: Town Hall, 410 West Ave.
  • Shelby – Districts 1 through 4: Town Hall, 4062 Salt Works Rd.
  • Yates – Districts 1 and 2: 8 South Main St.

There are 25,538 registered voters in Orleans County. Republicans have a big lead among political parties, but don’t have majority in Orleans County. Republicans represent 48.3 percent of the total registered voters.

Here is a breakdown of the registrations by political party:

  • Republican, 12,335
  • independent or blank, 6,291
  • Democratic, 5,137
  • Independence, 734
  • Conservative, 644
  • Working Families, 136
  • other parties, 261

More than 4,500 cast ballots in early voting, a new high in Orleans County

Photo by Tom Rivers: A sign directs early voters down the hallway at the Board of Elections where there were two rooms to fill out ballots.

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 3 November 2024 at 9:47 pm

ALBION – Orleans County already has had more than 4,500 ballots cast through nine days of early voting.

The 4,539 votes cast topped the previous high of 3,753 during the 2020 presidential election. The 4,539 votes represents 18 percent of the eligible voters in the county, said Mike Mele, the Republican election inspector.

Every day was busy at the Board of Elections office in Albion for early voting, with an average of just over 500 voters a day. Each day of early voting, the polls were open eight hours, and averaged about a voter per minute over the nine days.

The nine-day totals include:

  • Oct. 26 – 647
  • Oct. 27 – 410
  • Oct. 28 – 563
  • Oct. 29 – 608
  • Oct. 30 – 487
  • Oct. 31 – 416
  • Nov. 1 – 486
  • Nov. 2 – 452
  • Nov. 3 – 470
  • Total – 4,539

Polling locations will be open in all 10 towns on Tuesday for the general election with voting from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Courthouse Dome to be lighted up in green to honor veterans

File photo by Tom Rivers: The dome of the Orleans County Courthouse was illumined in green on Nov. 11, 2021 to show support of military personnel transitioning to civilian life. It was part of “Operation Green Light” to recognize the service of military personnel and their shift to being a civilian.

Posted 1 November 2024 at 4:53 pm

Press Release, Orleans County Legislature

ALBION – The Orleans County Legislature will once again be taking part in Operation Green Light, a campaign designed to show support for our nation’s veterans, raise awareness of the county role in providing support and resources to veterans, and advocate for legislation that will strengthen counties’ ability to support veterans.

In honor of Operation Green Light, the dome of the courthouse will be lit green from Nov. 4 through Nov. 11.

Residents and businesses are encouraged to participate in Operation Green Light by placing a green light in a window of their home or business.

“This campaign began with the New York State Association of Counties and now has been adopted by our national organization with the nation’s 3,069 counties, parishes, and boroughs all joining together to honor veterans,” said Lynne Johnson, chairman of the Orleans County Legislature. “By shining a green light, county governments and our residents will let veterans know how much they are appreciated and we are here to support them.”

Johnson said the Orleans County Veterans Service Office can help veterans with anything they need including filing important paperwork, fighting for benefits, securing medical appointments and finding counseling.  The office can be reached at (585) 589-3219.