Orleans County

70 join in Day of Caring projects around Orleans County

Photo by Ginny Kropf: Terry Kingdollar, rear, adviser to the Arc’s All Stars, watches volunteers landscape the area around the Cornell Cooperative Extension sign at the fairgrounds during the Day of Caring on Friday.

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 20 May 2023 at 4:48 pm

KNOWLESVILLE – An amazing 70 people showed up at the Orleans County 4-H Fairgrounds on Friday morning to volunteer for United Way of Orleans County’s Day of Caring.

United Way of Orleans County has been bringing volunteers together to help their community for decades, said director Matt Holland. He was overjoyed with the number of people who volunteered and the organizations which asked for help with special projects.

The day began with breakfast at 8 a.m. at the Orleans County 4-H Fairgrounds. Holland expressed his gratitude to Mark’s Pizzeria in Medina for opening so early to have breakfast pizzas ready to feed the crews.

Provided photos: Members of the Medina Sandstone Society worked on landscaping at the Medina City Hall, which includes space for the Medina Sandstone Hall of Fame. In front, from left, include Gail Miller, Kathy Blackburn, Peggy Schreck and President Craig Tuohey. In back are Dave Miller and Jim Hancock.

Volunteers came from the Sandstone Society’s board of directors, Orleans County Mental Health, United Way’s board, Pathstone, Western New York Energy, Orleans Correctional Facility, Baxter Healthcare, Orleans Community Health, Arc GLOW, Velocitii and Takeform.

The volunteers performed various duties for Medina City Hall, Camp Rainbow, Cobblestone Museum, Hospice (Supportive Care of Orleans), Community Action, three Arc sites in Albion, the Orleans County YMCA, Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension, Medina Railroad Museum and an Arc home in Medina.

Most of the duties included landscaping, moving chairs and painting.

Jennifer Mateo of PathStone and some of her co-workers worked on projects for Supportive Care of Orleans and the Martin-Linsin Residence.

Kelsey Smith, who works at Western New York Energy, said this was her first time volunteering for Day of Caring. She said she was one of those assigned to paint over graffiti at Community Action’s Main Street Thrift Store in Albion.

Mia Dennard works at Velocitii, and said she enjoys helping her community.

“Velocitii has a lot of volunteer opportunities for its employees, and I’m excited to get out and help,” she said. “I like volunteering. I’ve rung the Red Kettle bell at Christmas time at Tops.”

Katie Oakes, horticulture educator at Cornell Cooperative Extension, said they were grateful for the crew that was coming to help them Friday.

One of their projects was landscaping around the giant pie tin.

“A lot of people are needed to get things done, and I don’t have a lot of staff,” Oakes said. “Today I hope to get some of the work done so our grounds look nice. I’m grateful for the volunteers helping today.”

Staff from the Orleans Correctional Facility and Orleans County Mental Health Department worked on projects at Camp Rainbow in Ridgeway.

These volunteers painted picnic tables at Camp Rainbow.

Ben Curfman, pastor of North Point Chapel in Albion, was part of a team from PathStone working on projects at the Martin-Linsin Residence for Supportive Care of Orleans in Albion.

Office for the Aging honors ‘Outstanding Older Adult’ and 2 community volunteers

Photos by Ginny Kropf: Melissa Blanar, center, introduces Barbara Filipiak of Medina who was named by the New York State Office for the Aging as an Outstanding Older Adult. With them are, from left, Orleans County Legislator Skip Draper, New York State Senator Rob Ortt and New York State Assemblyman Steve Hawley.

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 19 May 2023 at 4:26 pm

KNOWLESVILLE – The Orleans County Office for the Aging sponsored its first Spring Jubilee in three years at the Orleans County 4-H Fairgrounds this afternoon.

Seniors packed the Trolley Building to be recognized, entertained and to enjoy lunch provided by the Arc GLOW Nutrition Program.

Office for the Aging director Melissa Blanar welcomed the guests and introduced her staff, advisory board and entertainer Kristina Jewell Suski.

“We are excited to be back after a three-year absence, due to Covid,” Blanar said.

County Legislator Skip Draper, State Senator Rob Ortt and Assemblyman Steve Hawley each addressed the audience.

Draper presented Blanar with a proclamation paying tribute to the contributions older Americans make to society.

Hawley spoke of the trials this audience and the country endured in the past few years, but said we were all “strong Americans,” and we persevered.

Ortt told the seniors that everyone knows someone who was not there today because of Covid. He praised the Office for the Aging for making sure critical services were provided through all those difficult circumstances.

“Whatever is happening in America, be assured there are people out there working to make sure America remains the country you created,” he said.

Melissa Blanar, director of the Orleans County Office for the Aging, introduces her staff at the Spring Jubilee Friday at Orleans County 4-H Fairgrounds celebrating Older Americans Month.

A highlight of day was recognizing three outstanding seniors, one as New York State’s “Outstanding Older Adult” and two as “Outstanding Volunteers.”

Blanar explained that every year the New York State Office for the Aging seeks nominations of seniors who stand out in their community.

That senior and two outstanding volunteers in the Orleans County OFA office were recognized.

New York State OFA’s Outstanding Older American is Barbara Filipiak of Medina.

The oldest of six children Filipiak grew up in the Eden area. She attended the Immaculate Academy in Hamburg, followed by D’Youville College in Buffalo, finishing her education at Brockport State College. She started her teaching career in Medina in 1972, retiring in June 2005. She taught third and fourth grades for 33 years.

She volunteers (or has volunteered) for the Health Department during Covid, Medina Food Pantry, Medina Area Association of Churches, MAAC’s Thrift Store and Emergency Food Pantry and performed numerous volunteer roles with Medina’s Holy Trinity Parish.

She has held offices with Catholic Daughters and Medina Historical Society’s board of directors. she is a member of Cobblestone Society, Sandstone Society, Friends of the Library at Lee-Whedon Memorial Library and the local Alpha Theta Chapter/Women’s Educator Society, of which she was president, treasurer and member of the rules committee over the years. She is also a member on the state level.

Her nominator (who is unnamed) said, “Barb gives countless hours of her time. I know personally she provides financial assistance anonymously to several of these groups. Barb is very efficient and organized and is always the first to volunteer. She is very generous with her time and money and truly deserves this great honor.”

Filipiak also received certificates from Draper, Hawley and Ortt.

“It was nice of someone to nominate me,” Filipiak said. “My parents always volunteered in their community when I was growing up, so I guess it runs in the family.”

(Left) Christine Sheuerman, right, accepts an award from Melissa Blanar for being an “Outstanding Volunteer” for the Orleans County OFA. (Right) Blanar presents an award to Robert Burtwell of Lyndonville as an “Outstanding Volunteer.”

The two local volunteers who received recognition were Robert Burtwell and Christine Sheuerman.

“We are lucky to have these two individuals who dedicate their time to our volunteer transportation programs,” Blanar said. “Between the two of them, they drove 2,554 miles in 2022, and so far in 2023, they have driven 489 miles. They not only volunteer their time at our office, but they are dedicated weekly drivers for Arc GLOW and deliver meals on wheels to our clients. I am betting they volunteer elsewhere as well.”

Blanar told the recipients they both truly make a difference and are allowing the OFA’s clients to remain independent and in their own homes.

“Thank you for being a tireless volunteer and setting an excellent example for us all,” Blanar added.

The event concluded with a drawing for more than 60 donated prizes.

Orleans declares state of emergency due to possible influx of migrants/asylum seekers

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 17 May 2023 at 9:33 pm

ALBION – Orleans County Legislature Chairwoman Lynne Johnson declared a state of emergency at 1:30 p.m. today over a possible arrival of migrants and asylum seekers.

“This situation is a threat to public safety,” Johnson wrote in her state of emergency declaration.

Genesee County officials also declared a state of emergency, concerned that New York City Mayor Eric Adams will send undocumented immigrants to upstate counties.

In her declaration, Johnson said Orleans County has been experiencing a housing crisis “due to an increase of 178 percent placement of homeless persons since July 2022.” That exceeds the county’s limited number of temporary and permanent emergency housing facilities.

“Orleans County does not have the capability to receive or sustain any number of migrants and/or asylum seekers,” Johnson wrote in the declaration.

The state of emergency will remain in effect for 30 days unless it is rescinded. Johnson said additional local emergency orders may be issues for the county during the state of emergency “to protect life and property and to bring the emergency condition under control.”

UPDATE at 9:05 a.m. on May 18: The declaration does not include farmworkers coming to work in Orleans County legally through the federal H2A program.

Orleans celebrates National Travel & Tourism Week, partners with other counties to promote sites

Posted 11 May 2023 at 7:36 am

Press Release, Orleans County Tourism Department

This is the cover of this year’s travel guide promoting events, sites and businesses in Orleans County.

ALBION – This week is National Travel and Tourism Week, the annual celebration of the contributions of the U.S. travel industry. It spotlights the essential role that travel will play in driving economic growth and innovation through the theme #TravelForward.

“The travel industry fuels every industry—our industry’s success is the nation’s success,” said U.S. Travel Association President and CEO Geoff Freeman. “This week is a prime opportunity to elevate the message that travel is essential to moving America’s economy forward.”

Established in 1983, National Travel and Tourism Week is an annual tradition to mark the U.S. travel industry’s role in stimulating economic growth, cultivating vibrant communities, creating quality job opportunities, stimulating business activity and elevating the quality of life for everyday Americans.

Travel serves as a catalyst for a productive U.S. economy and helps power the success of other industries. The U.S. travel industry generated a $2.6 trillion economic output in 2022 and supported 15 million jobs, fueling communities, small businesses and working families across the country.

Travel spending also generated nearly $160 billion in federal, state and local taxes in 2022—revenue that helped fund critical public services while saving each U.S. household an average of $1,270 in taxes.

In Orleans County, the travel industry thrives on visitors coming to experience our world-class fishing, the Erie Canal and other historical assets such as the Medina Railroad Museum and Cobblestone Museum. In 2022, the bed tax that was collected exceeded $111,000. This reflects a 29% increase from 2021 which was a 26% increase from 2020.  We were fortunate to sustain during the peak of the pandemic in 2020 compared to 2019.

Orleans County Tourism is recognizing travel’s essential contributions by a number of promotional tools. This week, we are launching a new dynamic website to highlight all that Orleans County has to offer: OrleansCountyTourism.com.

This has a similar platform as the 4-county regional website, FreshAirAdventuresNY.com, that was launched in 2021. The information for each tourism related business will be expanded and featured on a dedicated page specific to that business. Viewers will be able to filter the listings and events by sub-category. And, we will have the ability to cross feed listings to both the county and regional websites simultaneously to expand our reach efficiently.

We are also expanding our partnerships so we can increase our social media campaigns and advertise in national magazines. Besides the 4-county Fresh Air Adventures campaign, we have partnered with Wyoming County to create “Lakes to Letchworth” and advertised in Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day and Country Living Magazines, which has generated over 1,000 leads to date. The “100 Must See Miles on the Erie Canal” is in partnership with Wayne, Monroe and Orleans Counties featuring the highlights along the 100 mile stretch from Medina to Clyde. We are in the process of developing a similar campaign with Niagara Falls USA.

In 2023, the tourism department expanded by introducing a part-time sportfishing coordinator, Ron Bierstine, on a contract basis. Ron contributes a wealth of fishing and conservation experience to Orleans County and the region. He writes weekly fishing reports and works closely with NYS DEC and Canals NY to enhance fishing locally and regionally. We haven’t had a sportfishing coordinator since 2017 when Mike Waterhouse retired.

The summer events rack card will be available for distribution this week that features the concert series and community events. There are currently over 50 live concerts scheduled that are expected to draw thousands of visitors from outside the county that will be frequenting our shops, restaurants and plan for extended stays.

We’re expanding our video library to include the series, Small Town WNY that was produced for interstitial programming for the Buffalo/Toronto PBS market. In 2022, we collaborated with several businesses in Medina and were able to produce four 8-minute episodes profiling the history and hidden gems of Medina. We will continue reaching out to other communities to showcase their “hidden gems”  in 2023.

“Travel is at the heart of Orleans County, powering a strong U.S. economy, creating jobs and strengthening our community’s culture and identity,” said Dawn Borchert, director of Tourism in Orleans County. “This National Travel and Tourism Week, we are proud to celebrate all that travel does for our community now, and all that it will contribute in the future.”

Please visit ustravel.org/NTTW to learn more about National Travel and Tourism Week and OrleansCountyTourism.com for the multiple reasons to visit Orleans County and invite your friends!

Changing light colors on Courthouse dome will get easier, safer for county employees

Photo by Tom Rivers: This photo from late June 2020 shows the Courthouse dome illumined partially in red. That was one of six colors shining on the dome for a week in honor of the Class of 2020 at Albion, Holley, Kendall, Lyndonville and Medina. The dome that week had filters made by Takeform in Medina to display six colors: red, blue, white, orange, purple and yellow.

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 9 May 2023 at 9:10 am

ALBION – The task of changing the colors on the light fixtures for the Orleans County Courthouse dome will get easier and safer for the County Department of Public Works.

The County Legislature approved paying Suburban Electric of Albion $4,510 to provide and install replacement color changing fixtures for the dome.

The county frequently will illumine the dome in different colors to highlights causes in the community. It was lighted up in green to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouting and green to show support for veterans shifting to civilian life, blue and red for the Buffalo Bills, red for Red Ribbon Week, six different colors in June 2020 in honor of the graduating classes from the five local school districts, pink for Breast Cancer Awareness, purple for Domestic Violence Awareness, and blue and yellow in support of Ukraine.

“The lighting on for the Court House is a project that is a one-time equipment purchase that allows our employees to safely change the color of the lighting,” said Jack Welch, the county chief administrative officer. “The new system should be installed within the next 30 days or so.”

GOMOC gala celebrates ‘agency of last resort’

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 8 May 2023 at 8:55 pm

Photo by Ginny Kropf: Bob Harker, director of Genesee-Orleans Ministry of Concern, addresses the crowd at Saturday night’s gala at Elba Fire Hall.

ELBA – More than 100 supporters attended the Genesee-Orleans Ministry of Concern’s first gala since Covid on Saturday night at the Elba Firemen’s Recreation Hall.

The evening began with a prayer by board president Sister Dolores O’Dowd, who also paid tribute to Mary Grace DeMarse, a long-time board member who died in December. Many donations to the basket raffle for the evening were made in memory of DeMarse, who loved the annual fundraising event and would keep her eyes open for basket items all year round.

GOMOC’s director Bob Harker welcomed guests and thanked those attending for their support.

“Ministry of Concern doesn’t rely on tax dollars,” he said. “We rely on you. We are totally grant and donation supported. We have to do fundraising like this to pay the bills or we couldn’t do what we do for those in need. That’s why events like this are so important.”

He said they were thrilled to be able to have the first gala in three years and thanked Marie Gabalski for helping to organize the event.

Sue Metzo of Medina attended with a table of MAAC volunteers. She said they all enjoyed comedian Moody McCarthy.

“He was very interesting and did down-to-earth stuff,” Metzo said.

She said MAAC supports the Ministry of Concern, and they all work together. For example, when Ministry of Concern has a family who needs pots and pans, their volunteer will contact the MAAC Thrift Depot and ask if they have any.

“We do great things to help each other in Orleans County,” Metzo said.

Harker added he was very grateful to the people who supported the gala and GOMOC this year.

“It frees us to help people in a real way,” he said.

The evening also included a basket raffle, live auction, 50/50 drawing and dinner catered by Chap’s Elba Diner.

The Ministry of Concern is known as “The agency of last resort,” for having the ability to help people in need in various ways.

In addition to Sister O’Dowd, the agency’s board includes honorary director, John J. LaFalce; vice president, Bruce Schmidt; secretary, Teresa Gaylard; treasurer, Karen Kinter; and Jane Balbick, Jack Burris, Jennifer Metz, Phil Pies, Karen Tennity and the Rev. Colleen O’Connor.

Besides Harker, staff are office manager, Carol Whalin; advocate/furniture program coordinator, Lisa Taylor-Rowland; furniture program driver, Fran Gaylord; and furniture program assistant, Charlie Downey.

County issues proclamations celebrating older Americans, motorcycle safety, tourism and foster parents

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 27 April 2023 at 9:14 am

Photos by Tom Rivers

ALBION – The Orleans County Legislature presented four proclamations during its meeting on Tuesday. In the top photo, Legislator Bill Eick reads a proclamation declaring May 7-13 as “National Travel & Tourism Week.”

Standing to accept the proclamation include, from left: Lora Partyka of Partyka Farms in Kendall and the Country Barn Quilt Trail, Doug Farley of the Cobblestone Museum, Ginny Kropf of the Medina Railroad Museum, Faye Conley of the Bent’s Opera House and Dawn Borchet, the county’s tourism director.

Eick and legislators said travelers spend $30.9 million annually in Orleans County on lodging, recreation, restaurants, retail shops, agriculture, attractions and second homes, supporting over 510 jobs in Orleans County.

Sportsfishing is the county’s top tourism attraction at a $28 million annual impact.

The county’s occupancy tax continues to increase each year, with a record $111,013 collected in 2022.

Borchet, the tourism’s director, thanked the many local businesses and organizations that invest in their sites to bring in visitors to the county.

County Legislator Fred Miller reads a proclamation declaring May as National Foster Care Month. He is joined by Holli Nenni, the county’s Department of Social Services Commissioner and DSS employees Lianna Scipioni and Judianne Gearing.

“For the nearly 400,000 youth in foster care across our country, the best path to success we can give them is the chance to experience a loving home where they can feel secure and thrive,” legislators stated in the proclamation. “Whereas, strong support structures provide children with the environment needed to learn, grow and reach their greatest potential.”

The Legislature recognizes the efforts of foster families, social workers, faith-based and community organizations, and others that are improving the lives of our young people in foster care across our county.

County Legislator Skip Draper presents a proclamation to Matt Tracey of the Orleans County chapter of ABATE (American Bikers Aiming Towards Education). The proclamation declared May as “Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month in Orleans County.”

There will be a motorcycle safety rally at 2 p.m. on May 7 outside the Orleans County Courthouse. Bikers will then go on an awareness ride throughout the county.

Legislator Fred Miller presents a proclamation to Melissa Blanar, director of the Office of the Aging, that declared May as “Older Americans Month.”

“Orleans County includes a growing number of older Americans who contribute their time, wisdom, and experience to our community,” legislators said. “Whereas, communities’ benefit when people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds have the opportunity to participate and live independently.”

Chaplains take the oath to serve with Sheriff’s Office

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 26 April 2023 at 11:08 am

Photo by Tom Rivers

ALBION – A group of clergy members took the oath of office and were sworn in as chaplains for the Orleans County Sheriff’s office. Pictured form left include Dan Thurber, Don Snyder, Randy LeBaron, Brandon Carmichael, Tim Lindsay, Rebecca Allis, Eddie English, Bilal Huzair and Sheriff Chris Bourke.

County Clerk Nadine Hanlon administers the oath during the Orleans County Legislature meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

The Sheriff’s Office has chaplains on call every day, with the clergy taking turns. The chaplains are volunteers and are not paid. They do ride-alongs and offer spiritual support to employees of the Sheriff’s Office if requested.

They also are available to go to a scene where there has been a tragedy or crime and offer support for families or victims of crimes.

The chaplains also attend public events throughout the year with the Sheriff’s Office.

Prescription Take-Back Event yields nearly 700 pounds of pills

Posted 26 April 2023 at 7:33 am

Provided photo: Unused prescription medication is packed up after being dropped off on Saturday at the Orleans County Public Safety Building. Jail Superintendent Scott Wilson is at left and Sheriff Chris Bourke is at right. Correction Officer Tyler Ajitsingh is at center.

Press Release, Orleans County Sheriff Chris Bourke

ALBION – The Orleans County Sheriff’s Office on Saturday once again participated in the National Prescription Take-Back Event that was sponsored by the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration. The collection event was staffed by deputy sheriffs and yielded 697.6 pounds of unused medication and sharps.

The Orleans County Sheriff’s Office has participated in the National Prescription Take-Back Program since 2012 and has collected a combined weight of over 12,000 pounds of unused medications and sharps.

The Sheriff’s Office will continue to support future collection events with the purpose of safely disposing unused medications and to reduce the potential for criminal diversion. Jail Superintendent Scott Wilson organized this year’s event.

14 students, 2 adults to be honored at youth recognition banquet on June 1

Posted 25 April 2023 at 9:47 am

Press Release, Orleans County Youth Board

LYNDONVILLE – The Orleans County Youth Board will sponsor its 41st annual Youth Recognition Dinner at White Birch Golf Couse in Lyndonville on June 1.

Fourteen young people will be honored for their commitment to community service and/or their impressive role in their family. Additionally, the dinner will recognize an Adult Youth Worker and an Adult Youth Volunteer. During the banquet, the board members will also include a remembrance of Jonathan Doherty, who was one of Orleans County’s most active volunteers.

The following young people will be recognized for their outstanding service in the community and/or family:  Nicholas Andrews, Natalie Baron, Samantha Basinait, Hunter Conner, Amari Jones, Matthew Miner, Tyler Moore, Trenton Muck, Casey Onisk, Jax Richards-Dyson, Ava Quincey, Elise Quincey, David Vanderwalker and Abigail Worsley.

Vivian Neroni is receiving the Adult Youth Worker Award from her position as a Social Worker at the Orleans County Department of Social Services.  Vivian goes above and beyond her job requirements to do whatever she can for her youth and their families.

Alice Mathes is receiving the Adult Youth Volunteer Award for her extensive time spent leading the Adventurers 4H club and 4H events with Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension.

Registration and refreshments will begin at 6 p.m. The program and dinner will commence at 6:30 p.m. Seating is limited. If you are interested in attending the banquet, contact the Orleans County Youth Bureau at (585) 344-3960 no later than May 12.

GO ART! presents $210K grants for artists, concerts and cultural projects

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 24 April 2023 at 10:35 am

Local funding from state regrant program doubles from last year

Photos by Tom Rivers: Gregory Hallock (right), executive director of the Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council greets about 75 people during an announcement on Saturday for $210,000 in grants to local arts programs. He is joined at Hoag Library in Albion by Mary Jo Whitman (left), the education and Statewide Community Regrant Program coordinator; and Jodi Fisher (center), the GO ART! administrative assistant.

ALBION – Local artists and organizations will see a big increase in funding for cultural programming this year. The Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council on Saturday presented grants totaling $210,000 to about 50 different organizations, municipalities and artists for events and projects.

That is about double the $107,800 from a year ago and triple the $70,000 in decentralization grants from the state in 2019.

There was more money available from the state through the Statewide Community Regrant Program. GO ART! has shown it can administer the funding, and the two local counties have shown there is demand for the programs, said Gregory Hallock, GO ART! executive director.

He addressed about 75 people on Saturday at Hoag Library, when the checks were distributed for the programs.

“It’s absolutely phenomenal to get this kind of money to give out,” he said.

GO ART! officials on Saturday presented checks for $210,000 to about 50 different artists, community organizations and municipalities to support cultural programs in 2023. The funding was presented to about 75 people at the Hoag Library in Albion. Last year there was $107,800 available.

The result is bigger grants – up to $5,000 – for many of the projects, and some first-time recipients.

The Statewide Community Regrant Program is funded through the New York State Council on the Arts. Money is available in all 62 counties with funding regranted by local arts agencies through a peer panel funding process. The Statewide Community Regrant Programs consists of 3 different grants – Reach, Ripple and Spark.

REACH: The GO ART! Community Arts Grants (Reach Grants) provide seed grants to individual artists, collectives and arts organizations for projects and activities that enable Genesee and Orleans communities to experience and engage with the performing, literary, media, and visual arts. Each year the program supports arts projects, including concerts, performances, public art, exhibitions, screenings, festivals, workshops, readings and more.

Veronica Morgan accepts a grant for $5,000 to go towards the “I was a ‘Hoggee’ on the Erie Canal” program planned for Oct. 6-7 which will include a canal boat in Orleans County, artists and other entertainers.


  • Albion Merchants Association – Concerts on the Canal, $5,000
  • Cobblestone Society & Museum – Cobblestone Museum Arts Series, $5,000
  • Friends of Boxwood Cemetery – Boxwood at Night, $4,160
  • Hoag Library – Hoag Music Series, $5000
  • Howard Barry (Community Free Library) – Myron Holley Erie Canal Mural, $5,000
  • Lee-Whedon Memorial Library – Finally Fridays! Concert series, $3,200
  • Lyndonville Lions Club – I Hear the Music, $5,000
  • Orleans County Historical Association – Multidisciplinary Live History Event, $5,000
  • Veronica Morgan – I was a “Hoggee” on the Erie Canal, $5,000
  • Vette (Albion Merchant Association) – Albion Summer Concert, $4,768
  • Village of Albion – Bridging the Village Music Series, $5,000
  • Village of Holley – Concerts at the Canal, $3,000
  • Yates Community Library – More than Just Books, $5,000

Tony Barry, an artist from Holley, receives a grant to paint a mural on the back of the Community Free Library building. The mural will be in an Erie Canal theme, and will include a portrait of Myron Holley, the village’s namesake and an early champion of the canal.


  • Batavia Business Improvement District – Jackson Square Concert Series, $5,000
  • Batavia Concert Band – Batavia Concert Band Summer Concert Series, $3,231
  • Batavia Development Corp – Murals in the Batavia City Centre, $2,800
  • Batavia Players, Inc. – 2023 Theater Season, $5,000
  • Bergen Historical Society – Holiday Mural Panels, $4,286
  • Bill & Kay McDonald – Homegrown Concert Series, $5,000
  • Brian Kemp (Batavia Business Improvement District) – TableTop ArtShow, $5,000
  • Byron-Bergen Public Library – Enriching lives through the Arts, $4,954
  • David Burke (Warrior House of WNY) – The Goose Community Center Indoor Mural, $2,500
  • Elba Betterment Committee – EBC Presents Art Around Town (Again), $5,000
  • Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden – Artistic Interpretive Panels, $5,000
  • Gillam-Grant Community Center – Community Art Adventure, $4,849
  • Genesee Chorale, Inc. – Genesee Chorale 2023 Season, $5,000
  • Genesee Symphony Orchestra – Concert Series, $5,000
  • GLOW OUT! – Pride Festival, $4,500

Sara Vacin, executive director of GLOW Out, said a grant will help fund the GLOW Pride Fest on June 9 in Batavia.

  • Haxton Memorial Library – Talented Thursdays, $5,000
  • Heather Davis (St. Mark’s Episcopal Church) – Opera on the Oatka, $1,500
  • Holland Land Office Museum – Guest Speaker & Concert Series, $3,500
  • Hollwedel Memorial Public Library in Pavilion – Shake on the Lake Presents William Shakespeare, $5,000
  • Michelle Cryer (Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden) – Batavia Water Storage Tank Mural, $2,800
  • Oakfield Betterment Committee – Oakfield Labor Daze, $5,000
  • St. Mark’s Episcopal Church – Music at St. Mark’s, $2,970
  • Thera Sanchez (Habitat for Humanity) – Batavia’s Gold Mural, $3,000
  • Warrior House of WNY – Learning Through Art, $5,000
  • William Peterson (Batavia Players) – Everyone Has a Story, $5,000
  • Woodward Memorial Library – Art All Year, $5,000

RIPPLE: The GO ART! Individual Artist Commission (Ripple Grant) supports local, artist-initiated activity, and highlights the role of artists as important members of the community. The Commission is for artistic projects with outstanding artistic merit that work within a community setting.


  • Eric Weatherbee – The Humble Bard Presents, $2,500


  • Eric Zwieg – Passenger: A Billion Little Pieces – Postmodern Reflections, $2,500
  • David Burke – Harvester Center Hallway Mural, $2,500
  • William Schutt – Connecting Hands Connecting Communities, $2,500
  • Joshua Lang – On Dreams, $2,500

Alex Fitzak, a member of the band Vette, accepted a grant on behalf of an Albion concert series organized by the Albion Merchants Association.

SPARK: The Arts Education Program (Spark Grant) supports arts education projects for youth and/or senior learners. Emphasis is placed on the depth and quality of the creative process through which participants learn through or about the arts. Projects must focus on the exploration of art and the artistic process.


  • Patricia Greene (Orleans County Chamber of Commerce) – Art Experiences for Seniors, $5,000
  • Judd Sunshine (Lyndonville Central School District) – Erie Canal Songwriting Project, $3,300


  • Genesee County Youth Bureau – Re:Creation (Drawings of Nature), $3,200
  • Strength in Numbers Organization Inc. – Strength In Numbers Organization Youth Music Program, $5,000
  • Linda Miranda Fix (Batavia Central School District) – #kindness,empathy&you mural, $5,000
  • Laura Jackett (Byron-Bergen Public Library) – Art Workshops at the Libraries, $5,000

Todd Bensley, one of the leaders of Friends of Boxwood, accepts a grant to support the Boxwood at Night event this summer at Boxwood Cemetery in medina. Boxwood is a first-time recipient of a GO ART! grant. The Boxwood at Night includes a cemetery tour, ghost walk and music.

All villages, nearly all towns in Orleans ask county to share more sales tax

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 21 April 2023 at 12:23 pm

Ridgeway declines to pass resolution seeking more sales tax money but urges county to take ‘serious look’ at issue

The 10 towns and four villages in Orleans County are nearly unanimous is asking the County Legislature to increase the local sales tax revenue shared with the local municipalities.

The Clarendon Town Board in the past two months has urged the towns and villages to seek more of the local sales tax, which hasn’t increased for the towns and villages since 2001, despite more than doubling in that time.

All four villages – Albion, Holley, Lyndonville and Medina – have passed formal resolutions asking for more money in the local sales tax, which last year totaled $22.5 million collected in the county. The Orleans County Legislature has kept the amount capped to the four villages and 10 towns at $1,366,671 since 2001.

“Our concern is the towns and villages have stayed absolutely flat while our expenses, like everybody else’s, have gone sky high,” said Mark Bower, the Holley mayor.

Eight of the Town Boards also have passed resolutions, asking the county for more of the sales tax. That includes Albion, Barre, Carlton, Clarendon, Kendall, Murray, Shelby and Yates.

The Ridgeway Town Board declined to pass a resolution, but did offer a letter of support to look at the issue. The Gaines Town Board has yet to vote on the matter.

Brian Napoli, the Ridgeway town supervisor, said he agrees with county legislators who have said the county faces a potential $1 million tax shift with the state if the county is forced to pick up more of the Medicaid burden. That issue is expected to be settled with the new state budget, which is now three weeks late.

Lynne Johnson, the County Legislature chairwoman, said the county is in limbo while waiting for the state budget to be approved to see how if the county will get hit with more Medicaid costs, as well as an increase in assigned counsel rates. Those two issues could have a $1.3 million impact on the county budget resulting in about a 7 percent tax increase.

“We understand the fiscal constraints and unfunded mandates that the State imposes on the County and we understand the many questions that currently remain unanswered concerning funding and increased unfunded mandates due to the lack of the State to pass a budget on time,” Napoli wrote in a letter April 18 to the county legislators.

However, he urged the legislators to take a “serious look” at sharing more sales tax with the towns and villages. More sales tax for Ridgeway would assist the Town Board in offsetting possible tax increases at the town level, Napoli said.

“The Town also faces economic pressures to keep the town tax rate within the tax cap while providing the needed services to the Town residents,” Napoli wrote in his letter.

The resolution approved by the four villages and eight towns seeks 14 percent of the total sales tax to be shared with towns and villages to seek 14 percent of the total. That’s what they received in 1996.

To get to 14 percent of $22.5 million, the county would have to increase the amount to towns and villages to $3,150,000 – a $1,783,329 increase. In 1996, the local sales tax revenue was $9,499,138.

The amounts allocated for the villages and towns for 2023 includes:

• Villages ($378,777 total) – Albion, $165,309; Holley, $46,545; Lyndonville, $14,876; and Medina, $152,047.

• Towns ($987,894 total) – Albion, $123,953; Barre, $64,536; Carlton, $95,418; Clarendon, $116,261; Gaines, $88,267; Kendall, $86,813; Murray, $122,421; Ridgeway, $130,057; Shelby, $103,489; and Yates, $66,679.

County authorizes study of district court; issue could go to public referendum in November

Photos by Tom Rivers: Some of the committee members looking into the feasibility of a district court in Orleans County include Public Defender Joanne Best, Sheriff Chris Bourke, District Attorney Joe Cardone, and Assistant DA Susan Howard.

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 12 April 2023 at 11:43 am

ALBION – The Orleans County Legislature has authorized forming a committee to look at the potential implementation of a district court in the county, with the issue possibly going to a public vote in November.

The Legislature cited increasing complexities and frequent changes in state laws with the criminal justice system. Forming a consolidated district court could result in a more effective local court system, legislators said in authorizing the formation of a committee.

The committee includes District Attorney Joe Cardone, Sheriff Chris Bourke, Public Defender Joanne Best, Albion Town Justice Joe Fuller (representing the Orleans County Magistrates Association), Assistant DA Susan Howard, County Chief Administrative Officer Jack Welch, former Gaines Town Justice and Assistant DA Bruce Schmidt and county legislators John Fitzak and Skip Draper.

The committee expects to hold public hearings on the issue to outline how a district court could look in the county. The hearings will also be a chance for residents to provide feedback. Cardone expects a hearing in the eastern, central and western sides of the county.

“I’m proud of Orleans County with the open mindedness of the County Legislature and the department heads,” Cardone said on Thursday.

He was interviewed at the Public Safety Building with Sheriff Bourke, Public Defender Joanne Best and Susan Howard, the assistant DA.

Bourke said he isn’t necessarily pushing for the district court but wants the information fleshed out with residents having an opportunity to hear about the proposal and vote on it.

‘It’s a different world that we’re living in with respect to the criminal justice system. It’s very complex and difficult. We want to give the people in the community some options.’ – District Attorney Joe Cardone

Several of the town justices have already urged their town boards to oppose a district court saying it takes away local control and reduces the influence of the town justices who are closer to the people.

“It would be a very poor business decision and would defy common sense,” Murray Town Justice Ted Spada said in a May town meeting about a district court.

He said the operational and staffing costs are much higher with a district court.

The DA has been urging the county in recent years to look at a district court. He favors one district court for the county to handle many of the cases currently in front of the town justices. Those judges would still remain if there is a district court. They could still do marriages, code violations, some vehicle and traffic cases, landlord-tenant disputes, small claims and some criminal cases.

“The town justices we have the upmost respect for them and the work that they do,” Cardone said. “But we’re looking at the direction of the complexity of criminal justice in the State of New York.”

The top of the columns at the Orleans County Courthouse are shown last week in Albion. A district court would be different than the local town courts and also the County Court level.

The committee will look at how the workload among the town justices and a district could be divvied up between town courts and district court. The committee also needs to look at a location for the court that would meet all the standards sets by the office of Court Administration.

Among the 10 town courts, only the Murray facility meets the OCA standards. Many of the sites are lacking in adequate space, attorney-client rooms, security, sound and other standards.

Joanne Best, the public defender, said judges handle cases differently in the towns. She sees the benefit of a district court as fairness with cases being handled uniformly in the county.

She also said there is a shortage of attorneys in the county for the public defender and district attorney’s office. Having cases in one location, rather than 10, would make it much easier for the public defender and DA’s office to have attorneys for the proceedings, she said.

“This is about trying to make better use of the system,” she said. “Fewer attorneys would be needed. We would staff one court instead of 10.”

Orleans County has already made strides to a more streamlined court system, Cardone said. When he started as DA about three decades ago, there were 24 local justices with two each at the 10 towns, while Albion and Medina each had two village justices.

Albion and Medina have since abolished their village courts, and now the 10 towns only have one judge, except for Murray which has two but will go to one following Gary Passarell’s retirement.

Ridgeway and Shelby also share a courts facility at the Shelby Town Hall. There are also agreements in the western end – Shelby, Ridgeway and Yates – for the judges to have jurisdiction in all three towns.

“What we’ve done is unprecedented in the State of New York,” Cardone said.

The county the past three years also has been operating a CAP Court (centralized arraignment parts) with arraignments in the county jail at 8:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. This is every day including weekdays, weekends and holidays.

Besides arraignments, the CAP Court handles driver’s license suspensions, orders of protection and outstanding warrants.  The town justices rotate serving in the role for CAP Court. The Sheriff’s Department has been providing security personnel for those proceedings.

Cardone said the CAP Court has been a success, showing the benefits of a centralized system with one spot in the county for arraignments. People have shown they can make it to Albion for the appearances.

Cardone believes the county has been at the forefront for how to run more efficient town courts, and continue to lead the way for the state with the establishment of a district court in a small county.

He looks forward to discussing the possibilities with the community.

“It’s a different world that we’re living in with respect to the criminal justice system,” Cardone said. “It’s very complex and difficult. We want to give the people in the community some options.”

County celebrates Donate Life Month, Weights and Measure Weeks, and Public Health

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 5 April 2023 at 9:15 am

Photos by Tom Rivers

ALBION – Orleans County legislator Skip Draper, center, presents a proclamation for “April as Donate Life Month” to Pam Boyer (left), deputy county clerk at DMV, and Nadine Hanlon, the county clerk.

The County Legislature urges residents to join the New York State Donate Life Registry.

“In New York State there are approximately 8,100 people waiting for an organ transplant which represents the third highest need in the nation; and there are an estimated 400 New Yorkers that die every year while waiting for an organ transplant,” county legislators stated in the proclamation. “A single individual’s donation of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas and small intestine can save up to eight lives; donation of tissue can save and heal the lives of up to 75 others.”

County legislators also issued a proclamation celebrating March 1-7 as “Weights and Measures Week.” Weights and Measures Director Ron Mannella accepts the proclamation last week from County Legislator Don Allport, right. Paul Pettit, the public health director, is at left.

Mannella serves as Weights and Measures director for both Orleans and Genesee counties. The two counties have had a shared program for four years which officials say has saved $200,000.

Weights and Measures is responsible for the annual assurance of accuracy and design for over 1,200 commercial weighing and measuring devices in more than 200 businesses.

“The efforts and determination exemplified by Weights and Measures to resolve any price or product discrepancies for the advancement of equality does not go unnoticed,” legislators stated in the proclamation.

County legislators also issued a proclamation for April 3-9 as “National Public Health Week.” That proclamation was presented to Paul Pettit, the public health director.

“Public health professionals help communities prevent, prepare for, mitigate, and recover from the impact of a full range of health threats, including—disease outbreaks, natural disasters, and other disasters, including those caused by human activity and public health emergencies,” legislators stated in the proclamation.

Legislature leader: too much uncertainty from state for county to consider sharing more sales tax right now

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 4 April 2023 at 3:44 pm

Photo by Tom Rivers: Orleans County Legislature Chairwoman Lynne Johnson speaks at last week’s Legislature meeting in Albion.

ALBION – Orleans County legislators are well aware of the effort among towns and villages in the county to receive more of the local sales tax.

But uncertainty with the state budget – the potential cost shifts and added expenses to the county – have the Legislature in a guarded position with finances, said County Legislature Chairwoman Lynne Johnson.

“Until the governor’s budget goes through we’re in limbo,” Johnson said during last week’s meeting of the Orleans County Association of Municipalities.

The county could see a $1 million hit in Medicaid expenses if the state opts to keep all of the federal funding used to help pay for that program. Those federal funds have helped prevent a cost spike in Medicaid from the county in recent years. But county officials say it could be a $1,059,034 hit to the county budget, resulting in a tax increase locally of 7.5 percent.

Hochul also is proposing to increase the hourly rate for assigned council from $75 to $119 an hour.  This would cost the County approximately $200,000 per year.

“I don’t want you to think we’re hoarding the sales tax,” Johnson told the town and village officials last week.

The local sales tax revenue has increased significantly in recent years with online sales being taxed and inflation fueling more in sales tax collections.

The county took in $22.5 million in local sales tax in 2022, up by $4.8 million or by 27 percent from the $17.7 million in 2019.

The 10 towns and four villages have been frozen at $1,366,671 since 2001. That year there was a small increase after the town and village share hadn’t been changed since 1996.

Many of the towns and villages have passed resolutions asking the Legislature to boost the percentage given to the villages and towns to at least the 14 percent in 1996. That year the local sales tax was $9,499,138. It has more than doubled since then.

To get to 14 percent of $22.5 million, the county would have to increase the amount to towns and villages to $3,150,000 – a $1,783,329 increase.

The towns and villages say the added revenue is needed to help them offset rising expenses and maintain services, without putting it all on the property tax.

Johnson said some of the money has been used by the county to get caught up on infrastructure projects, from the county buildings to maintaining roads and bridges. This year’s infrastructure budget is a record for the county at $19 million.