Orleans Hub broke its records for traffic last month
Orleans Hub set new records for traffic in February. We averaged 9,235 daily users during the month. That broke the record of 9,185 for a daily average in August 2017.
We topped 10,000 unique visitors for 11 of the 28 days in February. Typically we only break the 10,000-barrier a few days a month.
We also averaged 29,068 pageviews each day in February. That broke the 27,541-average from January. Last month we topped 30,000 pageviews 11 days. Normally we only reach that a few days a month.
We had 813,908 pageviews for the month. That’s the second time we’ve been over 800,000 in a month since we started Orleans Hub nearly six years ago in April 2013. January 2019 holds the record with 853,765. That was done in 31 days. February has the new record for highest daily average for pageviews.
There was lots of bad weather in February, with ice, wind and snow storms, as well as flooding. The bad weather gives us a spike in traffic, with people checking for school closings.
The most-viewed news story of the month was on Feb. 3 about an Albion mother and her son who were killed in Elba in a car accident on Route 98.
“Kendall grad is Section V Hall of Fame Inductee” was the most-viewed sports story.
We also held our annual reception for the Orleans Hub Outstanding Citizens. We recognized Tami Ashton, Mark Bennett Sr., Penny Cole, Michael Hungerford, Jak Kohmann, Melissa Ostrom, Leonel Rosario, Tony and Laura Sidari, Brett Sobieraski and Chris Wilson.
Click here to see the awards presentation on YouTube.