letters to the editor/opinion

Our Letters Policy

Posted 24 October 2023 at 3:00 pm

We appreciate input from our readers, and we publish letters to the editor without charge. The letters should be written by the person who submits the letter and not be “ghost written” by someone else. While open speech and responsibility are encouraged, comments may be rejected if they are purely a personal attack, offensive or repetitive. Comments are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Orleans Hub. Although care is taken to moderate comments, we have no control over how they are interpreted and we are unable to guarantee the accuracy of comments and the rationality of the opinions expressed. We reserve the right to edit letters for content and brevity. Please limit the length of your letter (we suggest no more than 500 words) and provide your name, telephone number, mailing address and a verifiable email address for verification purposes. Letters should be emailed to news@orleanshub.com.

Retiring doctor thanks patients for their trust over past 30 years

Posted 20 July 2023 at 9:29 pm


After practicing medicine in Albion for over 30 years, I decided to retire on July 7, 2023. My active patients received their 30-day notice as required in New York State. I have been surprised and delighted by the outpouring of concern and well wishes from many of those patients and their families.

Family Practice as taught years ago was birth to death, outpatient and inpatient, acute and chronic problems. We did wellness and preventative medicine too, but that seems to be the larger focus these days.

I want to thank the many women who trusted me with their prenatal care and delivery. We created a special bond that alleviated anxiety and happily welcomed a new life into the world.

Likewise, I am grateful to the parents that allowed me to care for their infants and children, all the way into their post-high school years.

As I mentioned to several in the weeks before the practice closed, it was so nice to see them still coming to my office even when their parents didn’t make them any more.

I appreciated the women who came to me for their well woman exams – pap smears, breast exams, and colon cancer screening.

It is said that women are the catalysts for their male partners to get health care. We certainly saw this in the practice. Men, thank your wives and partners for encouraging you to see the lady doctor.

Families also entrusted to me the care of their elderly relatives once they needed extra help in the home or a skilled nursing facility. I was honored to provide that service.

I can’t thank the community enough for supporting me over the years, and I am forever grateful. I became a dinosaur practicing privately and solo. The business of medicine has changed.

Lastly, to all our students, listen to your parents and teachers, do your job which is to study and learn, help your fellow human in trouble, and may all your dreams come true.

With appreciation,

Eileen K. Kosieracki, D.O.


More details needed on pros and cons of district court in Orleans County before public vote

Posted 10 July 2023 at 5:21 pm


I have been reading the posts on the Legislature’s committee to investigate the possibility of a district court for Orleans County.

There is a certain lack of transparency on the work of the committee, comprised of Orleans County District Attorney Joseph Cardone, Sheriff Chris Bourke, Public Defender Joanne Best, Albion Town Justice Joe Fuller, First Assistant DA Susan Howard, County Chief Administrative Officer Jack Welch, former Gaines Town Justice Bruce Schmidt, County Legislator John Fitzak and County Legislator Skip Draper.

Specifically, the public needs to know how the study is being conducted. Who is preparing the study? Is it an independent third party? Will actual numbers be presented in the study? When will the study be completed? How can taxpayers get a copy of the study? Can you clarify the benefits of a district court over town courts? Are there other alternatives to abolishing the town courts? And finally, will any members of the committee benefit should the District Court be established? Will they take positions in the District Court?

This District Court, if successful, would abolish the local town courts throughout the county. This committee has already decided and will vote to bring this matter to a referendum vote in the November 2023 election without answering the questions above.

The notice of a public hearing was just released on the County website. It will be held on July 19 at 7 p.m. at the legislative Chambers 14016 Rt. 31 W. Albion, NY. Written comments can be submitted to the Clerk of the Legislature at 14016 Route 31 West, Albion, NY 14411. To be considered, comments must be received by 3:00 p.m. July 19.

From the articles already published in the Orleans Hub, some committee members have suggested that this district court will save the county and town money; however, no numbers have been released to support the statement.

A district court would have at least one attorney judge with a pay rate of about $200k/year. There would also be full-time clerks making approximately $80k/year. All of these jobs would come with full benefits.

A facility to house the district court would be an additional cost. In the Orleans Hub on May 11, 2022, Mr. Cardone and Ms. Best stated there would be state funding to bear much of the cost with district courts. According to Assemblyman Steve Hawley, no line item in the State budget covers the cost of district courts. Which of these statements is true?

The current Town Judges are active members of their communities who have served honorably for years. This attempt to abolish the Town Courts is curious and begs the question of why it is being looked into now. The county residents will lose access to their local Town Courts, and, as taxpayers, the residents could be on the hook for this unnecessary spending by the Legislature.

If the Legislature is committed to transparency, I ask that the study results be released, and the cost differential is presented in the Orleans Hub well before the November vote date.

Respectfully submitted,

Wendi Pencille

Town of Shelby

Ortt voted against measures to help New Yorkers with rising costs

Posted 9 July 2023 at 4:09 pm


State Senator Rob Ortt complained that: “Instead of making New York more affordable, this State Budget failed to address the issues discussed around kitchen tables throughout our state.”

Mr. Ortt voted against a minimum wage increase and a cost of living increase to human service and mental health care workers. Mr. Ortt also voted against expanding the Empire Child Tax Credit, which will bring financial relief to struggling families.

The State budget that Mr. Ortt voted against also has increased funding for schools. Meanwhile, Mr. Ortt sponsored legislation, which allows the counties of Niagara and Orleans to continue to impose additional sales taxes through 2025, (S06064 and S5183).

I don’t know what issues Mr. Ortt discusses around his kitchen table but child care, education issues and increasing wages to pay for Mr. Ortt’s increase in taxes would be issues that most New Yorkers would discuss around the kitchen table.

William Fine


Lyndonville Lions Club appreciates donations to big fireworks show

Posted 7 July 2023 at 8:21 pm

Photo by Tom Rivers: Fireworks explode in the sky on the Fourth of July in Lyndonville.


The Lyndonville Lions Club held its 49th Annual Independence Day Celebration on Tuesday, July 4th. Our fireworks display, which culminated the festivities, has become one of the largest shows in all of Western New York.

The fireworks display is by far the greatest expense that the Lions Club incurs during the celebration each year. It is only due to the response and support of area businesses, organizations and the general public that a show of this magnitude is possible.

I would like to extend a sincere thank you to each of the over 45 businesses and organizations that made contributions toward this year’s show. In addition, thanks to all those people who sent donations, who placed money in our Independence Day Firecracker Cans, who dropped money in the firecracker barrels being pulled along the parade route and who dropped money in the firecracker barrels on the school grounds. Once again, this year’s response for donations was awesome.

To repeat, without the tremendous community-minded support of each and every one of you, a display such as this would not be possible. With your continued support in the years ahead, I trust that displays like this may continue well into the future, especially next year in 2024 when we will be celebrating our 50th Annual Celebration.

Plans are underway for a fireworks display significantly larger than this year’s to commemorate this milestone celebration.


Wes Bradley

Lyndonville Lions Club

Fireworks Fundraising Chairman

Medina should work to upgrade Gulf Street Park

Posted 2 July 2023 at 10:25 am


After reading the article on Orleans Hub on June 20th, I couldn’t help but notice the opening line: that village officials state that the “playground equipment doesn’t get much use.”

I have been a lifelong resident of Orleans County and reside in close proximity to the Gulf Street Park. In the past decade or so I have noticed that in this area of Medina, there have been more than a handful of new, younger families moving in. These younger families have children.

I have also observed that the older generations who reside in the area have frequent visitors which include young grandchildren, nieces, nephews, friends, etc.

Having the Gulf Street Playground nearby has been a tease. Children and families are eager to have a playground to use and often look longingly at the playground but the equipment does not go unused due to lack of interest – it goes unused due to lack of safety.

Nearly every piece of equipment there is accompanied by safety concerns and children are frequently upset that parents and guardians limit their access to it (rightfully so). Furthermore, this side of the canal has also seen events happen in the Gulf Street Playground including a yearly catapult event, tents set up for get togethers, children kicking balls around, and the open grass used for softball.

I think it is also worth noting that as we drive by Pine Street Park, there are times when there is no parking available due to the crowding of families attending T-ball/baseball practice there on nights when multiple teams are using the same park.

Why hasn’t Gulf Street Park ever been an option? Why hasn’t Gulf Street Park been an option for soccer? I hear conversations about a disc golf course in this area of town. A beautiful part of town, a beautiful piece of land…used for one area of interest?

I strongly suggest considering the use of this park as a park: to accommodate families, to be a place for those young and old to spend time together, to serve as a location for a variety of sports or leisure activities. I am hopeful that what is included in this letter has already been considered and, if not, will be.

Thank you.

Alyssa Thomas


Ortt faults Legislature, governor for policies making state ‘completely unaffordable’

Posted 29 June 2023 at 2:35 pm


The conclusion of the 2023 Legislative Session has clearly demonstrated – once again – that one-party control of state government is not working. New York is facing a criminal justice crisis as violence plagues our communities and a broken system continues to benefit criminals instead of crime victims and law-abiding citizens.

New York is also facing an affordability crisis — as inflation, a sagging economy, and oppressive taxes drive families, seniors, and small businesses away from our state in record numbers.

These two issues – crime and affordability – are at the top of every New Yorker’s mind.

So what did our colleagues across the aisle do to address these top two issues? Absolutely nothing.

They wasted the first few months of session engaging in self-serving partisan politics — playing fast and loose with the rules in order to pack the State’s highest court with judges that will do their bidding. Democrats then went on to pass the latest State Budget in 13 years – a reckless, fiscally irresponsible plan negotiated in complete secrecy.

Instead of making New York more affordable, this State Budget failed to address the issues discussed around kitchen tables throughout our state. Instead of strengthening our economy, they enacted new taxes that will punish hard-working New Yorkers and small businesses more than ever.

They approved a radical, first-in-the-nation ban on natural gas in new construction. This expensive, unrealistic one-size-fits-all mandate will make energy even more expensive and less reliable for millions of New Yorkers.

They once again bent over backward to enact new pro-criminal policies and failed to repeal the state’s disastrous cashless bail law. Instead of fighting to protect crime victims and make our neighborhoods safer, they passed a misguided “Clean Slate” law that will enable convicted felons to hide their criminal backgrounds.

We saw yet another example of a major leadership failure on behalf of Governor Kathy Hochul as her office tries to work out a new Casino Gaming Compact with the Seneca Nation. Toward the end of session, word came that a deal had been reached, only for her administration – and her Democratic allies in the assembly – to fail at completing the deal before session concluded.

Failing to get this deal done will cost New York State hundreds of millions of dollars, and our Western New York communities tens of millions of dollars. It’s time for Kathy Hochul to do her job as governor and get this deal done.

One of the biggest Democratic failures of all this session was their complete inability to address the massive, chaotic influx of migrants into our state in recent months. In fact, they doubled down on policies that reinforce our reputation as a “sanctuary state” by approving millions of taxpayer dollars to provide a free college education for non-US citizens and free healthcare for illegal immigrants.

They also tried to cement their one-party control of state government by making radical, unconstitutional changes to the state’s longstanding election laws, changing the dates of hundreds of local elections across the state, and holding them in years when major state and federal races are taking place. They want to reduce public awareness of key local issues and tie elections to national platforms because they know that on the everyday issues that matter to us most – they are wrong.

Unfortunately, the one-party ruling class in Albany completely failed to deliver for New Yorkers throughout the 2023 Legislative Session. The bottom line is that this year’s Legislative Session was a complete disaster for hardworking, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens of our State.

As a result, New York State will continue to be a completely unaffordable state, with sky-high taxes, a weak economy, and a badly broken criminal justice system. The people of New York deserve better than this, which is why we need to restore balance, accountability, and common sense to our state government. And we need to do it now.

Robert Ortt

State Senate Republican Leader

North Tonawanda

Sidonio deserving of support in November during general election

Posted 29 June 2023 at 2:31 pm


While it’s disappointing that Joe Sidonio lost the Republican Primary it shouldn’t be the end of his political career, his many accomplishments speak for themselves and need to continue.

As I mentioned in my previous post, someone who Joe thought was his friend secretly recorded him in a private conversation without his knowledge to try to cause harm to Joe and his family.

They’ve gone so far as putting this recording on a website to steal the election and further discredit Joe. This is just another example of a string of attempts to get him out of their way, don’t fall for it.

I agree that Joe shouldn’t have used that kind of language as it was bad but he was venting to someone he thought was his friend about how he was being set up. Joe has since apologized and realized what he said was in poor taste but those opposed to him want to use this as a weapon against him.

I urge the town board members and the few disgruntled employees to stop their hateful disrespectful behavior and apologize to Joe, if they don’t it just further speaks to their character.

Joe is really a good person. When my wife passed away he was there for my family and I, he attended her funeral and even sent flowers, a true friend. He calls everyday to check on my granddaughter who’s about to give birth to make sure she is okay. There are many examples like this in the community about Joe, he’s not the cold-hearted monster that his opposition wants you to think he is. He’s someone who really cares about people.

As a veteran I appreciate Joe’s commitment to the Fancher War Memorial. Joe is a Marine Corps veteran himself and it shows in his work ethic and his never give-up attitude.

As a fellow veteran and his friend I will continue to support him in the November election and I urge every veteran, Conservative, independent, Democrat and Republican to contact him and get to know him then vote for him in November.

Jim Johnson


Sidonio’s loss in GOP primary is disappointing

Posted 28 June 2023 at 7:38 pm


I am saddened by the outcome of the primary in Murray. I would have thought the accomplishments of Joe Sidonio would far outweigh any negative talk.

He worked tirelessly for our town. Is he a perfect human? No. Are any of us perfect humans? No, nor could we ever be.

You who raged against him, hate him, do you really have our best interests at heart? Joe did!!

Donna Smith


‘Green Orleans’ offers ways and ideas to reduce environmental impact

Posted 27 June 2023 at 7:53 am


“Green Orleans” is a group that is attempting to bring greater awareness of climate change and the efforts to deal with those changes.

Group members involved are among those who believe that becoming more environmentally conscious and responsible is essential as the Earth’s population continues to grow. The group meets at the Hoag Library in Albion on the third Thursday of the month at 11:30.

Earlier this spring, the message board in front of the Albion Presbyterian Church read: “If you don’t, then who will?” This letter is an attempt to identify a few of the actions that we can take to make a difference. For example, might your business offer paper straws, rather than plastic?  Do you as a customer even need a straw?

Composting is a way to reduce waste and improve your soil in which to grow flowers, vegetables, bushes and trees.

Another action is getting in the habit of recycling plastic and cardboard rather than throwing everything into a garbage container. If the Earth is to survive for future generations, recycling is a must. And, yes, it may take a little extra time.

Doing as much with less is necessary as well. This letter was originally “roughed out” on the back of material that was to be discarded. Traveling from one place to another efficiently uses less energy. Ride sharing often works.

You may ask yourself some of these questions. Is traveling on a bicycle possible? Might I walk to the library? Would an electric vehicle be a sensible option for me? Do I really need more than one napkin?

Is a plastic bag really needed when I pick up the sub sandwich, which is already wrapped in paper? Can I drink my iced coffee from a reusable container without using a straw? Can I use the dishwater to water my plants?

If some of this makes sense to you, we hope to see you at our July 20 meeting at the Hoag Library. Meetings usually last no longer than an hour.


Sister Dolores O’Dowd, Tom Robinson, Rosanne Leach, Gary Kent, Kim Remley and John Grein

Sidonio has accomplishments for Town of Murray

Posted 27 June 2023 at 7:47 am


Murray residents will have an opportunity to choose the Republican candidates for town board and town supervisor.

This being a small community everyone knows the current board members. I would like to consider most of them friends. However, I am not voting for anybody based on friendship. I am not voting based on what people have said, or what they are promising. I will cast my votes based on results.

Based on results, Joe Sidonio has earned my vote for another term.

Before running for office, Mr. Sidonio indicated that the water department was losing gallons of water. He was called a liar. An independent auditor showed that the water department was losing more than $30,000 of water a year. The water department has taken corrective action, and we are no longer pouring money down the drain.

The rededication of the war monument in Fancher. This is saving a vital piece of history. It is action not words. Saying you support veterans is meaningless. Reminding people what our ancestors did for their country. Reminding people that they did what needed to be done, not for a reward for themselves, family, or friends, but just because it needed to be done.

The water debt was refinanced, saving Murray a significant amount of money.

Recently it has come to light that the most recent budget that Supervisor Sidonio  recommended would have resulted in a tax decrease for the residents of Murray while providing for a 3% raise for town employees. The budget that passed by the board kept the tax rate the same. This is an absolute contradiction of the values they claim to have.

These accomplishments are why I will vote for Mr. Sidonio in the primary.

I will also vote for Mr. Collyer with the hopes that he will earn that vote in the same way Mr. Sidonio has.

Thanks for your time,

David Leach


Gray vows to be voice for Shelby residents, with focus on reducing taxes

Posted 27 June 2023 at 7:42 am


The Primary election is today. The Town of Shelby can once again exercise their rights and vote for candidates who they think can best serve their interests.

As a first-timer, this election has opened up my eyes to say the least. Most of the time, there are the good parts – the talking to people, sharing ideas, listening to concerns, and just generally being more involved.

There are also times that can be trying, such as stealing lawn signs, being called out in a non-partisan meeting to serve a political agenda, or even the whisper campaigns from the entrenched establishment. This is politics though and we keep fighting to give the people a clear choice.

The more I talked to residents on the campaign trail, the more it became clear I didn’t have all the answers, nor was I expected to, but I did have two ears and I can hear very common themes.

As a councilperson, if I could be so honored to earn your vote, I promise to be the voice in Town Hall that Shelby residents deserve. First, I will work endlessly to research and vote to rescind the new assessment levels. Our Town is already taxed enough!

Second, I will be a strong leader in Town Hall that advocates for lower taxes and fiscal responsibility. Our residents deserve to have the best services and not break the bank to receive it. We need to examine every budget line to determine if we are getting the best return on investment.

Third, together we can finally put Shelby residents before politics. Our Town is plagued with backroom deals and lack of transparency.

This election is important, extremely important for our Town. If we want to take back our Town, have it represent us, provide everyone with growth, opportunity, and prosperity, then please take a hard look at your ballot today and consider voting for my candidacy.

I am Justin Gray, a life-long Republican, husband, father, farmer, and Corrections Officer.

Thank you Shelby residents for considering me.

Justin Gray


Town clerk in Murray says Sidonio misleads public, is no team-builder

Posted 26 June 2023 at 11:18 am


It has been difficult for me to sit back and not comment about the misleading things that have been told to Murray residents by the current supervisor, Joe Sidonio.

From the beginning of his tenure, I’ve worked with him respectfully, in order to do my job as Town Clerk. I have done so despite the grossly inappropriate profanities he has called me and my colleagues over and over again and despite the multitude of lies he has told.

Mr. Sidonio says he wants to bring everyone together and be a team, yet he intentionally does the opposite. He continually misleads residents saying the salaries of elected officials are almost twice the actual amount. When he was called out on this, his excuse was that pensions, social security and health insurance are included in his numbers.

The Town of Murray budget is on the town website and shows exactly what the employees make. When he says that I received a higher raise than the department clerks, he fails to tell you that the previous year, the clerks received a raise while I did not. Deliberately misleading.

He takes credit for “straightening out” the water department, when in reality, the water losses were being corrected before he got elected. It began with repairs by Ed Morgan, then Dennis Mandigo and finally, Dirk Lammes made the final repairs to bring the loss to an acceptable level.

He fails to tell you that although our town and water department are audited by an outside firm annually, he insisted on hiring another outside auditor to go through the water department books. When that resulted in no improprieties found, he hired yet another outside auditor and once again the audit turned up nothing. All at the cost of the Town of Murray taxpayers.

He tells you that he reduced water taxes. Taking operation and maintenance off of tax bills makes it appear you’re saving money but what Mr. Sidonio doesn’t tell you is that your water rates have now gone up significantly to make up for it. His home is tied into the Village of Holley water so these higher rates don’t affect him at his residence.

He also fails to tell you that by taking the water operation and maintenance off the tax bills saves himself and his family significantly on the many parcels they own.

He says he’s not part of the “go along to get along” but when he oversaw the Republican committee, he threatened me with possibly not being endorsed if I didn’t vote the way he wanted.

I have no problem with someone who has opinions that differ from mine being elected supervisor, but I do have a problem when someone gets elected by misleading our residents.  I’ve been your Town Clerk for 17 years and I take pride in the way my office is run. The employees have always worked as a team. While we do not always agree, we are respectful and listen to each other’s opinions. That is not the “good old boys club,” it is called being a team with one goal in mind and that is to do what is the best for the Town of Murray.

Gerry Rightmyer has been endorsed unanimously by the Murray Republican Committee. He has no agenda. He is a great listener who truly cares about the concerns and needs of our community. He has demonstrated a commitment to transparency and accountability. He will work to ensure that our town government is responsive to the needs of all residents. He has the qualifications to do the job and, just as important, he is an honest, ethical man.

I urge you to join me in supporting Gerry Rightmyer for Murray Town Supervisor.  He is the right person for the job. Help make Murray proud again and vote Rightmyer on Tuesday, June 27.

Cindy Oliver

Town Clerk, Town of Murray

Sidonio’s wife says he has long cared for community and good governance

Posted 26 June 2023 at 9:08 am


As Joe Sidonio’s wife I have observed Joe over decades of service, and throughout his whole tenure as Town Supervisor in Murray.

Many of you may know Joe only through the tawdry letters and pointed arrows that are thrown at him. I see him for who he is. I see his work. I understand his intent. I see his joy in people, his respect for all and his incredible generosity – giving of time and resources to help so many.

It is incredible that he has chosen – and continues to be willing – to give of himself to this town. Thank you, Joe, for all that you do for this community.

Thank you for your courage to tackle the most difficult issues and stand tall in the face of adversity. You are always working to do the right thing and that is noticed and appreciated.

Thank you for lowering our town taxes! This is really, really, meaningful to every person in town.  We need to be able to afford to live here! Lowering taxes has taken a lot of hard work. Thank you.

Thank you for your vision for a healthy community, a community that is moving forward while safeguarding the things that we treasure such as our environment and our history, the beauty of our landscape, our fertile soils and the community that we will leave our children.

Thank you for making the effort to educate yourself about the proper procedures of good government so that important issues such as ethics, management and planning are done correctly – for the benefit of us all. I have watched as you have endlessly pursued training, asked authorities who know the proper answers, and been forever curious about not only what makes a good government, but why some towns flourish and others flail or fail.

Thank you for teaching us all that being involved in our community government is important –and rallying one and all to understand how local government works, to take note of what happens to shape the future of our town, and how our communal tax monies are spent and managed.

Thank you for giving a voice to the underserved and the unheard – and leading us forward to a future where each citizen – no matter their age, occupation, sex, where they went to school, their vision, race, popularity, ethnicity, religion or world view – is equal before our government and treated fairly before all of our government bodies. Too long we have lived in a community driven by fear where some residents are treated with kid gloves and others are purposely mistreated, persecuted and maligned. You have given each and every individual an equal voice.  Thank you.

Thank you for your hours of hard work and your years of volunteer service – Twenty years of giving – as a Marine, on Town and County Planning boards, as the Supervisor – and for the unseen hours and hours of work that you do every day to make our town a better place.  I do not think that the public knows how much time and effort you spend on the job of supervisor.  I think that many would be very surprised at the endless dedication that you have given to ensure that our town is governed properly.

Thank you for your ideas and also for the effort that you put into making other’s good ideas a reality. The list of ways that you have given to this community is amazing – breathing life into Dr. Fiorito’s vision for the restoration of the Fancher War Memorial and its subsequent National Register of Historic Places honor; initiating, sponsoring and funding the stipend for a high school essay contest entitled “The Jewel of Western New York”; paying for the first study about the feasibility of restoring the old Holley High School; establishing the first farmland protection plan in Orleans County…. And so many more initiatives. And now, the glimmer of a possibility of a Quarryman’s park!

Thank you for the bravery and tenacity – Never giving up in the face of years and years of abuse and bullying – even predating your tenure as Supervisor.  Thank you for not giving in to doing political favors in order to gain popularity and remaining true to your values despite the bitter backlash. Thank you for facing, every day, deceitful and calculated maligning of your character,  misrepresentation of your good intent, mean scheme after meaner scheme intended to cause you to fail. You are not the lies that they say about you. You are incredibly brave. Thank you for standing up to the bullies for us all – like David to Goliath.

Thank you for your role as watchdog of our dollars – Using your accounting training to manage correctly our town’s fiscal health.

Thank you for working so well with the leadership of other towns and state offices, elevating our town to a non-political status of note and respect.

Thank you for your respect for older generations, and your appreciation of those with different backgrounds. The warmth of your friendships far and wide, and the joy with which you engage and support such a wide range of people is a remarkable testament to the wonderful person that you are.  You make and keep friends wherever you go and each one treasures your friendship in return.

Keep up the good work you do for us! Voters, please help ensure that good government principles continue to be safeguarded.

Vote for Joe Sidonio in the Republican Primary on June 27.

Amy Machamer


‘Anti-Joe’ individuals scheme to get Sidonio out of office

Posted 26 June 2023 at 8:28 am


Having just read the previous post about “Sidonio disqualified himself from public office with racist comments in taped conversation” I can’t say I’m  surprised that this desperate town board and a couple of disgruntled employees in the final days of this primary would go back to their failed efforts to try to get Joe out of their way.

They’ve convinced someone who Joe thought was his friend to secretly record him in a private conversation without his knowledge and use it to go as far as contacting the news media and Black Lives Matter to try to cause harm to Joe and his family. This is just the latest effort to try and discredit Joe.

I’m thoroughly disgusted by this constant backstabbing by these individuals. It shows that they have no honor and can’t be trusted. Don’t think they wouldn’t do this to you or me if it would benefit them. Why do they want to get Joe out of their way?

Joe has been pointing out the corruption within the town since he started running for Supervisor from the water loss cover up and theft to reprimanding an elected employee for working on his vehicle in the town garage.

These “anti-Joe” individuals are telling everyone that Joe won’t work with them. Why would he? They spend more time scheming to get rid of him than attending to the town’s business.

If they get Joe out of their way with these antics who are they going to go after next? Will they weaponize code enforcement? With Joe out of the way they can push through lavish benefits, pay increases and padded retirement accounts for their friends and relatives at the town hall, something that Joe has tried to keep under control to be fair to both the employees and the tax payers.

Joe recently mailed out a flyer urging you to vote for Eric Collyer and himself. I urge you to read it, note Joe’s qualifications and vote for them in the Republican Primary on Tuesday, June 27, as they are the best-qualified candidates.

Jim Johnson


Trump’s actions put U.S. military in harm’s way

Posted 26 June 2023 at 8:21 am


Former president Donald Trump has a history of disparaging both the U.S. Military and National Security.

Mr. Trump, a draft dodger, called John McCain a loser because he displayed heroism and patriotism while serving his country. Mr. Trump gave highly classified confidential information to Russian officials in the Oval Office, forcing the extraction of a valuable informant in Moscow.

At a press conference Mr. Trump voiced support for Vladimir Putin over U.S. Intelligence officials. Mr. Trump tweeted classified satellite images revealing National Security information.

While Mr. Trump called Americans who died in war “losers” and “suckers” he saluted a North Korean General, a country sworn to destroy the United States. Mr. Trump withheld congressionally approved military aid to Ukraine, in violation of U.S. law, to aid Russia.

Now we are learning that Mr. Trump hoarded classified material, even after a subpoena was issued, which could endanger U.S. intelligence and put U.S. military personnel in harm’s way.

Mr. Trump is facing 31 counts of espionage; 31 times Mr. Trump is accused of putting the security of the nation and the defenders of the Constitution at risk.

Republicans, like Congresswoman Claudia Tenney, need to explain how they can defend Mr. Trump when time after time his actions damage the United States and the defenders of the Constitution.

William Fine
