Christians need to humble themselves and take faith seriously

Posted 9 February 2024 at 8:12 am


How soon we forget about important news events as time passes.

One year ago on February 8, 2023, a spiritual revival began at Asbury University, a Christian college in Wilmore, Kentucky. It lasted for more than two weeks and was followed by people all over the world.

Have we learned anything from this event? Now that it is over, is it just a memory, a pleasant experience or a time to move on?

Spiritual revival is where Christians get serious about their faith and their way of living before God and their friends and neighbors. It must begin after a time of sincere seeking of God and His will for our lives.

This prayer then leads to a time of confession of sins and a crying out to God for His forgiveness and cleansing in our lives. As the power of God’s Holy Spirit moves in us, we begin to publicly  cry out to God for the cleansing and healing of our lives and begin to worship Him and ask for Him to work in us to love Him more, love people more and to be obedient to the teachings of the Bible and our concern for the souls of other people.

It includes a time of serious worship of God, His love and His Holiness, admitting how sinful and disobedient we are as human beings. This often begins a time of rededication of our lives and a new commitment to carry out our Lord’s Commission to us for obedience, holy living, evangelizing the lost and making disciples for Jesus Christ.

None of this will ever take place unless it begins with pastors and other church leaders who acknowledge they have failed in their calling, humble themselves, admit their own sins and become a living example for their people and the outside world.

Much of the decadence in society and the moral decline can be attributed to the lack of preaching and teaching from God’s Word. Too many pastors and Christian leaders have been more concerned with growing a big church and securing a comfortable lifestyle and future for themselves instead of preaching on sin, repentance and obedience to God. As a  result, the church in America has become weak and ineffective.

Will Revival ever take place in Orleans County or Western New York? Only if pastors, church leaders and those in the pews become serious about pleasing God rather than man.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!

Wayne Lemcke
