I, Robin Wehling, a taxpaying Village of Medina resident, want to share my story and 100 percent support of the paid Medina Fire Department and the equipment and upgrades that are necessary to maintain the safety of our village and residents.
I strongly support the Village of Medina’s request for FY26 Congressionally Directed Spending in the amount of $1.4 million to expand the existing fire station to accommodate a critical addition to their fire & emergency services.
The current fire station was built in 1930s for the Department of Public Works and not meant for the weight of fire apparatus. The weight of the trucks has caused the floors to crack, sink and separate.
The building has structural damage and needs work done to repoint the block walls and floor repairs. The new ladder truck will not be able to be housed in the current fire station because of the height. Smaller ladder trucks are not manufactured.
The current ladder truck is 29 years old with many plumbing, mechanical and electrical issues. The cost of these repairs exceed the value of the truck. In addition some repairs like replacement windshield are no longer available.
Multiple times during fire operations the ladder truck has had failures, where the truck wouldn’t operate properly or even at all due to the age of the truck. This is a safety concern for residents and firefighters.
The new ladder truck will provide greater reach and versatility for the Village of Medina. During operations the collapse zone is 1.5 times the height of the building, which is needed for the safety of the firefighter team. The new ladder truck will be more effective for large-story buildings, especially in historical downtown with 3-story buildings.
The new ladder truck with the extra reach will give the ability to drown out the fire. The expected delivery of the new ladder truck is December 2025. Unfortunately the new truck will not fit in the existing building.
The Medina Fire Department is essential in the safety of the surrounding jurisdictions of towns of Shelby, Ridgeway, Yates, Albion, Gaines, Barre, Royalton and Hartland, and the villages of Lyndonville, Albion and Middleport. The response time is critical in these emergency situations.
With a volunteer fire department as in the surrounding districts, the response time for medical or fire situation will greatly affect the outcome. In addition a volunteer fire department has EMT for medical response, while Medina Fire department has trained paramedics that can administer medical intervention, as in my case.
My experience is that minutes are critical in an emergency. My story is on August 30, 2017, I had a sudden numbness in my left arm. I knew I was having a heart attack. When you are having a heart attack, time is so critical to your survival.
At the first sign of a heart issue you have 90 minutes before it is fatal. It may take several minutes before you realize you need medical attention. In my case it was about 10 minutes before we called for an ambulance. The Medina Fire Department responded within a few minutes. So approximately 15 minutes passed.
The paramedics started heart protocol administering nitroglycerin and aspirin, completing an EKG and transmitting to Buffalo General. Now a 50-minute ambulance ride to Buffalo General. So now I have less than 30 minutes to be assessed and get medical intervention.
Because of the paid Medina Fire Department and trained paramedics, they saved my life. I had a stent put in the main artery and my doctor told me I was a miracle. My heart attack is called the “widowmaker” with less than 1 percent survival.
I know the timing and expertise of the Medina paramedics saved my life, along with God’s intervention. With my 90-minute heart issue a volunteer response would have a resulted in a fatality. With the fire department’s quick and immediate response, I know my life was saved.
I strongly support the need to protect the community and residents of the Village of Medina and surrounding communities. Orleans County is a rural area where response time to a large medical facility is approximately 50 to 60-minute drive. The Medina Fire Department can provide a quick and efficient emergency response, including an immediate response for a fire.
With a 30-year loan to provide a bare bones, 1-bay addition to accommodate the ladder truck, Medina Fire Department will be able to continue to provide vital fire protection and ambulance services.
The current fire station will provide storage for the lifesaving boat and ambulances currently in service. Another location not near the current fire station would only delay response time and with a different type of building Medina would not be able to obtain a 30-year loan.
Please consider this request for $1.4 million for the Village of Medina’s FY26 Congressionally Directed Spending Request, in order to provide a modernized and adequately sized fire station so the medina Fire Department can continue to serve and protect our residents.
Thank you.
Robin Wehling