Yates councilwoman says board has been financial stewards while meeting community needs

Posted 5 November 2023 at 5:02 pm


It has been my pleasure to serve on the Town of Yates board over the past four years. Working with Jim Simon, John Riggi, Harold Suhr, Terri Chaffee and Shelly Harling has been extremely productive and rewarding for our community.

Although we may not always agree on “how much, what, where and when,” this team sees differing viewpoints and opinions as an opportunity for growth and change. Difficult discussions, although often passionate and loud, are encouraged and carried out.

In this election year I’ve read a few editorials which caused me to pause and think, people don’t really believe this do they?

It is easy to attack and throw out campaign slogans… “reduce taxes, stop the tax and spend” etc…. The reality is that with inflation, there is an increase in costs to maintain equipment, snowplows, fire trucks, and the buildings in which our town workers operate. Our town employees deserve to receive raises in order to continue to work in the community and provide for their families.

In making decisions with regard to who I want leading my country, my community and my employment situation, I look to how potential leaders manage their own lives, their money, their homes, their families, and what they produce from their words and actions and daily living habits.

The Town of Yates council members deal with the reality of current fiscal issues and put into action the ideals of responsible stewardship, transparency in governing, building of future generations and collaboration with all aspects of what community means while being as financially frugal as possible and taking in the big picture of what is best for all community members.

This group has taken action. We have worked hard to close the gap with an inherited unhealthy budget to get finances back on track. We continue to work to ensure our town workers receive adequate salaries to commensurate with their work and dedication, and to retain our quality employees and community members so they may provide for their families.

We continue to support ambulance and fire services. We support the parents and youth of our community through summer programs and work collaboratively with the school district to support the growth of future, productive and healthy citizens.

We continue to look for ways to ease the high cost of living for all community members, while being responsible stewards of what we currently have.

I encourage each and every one to review some of our efforts on the town website. We are experienced and educated, and we’ve produced measurable recorded results.

I ask Mr. Lauricella and Mr. Colon – What is your plan? What is your vision? What is your past experience with money and budgets entrusted to your care? What is your experience dealing with conflict successfully? What ideas do you have to benefit everyone in the community financially? How will you maintain your “stop the tax and spend” slogan during the next four-year period? Will you put a stop to maintaining buildings, purchasing needed equipment, maintaining roads and paying our employees the wages they deserve?

The challenge of managing the money of others is enormous and a great responsibility, often immersed in conflict with difficult decisions to be made. How are you up for the challenge?  You have shared your displeasure in the current board by citing half-truths, I am open to learning your specific plan.

Although this is an “off election year,” it is an important election year. These are the years when the “nuts and bolts” of governments are established. I encourage everyone to educate themselves on the facts, reach out to current board members with any questions, and please get out and vote on Tuesday, November 7.


Susan Bennett Hrovat

Town of Yates Councilman