Yates candidates say they will scrutinize town spending and oppose tax increases

Posted 9 October 2023 at 9:10 pm


Hi friends, our names are Paul Lauricella Jr. and Steven A. Colon.

We are hoping to earn both of the councilman seats up for election in the Town of Yates. Next year reassessments are coming (could be 20 to 50 % increases) and the town budget is up about $25,000 from last year. Someone has to put their foot down with these no-end in sight tax increases. That is why we are running.

We want government to take less of our money. We don’t want you to have to choose between paying out-of-control taxes, putting food on your table or giving your family a nice Christmas. We want you to be able to stay in your home, maybe pass it down to your children, but the taxes are not affordable right now to many.

Will your children be able to afford the taxes down the road? Will you or they have to sell or worse lose the lifetime of sacrifice to taxes? The property tax is most immoral and despicable tax ever inflicted on mankind.

That is why we will put “You the Taxpayers First,” meaning there will no support for any spending that is not absolutely necessary for the town to function. All spending will be put under the microscope of  “Can the taxpayers afford it?”

We will put priorities first. For instance we must build up our equipment reserves. We need to put money away to paint the water tower that is coming soon.

We will work with the businesses here in our town, all of them. They provide much-needed jobs and income to many of our residents. We are a farming community first and foremost. We need to get out of the “Real Estate Business, the Manure Business, the Entertainment Business, the Litigation Business and the Legacy Building Business.”

We need to get back to “Doing the People’s Business.” We say this because we see your money being wasted on these things with no shame or regard for you. We will leave all that to the entrepreneurs and farmers by clearing the way for them.

It is essential that you not sit this one out and vote for the two of us. There are part-time residents that have switched their addresses to try to influence our local elections for team incumbents.

Every single vote will matter. Do you think that if more taxation is collected by our town government that they will do the right thing with it? Cut your taxes? Do you think they will just spend it and beyond? Coming back the following year for more. Grow government. We know you are smart enough to figure that one out. That is why we want to earn your trust and to elect both of us to those seats so we can make a difference and bring some balance.

For fiscal responsibility, sanity, and limited government please get out and vote early, send in your absentees, or vote in person on November 7th for Paul Lauricella Jr. and Steven A.Colon on the Conservative Party Line or the Taxpayers First Line. Thank you for your support.

Paul Lauricella Jr.

Steven A. Colon

Candidates for Yates Town Board