Yates candidate’s actions and comments should be treated with caution

Posted 28 October 2023 at 6:30 pm


After reading Mr. Colon’s latest post in this forum, my immediate thought was, “That is someone who should never hold a public office.”

He stated in his recent post that, “We believe in the rule of law and stand proudly for our flag and our brave men and women in uniform.” Does he forget that the attempt to overthrow our government despite there being no evidence of election fraud led to the deaths of four men and women in the Capitol Police force on Jan. 6, 2021 because of him and people like him?

If he gets elected and doesn’t like a town policy, is he going to attempt to overthrow the Town Board?

The last line of his recent post said, “Actions define a man or a woman.” That is true, and his attempt to overthrow the freely elected government will define him as a traitor to this country who tried to overthrow a valid election because of his extremist and nonsensical views.

Later in his post he tried to paint this issue as he’s a Republican and he will be the right candidate because of that. But his candidacy is not about Right or Left, it is about Right and Wrong! He is a danger to our society and should never hold a public office because of his extremist views that almost ended our democracy.

As he referenced his co-candidate Paul Lauricella again in his post, we can assume that he espouses the same views and we should think twice about electing him to hold a government office as well.

John Fredericks
