Write-in candidate in Shelby welcomes opportunity to stay on Town Board

Posted 4 November 2023 at 8:21 pm


I would like to thank everyone in Shelby who have welcomed me and spent time talking to me.  I have learned a lot about your concerns and priorities. If you have any further questions or just want to talk, I am here and ready to listen.

Our town has had some ups and downs but I have tried to work with everyone. I have always kept the best interest of the residents of Shelby in mind and will continue to do so.

This year my name won’t be printed on the ballot. If you would like to see me continue working for our town, please write in “John Pratt” in the write in section, under the council member column, at the bottom of the ballot. It would be greatly appreciated.

It has been my pleasure and an honor to work for you the past four years. With your help and support, by writing my name in, I hope to continue working for you another four years. Thank you.

John Pratt

Write-in candidate for Shelby Town Board