Woman in guarded condition after run over by her own car

Posted 1 June 2014 at 12:00 am

Press release, Orleans County Undersheriff Steve Smith

CARLTON – A Lockport woman remains hospitalized and in guarded condition this morning after being run over by her own car Saturday night in the Town of Carlton.

The incident occurred at about 8:15 p.m. The car was parked with the engine running in a private driveway at a residence in the 12700 block of Roosevelt Highway (State Route 18).  Alexis N. Thompson, 28, had just secured her 4-year-old son into an approved child restraint seat in the rear seat area of the car.  Her 10-year-old daughter was in the front seat listening to the radio. The driver’s door was open.

Thompson was standing outside the car when the floor shift lever of the 1999 Dodge sedan was somehow moved from the “park” position and the vehicle began to move.  Thompson apparently attempted to reach into the car to stop it when she was knocked to the ground by the open car door and the car ran over her in the driveway.  The vehicle continued out into the roadway before coming to the rest.  Neither of the children was injured.

Thompson was flown to Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester by Mercy Flight helicopter. Carlton firefighters and Medina Fire Department ambulance personnel also assisted.

The incident was investigated by Sergeants D.W. Covis and G.T. Gunkler.  Since there were no adult witnesses to the incident, deputies are hoping to interview Thompson at some point to gain additional perspective as to what occurred.