Wolter, unsuccessful in election bid, thanks Shelby voters for support

Posted 28 November 2023 at 9:00 am


I want to reach out to extend my thanks to voters in Shelby for the support and trust shown to me during my campaign.

Although we didn’t cross the finish line as we had hoped, the journey has been nothing sort of remarkable because of your involvement and encouragement.

It’s been inspiring to see so many of you actively engaged and contributing your perspectives. This experience has been more than just an election; it’s been about a community with a common goal.

I want to assure you that my commitment to Shelby doesn’t end here. My dedication to our town and its residents remains strong and I look forward to being a part of ongoing efforts to make Shelby a better place for us all.

The conversations we’ve started are important, and I hope we keep them going. Shelby is defined by its people, and your voices are necessary to shaping the future. Stay alert and speak up for safety.

Bill Wolter
