WLI presenting nuclear awareness program on Jan. 29 at Hoag Library
ALBION – Current climate changes and threats to peace, safety and security have prompted the World Life Institute to create a Global Nuclear Awareness Program.
At the Hoag Library at 7 p.m. Wednesday, WLI will sponsor an evening of engaging and thought-provoking speakers who will share their expertise on critical issues surrounding nuclear energy, climate change and the implications of global conflict, according to Linda Redfield Shakoor, deputy director of WLI’s Global Nuclear Awareness Program.
“We focus our presentations on two general areas – the effects of radiation on humans and the environment with an emphasis on the risks and consequences of nuclear power plant accidents, and the direct effects and local consequences of nuclear war,” Shakoor said.
Global Nuclear Awareness is a program of WLI headquartered in Medina. It was founded by the late Col. Dr. Asaf Durakovic, the director of radiology and nuclear medicine for the Department of Veterans Affairs in Wilmington, Del.
Highlights of Wednesday’s event will be “The Fukushima Accident…or is it,” and “What’s War Got to do with it? Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Warming and Rapid Climate Change.”
The session on the Fukushima Accident will be presented by Stella Gresham, a member of Durakovic’s team who coordinated and presented Radiation Emergency Management medical education lectures at Veterans Affairs hospitals and professional and public education programs sponsored by Brockport State College. She continues to be a researcher and presented for Global Nuclear Awareness, giving public presentations locally and at Niagara University.
Tedd Weyman, deputy director of the Uranium Medical Research Center and a lecturer for WLI’s public, community and school programs on Global Nuclear Awareness, will lead the presentation on “What’s War Got to do With it? Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Warming and Rapid Climate Change.”
Weyman was the field team lead for UMRC’s studies into armed forces contamination and civilian effects of uranium weapons used by the coalition in Afghanistan, Iraq and Gaza. He will explore the sudden climate effects of nuclear war and its potential to modify global and local temperatures, affecting food production and person security in North America.
In a press release from Samiah Ghani, a member of the Global Nuclear Awareness Program, she states this is a unique opportunity for individuals interested in learning about nuclear energy’s role in global security and the environment to engage directly with experts in the field.
“Whether you are a professional in the field or simply curious about the subject, this event offers valuable insights into one of the most pressing issues of our time,” Ghani reports.
To secure a spot at the presentation, individuals are encouraged to register by visiting www.globalnuclearawareness.org or e-mailing info@globalnuclearawareness.org.