Winston, a therapy dog, brings calming presence at farmers’ market in Medina
Photos by Ginny Kropf: Andrea and Zach Busch pose with Winston, their Labradoodle therapy dog, at the Canal Village Farmers’ Market.
MEDINA – The Canal Village Farmers’ Market welcomed a special guest on Saturday – a Labradoodle therapy dog named Winston.
Winston, 3, is owned by Zach and Andrea Busch, who acquired the dog when he was eight weeks old. As soon as he had received all his necessary puppy shots, Andrea took him to Fort Hyde Kennel in Gasport, where trainer Sarah Reed worked with Andrea to train Winston.
Both Zach and Andrea work with children. Zach as band director at Holley Central School, and Andrea as music teacher for kindergarten to second grade at Oak Orchard Elementary School.
“Research has shown that kids who read to a therapy dog feel more confident,” Andrea said.
Andrea became interested in therapy dogs after receiving her master’s degree in special education and teaching at a school for kids with disabilities in Manhattan.
“It made sense to get a therapy dog,” she said. “Wherever he goes, he’s a calming presence.”
This was the first time Winston had visited the market. There is a kids’ corner there and Andrea set out books for children who wanted to read to Winston.
She also brought a supply of bookmarks with a picture of the Labradoodle, on which was printed, “I read with Winston.”
The Canal Village Farmers’ Market will continue to operate in the former NAPA building at 345 Main St. until warmer weather.
Certified therapy dog handler Andrea Busch, left, watches Raelynn Baker greet Winston at the Canal Village Farmers’ Market on Saturday.
Andrea Busch, right, gives market visitor Stacey Laskey a supply of Winston bookmarks to take to her class at Medina Head Start.