Wind energy project will bring many benefits to Barre community
In a recent letter, longtime opponent of wind energy, Kerri Richardson, claimed that residents may not see many benefits from the Heritage Wind project to the Town of Barre, Orleans County, and our local schools.
Ms. Richardson threw out a lot of numbers but ignores some basic facts about the project.
First, the revenue from Heritage Wind is new money for our town that we didn’t have to begin with. The benefits to our town, and schools from the PILOT and Host Community Agreement revenue are significant! And the amount could have been greater if not for the constant opposition and antics of the anti-wind factions, including Ms. Richardson’s group, which resulted in a smaller project with fewer turbines than originally proposed and permitted.
The funds coming to Barre from the wind project certainly could be used to lower town taxes, as the majority on the current board have expressed that they want to do. Other wind projects across the state have done just that.
Could the money from the project be used for other town priorities? Of course! It’s no secret that the funds could be used for other projects and that it’s up to the board. And with the additional funds, other priorities could be addressed as well. The question is whether most of the funds will be used to help the residents, and that will depend on who is on the board now and in the future.
Ms. Richardson also mentioned that job creation in this area from the project will be a low number and so not worthwhile. But she forgot to include the several hundred workers who will be working to build the project, including spending with local businesses to provide supplies and services during construction.
While construction workers will certainly come from throughout the region, and not all will be local to Orleans County, any visiting workers will be spending money locally for their daily needs, such as housing, food service, fuel and supplies. During operations, the number of full-time employees will decrease but the project will still produce full-time good paying jobs for the community.
Ms. Richardson and I do agree that when we vote this coming November, we should keep in mind who we want to represent our town. But we disagree on the kind of representation. Do we want those who are stuck in the past fighting against a project that is already approved, as Ms. Richardson would advocate for? Or do we want a group that will embrace the opportunity before us and make sure the financial benefits from Heritage Wind will be used in the best interests of the town and its residents? I’d rather see a group using the money to make life better for residents rather than fighting legal battles.
And I disagree with Ms. Richardson that most of the residents are against this project. I don’t think that’s been proven at all. I would say that most people here are probably tired of hearing about it and want the fighting to stop.
The wind project is coming! It will soon be built and will be generating clean power! And the new funds coming to the town, Orleans County, and local schools will provide a huge boost to this area that will prove beneficial to all.
Christine Loss