Walking trail at Albion school is a benefit to community
I’ve been walking at the Albion Elementary School for four years. I think the walking trail is the best kept secret in the entire school district.
I started walking after my heart attack. I begin when the weather turns cold and rainy in the fall and walk well into the spring. In those four years, I have made new friends, walked with old friends and have gotten to know some of the staff and teachers who are friendly and welcoming. I have seen other people like me walking to improve their health, friends exercising together, parents walking with their children and mothers pushing baby strollers. I especially like the kid’s art work that lines the hallways.
Last December I was asked to join the Walking Trail Club. This club and others are a part of the Community Schools Program. A group of about 20 children came together to learn about the health benefits of walking and to study how to improve the walking trail experience. We walked the trail several times in order to learn the route. One day we walked it with an odometer in order to determine the length (1/4 mile) and we designed a “Welcome to the Walking Trail” sign.
I want to thank Kim Burrell and Stephanie Schepis for making this a great learning experience for the children and for including me in the process. I also want to invite the Albion Community to use the walking trail. It is open from 4 to 8 p.m. during the week.
Tom Gardner