Volunteers tally over 12,000 birds in annual bird count at Oak Orchard Swamp
Total number down about 8,000 from previous year; Iceland Gull joins the count for first time
Photos courtesy of Celeste Morien: Bird counters spotted a Northern Cardinal, left, and a Blue Jay.
By Celeste Morien, count compiler for Oak Orchard Swamp Christmas Bird Count
BASOM – The Audubon Oak Orchard Swamp Christmas Bird Count was held on Dec. 27. Weather was warm for the date, with an actual low (26F) higher than average and an actual high (43F) much higher than average.
The maximum snow depth was 2 inches. Moving water was partly open and marshes were frozen following cold earlier in the week. The day was precipitation free and clear until afternoon clouds moved in over the region.
Forty-one counters found 70 species, two less than last year and just over 12,000 individual birds, almost 8,000 fewer birds than in 2023. Counters logged 49 hours on foot and 57 hours by car. Counters walked 58 miles and drove 494 miles by car.
A celebratory dinner was held at Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge after the count. Hearty thanks go out to the many participants who volunteered to devote their day to an assessment of local bird populations. Many thanks to our sponsor, Friends of Iroquois NWR, for graciously providing the meal for all who participated. Special thanks to Iroquois Refuge Staff Manager Tom Roster for providing the venue. Many thanks to Park Ranger/Visitor Services Manager Logan Sauer for managing our arrangements and to Refuge Biologist Paul Hess for coordinating coverage with enthusiastic Fisheries Staff in covering the many diverse areas of the refuge. Last but not least, a big thank you to NYSDEC Winter Raptor Survey Coordinator Elena Greco for coordinating, and raptor survey volunteers for counting on the winter raptor survey team that evening.
Participants made high counts of 16 species and found one new species, Iceland Gull on Glenwood Lake in Medina.
High counts for the following species were Cackling Goose (34), Bald Eagle (32), Sandhill Crane (18), Iceland Gull (1), Rock Pigeon (689), Red-bellied Woodpecker (94), Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (4), Merlin (4), Blue Jay (283), Common Raven (9), Tufted Titmouse (46), Carolina Wren (14), Ruby-crowned Kinglet (1), Golden-crowned Kinglet (39), White-throated Sparrow (125) and Hermit Thrush (2).
There were 965 Dark-eyed Juncos in the annual bird count.
The lower count of total individuals can mostly be attributed to lack of open water for any lingering waterfowl. A good number of our high counts can likely be attributed to our warming winter temperatures and southern species that have moved northward and successfully adapted.
Here are the numbers for species seen in the count:
- Cackling Goose – 34
- Canada Goose – 794
- American Black Duck – 23
- Mallard – 21
- Common Merganser – 11
- Great Blue Heron – 2
- Northern Harrier – 5
- Sharp-shinned Hawk – 6
- Cooper’s Hawk – 4
- Accipiter sp. – 4
- Bald Eagle – 32
- Red-tailed Hawk – 62
- Buteo sp. – 1
- Sandhill Crane – 18
- Ring-billed Gull – 24
- Herring Gull – 13
- Iceland Gull – 1
- gull sp. – 5
- Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) – 689
- Mourning Dove – 363
- Eastern Screech-Owl – 3
- Great Horned Owl – 2
- Barred Owl – 1
- Long-eared Owl
- Short-eared Owl – 2
- Belted Kingfisher – 2
- Red-bellied Woodpecker – 94
- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker – 4
- Downy Woodpecker – 129
- Hairy Woodpecker – 36
- Northern Flicker – 47
- Pileated Woodpecker – 13
- American Kestrel – 9
- Merlin – 4
- Peregrine Falcon – 1
- Northern Shrike – 6
- Blue Jay – 283
- American Crow – 243
- Common Raven – 10
- Horned Lark – 347
- Black-capped Chickadee – 319
- Tufted Titmouse – 46
- Red-breasted Nuthatch – 16
- White-breasted Nuthatch – 89
- Brown Creeper – 18
- Carolina Wren – 14
- Winter Wren – 1
- Golden-crowned Kinglet – 39
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet – 1
- Eastern Bluebird – 79
- Hermit Thrush – 2
- American Robin – 768
- Northern Mockingbird – 3
- European Starling – 3,904
- Cedar Waxwing – 27
- Yellow-rumped Warbler – 17
- American Tree Sparrow – 440
- Field Sparrow – 2
- Song Sparrow – 18
- Swamp Sparrow – 33
- White-throated Sparrow – 125
- White-crowned Sparrow – 3
- Dark-eyed Junco – 965
- Snow Bunting – 833
- Northern Cardinal – 189
- Red-winged Blackbird – 131
- Common Grackle – 1
- Brown-headed Cowbird – 25
- Purple Finch – 2
- House Finch – 67
- White-winged Crossbill – 2
- American Goldfinch – 193
- House Sparrow – 238
- Other unidentified bird species – 150