Dr. G.C. Kesler’s horse barn and vet practice in Holley

Posted 29 July 2013 at 12:00 am

By Bill Lattin
Orleans County Historian

HOLLEY – Our photo was taken around 1920 on East Albion Street in Holley. To the left is Dr. G.C. Kesler’s horse barn. It was out of here that he practiced his veterinarian work. (Note the horses looking out of each window in the barn.)

The house behind this barn marked with an X that faced White Street was Dr. Kesler’s residence. This structure was built in 1834 by Holley Baptists as a meeting house.

When the present Baptist Church was erected on Geddes Street in 1890, the meeting house then became a residence. The house to the right in our picture was also owned by Dr. Kesler. In front of this is a telephone pole with many lines strung on it.