Village gives final approval to credit union project in Albion
ALBION – The Village Planning Board on Wednesday gave the final approval to the site plan for Cobblestone Country Federal Credit Union’s relocation to former medical offices at the corner of Route 31 and Hamilton Street.
The Credit Union is working to renovate the site, adding a drive-through at the back end of the building. It has already paid to have a new roof for the building. The board approved the project with the stipulation that snow can’t block parking spots or sight lines.
The board also declared the project won’t have a negative environmental impact.
Cobblestone Country expects to be in the building in late June, said Nancy Zielonko, Cobblestone Credit manager. It is moving from a site on South Main Street next to COVA. Cobblestone Credit leases that site. It will own the building on Route 31.
The project needed two variances. The building is 2,547 square feet. The village ordinance requires 25 parking spaces for a building that size. The 15 spaces for the project add nine from the previous use.
The village ordinance also requires five spaces at a drive-through for cars to be in line, but the village will allow up to three cars at the Credit Union. That will reduce some of the “stacking” in the line, which won’t be as high volume as a fast-food restaurant.
Cobblestone Country has permission to use the same driveway entrance on 31 that is owned by Oak Orchard Health. That will be better for traffic safety than having two entrances right next to each other, county planning officials said at its meeting last month.