Video shows Holley candidate forum
Photo by Tom Rivers: Six candidates running for the Holley Village Board were part of a candidate forum on Wednesday evening at the Holley Junior-Senior High School Auditorium. Pictured up front include mayoral candidates Shawn O’Mara and Brian Sorochty, and trustee candidates Connie Nenni, Alexa Downey, Robyn Schubmehl and Kevin Lynch. Michael Bonafede served as moderator and Sandy Heise, Krista Wiley, Chris Sartwell and Judith Koehler were question screeners.
A video of Wednesday’s candidate forum for the Holley is now available on the Lake Country Media YouTube channel by clicking here.
The Lake Country Pennysaver and Orleans Hub sponsored the forum on Wednesday at the Holley Junior-Senior High School Auditorium.
The video is 1 hour, 32 minutes and shows candidates giving opening and closing statements, and responding to questions submitted by the audience.
The candidates for the election on Tuesday include Shawn O’Mara and incumbent Brian Sorochty for mayor; and Alexa Downey and Robyn Schubmehl for village trustee, challenging incumbents Connie Nenni and Kevin Lynch.
Voting is from noon to 9 p.m. at the village office.