United Way director sharing impact of agency in county
Photos by Tom Rivers
ALBION – Dean Bellack, director of the Orleans County United Way, speaks to the Albion Rotary Club last week, including members Bill and Marlee Diehl, left.
Jeannie Bebby-McNeil, who is legally blind, has a service dog named Bella.
Bellack was joined by Jeannie Bebby-McNeil, right, who shared how the Genesee-Orleans Ministry of Concern assisted her with home heating fuel when she ran out.
Bebby-McNeil is legally blind after suffering a traumatic brain injury. She is an Army veteran who is returning to college to pursue her doctorate degree in psychology.
Bellack said the United Way raises funds for about a dozen agencies in the county. The money stays local for assist residents in the county.
“We need to raise the funding,” he told the Rotary Club. “We have tremendous need in Orleans County. We hope to raise a lot of money so we can give it away because the county needs it.”
Ann McElwee, a volunteer tutor with the Orleans County Adult Learning Services, also spoke about how OCALS with 20-25 volunteers helps children and adults with their reading skills.
For more on the United Way, click here.