Union for Sheriff’s Employees endorses Sansone for DA
Orleans County Republican Committee meets Feb. 3 to pick candidate
ALBION – A union representing about 50 employees in the Sheriff’s Department has endorsed John Sansone to be Orleans County’s next district attorney.
John Sansone
Joe Cardone, the current DA since 1992, isn’t seeking re-election. Both Sansone, an assistant district attorney, and Susan Howard, the first assistant DA, are seeking to be Cardone’s successor.
The Orleans County Sheriff’s Employees Association today announced it has endorsed Sansone. The union represents corrections officers, public safety dispatchers, sheriff’s office clerks, and jail cooks.
Chris Caufield, a lieutenant in the county jail, is the union president of Council 82 – Local #2966. He said the union heard both candidates outline their experience, qualifications and plans for the office if elected.
“We are confident that Mr. Sansone will continue to be fair, firm, and consistent when it comes to holding offenders accountable for their actions and will always act with the interest of public safety in mind,” Caufield said in a statement from the union. “Furthermore, our members believe that Mr. Sansone possesses the requisite leadership qualities, integrity, and experience to lead the District Attorney’s office moving forward, as it faces the challenges of new and proposed laws aimed at reforming the justice system.
“We anticipate a great working relationship with the District Attorney’s office led by Mr. Sansone, and we ask the community to join us in supporting Mr. John Sansone for Orleans County District Attorney in the upcoming election cycle.”
The Orleans County Republican Committee meets Feb. 3 to discuss its endorsement for district attorney as well as other offices.