Twigs give balance of $38K in funds for projects at Medina hospital

By Ginny Kropf, correspondent Posted 3 May 2023 at 7:27 am

Photo by Ginny Kropf: Jeanne Crane, president of Medina Memorial Hospital’s Association of Twigs, welcomes the group to their annual luncheon at Zambostro’s on Monday. Seated, from left, are hospital Foundation director Megan Johnson, hospital CEO Marc Shurtz and longtime member Sandra Madejski.

MEDINA – Medina Memorial Hospital’s Association of Twigs met Monday at Zambistro’s for its annual luncheon and business meeting.

President Jeanne Crane welcomed the almost two dozen who attended and introduced guests, Orleans Community Health CEO Marc Shurtz and OCH Foundation director Megan Johnson.

Secretary Trish McAdoo read the minutes of last year’s meeting, and recapped some of the things she reported last year. This included a letter written to the Twig organization more than 60 years ago asking them to plan a fundraising card party for the hospital.

Treasurer Sandy Smith reported a balance of $38,422 in the checking and savings accounts, which the membership voted to spend on projects for the hospital. It was customary for the Twigs to make a significant gift to the hospital every year from proceeds of the hospital Gift Shop, which Twigs ran.

Since Covid and closing of the Gift Shop, however, the Twig’s ability to make money has been restricted to profits from the vendor machines and sale of popcorn in the lobby.

Items which the hospital is requesting (some for the North Wing Long Term Care) include a leather recliner, 10 bedside tables, sit-to-stand lift, wheelchair scale, medication chart, 30 visitor chairs, four rocking chairs for the lobby and miscellaneous other items for patient comfort and activities. Shurtz added they want to purchase privacy film for the hospital windows along the sidewalk, mainly in the kitchen area. This will not only provide privacy but will block out UV light.

The Twigs voted to let the hospital have the balance in their accounts and use it as far as it will go to buy the things they need most.

CEO Marc Shurtz  told about the progress being made at the hospital. He said the community needs this hospital, the Albion Walk-In Clinic and lab draw sites. In recent months, surgeon Dr. Misiti has moved his office in the hospital and been joined by another surgeon, Dr. Todd Prier.  Podiatrist Dr. Canzoneri does surgery and has hours in Medina hospital one day a week. Outpatient cardiology is available with Dr. Harry McCrea. Volume in the Albion Walk-In Clinic has almost doubled since the addition of local provider Cheryl Kast. The Wound Care Center was recently recognized with a national award as a Center of Distinction.

Shurtz continued to say a recent patient satisfactory survey was returned by more than 100 patients.

“We will use that information to celebrate and look at where we can do better,” he said.

He added 94% of people who come to Medina hospital get treated there. Only six percent are transferred.

“We did very well in 2022,” Shurtz said. “We are on track to more than double our patient base on the second floor. Our patient base in short-term sub-acute rehab has increase by 50 percent.’

He also said patient revenue was the highest in 2022 since 2014.

“Our goal is to keep services here and local,” Shurtz said.

Twig member Jan McCloy had a friend who was in transitional care on the second floor, and said the care was excellent.

“This is wonderful if you live alone and need help after surgery,” McCloy said.

Shurtz said all the rooms on the second floor are private and TV is free.

OCH Foundation director Megan Johnson reported their gala was a success. She said they have raised the majority of the $150,000 to buy 60 new IV pumps for the hospital, and the Foundation will make up the rest of what they need.

“These are really going to make a difference in the community,” she said.

She reported on the gala to support the hospital, which 80 people attended.

“It was a wonderful event,” Shurtz said. “A lot of the people stayed to dance.”

He shared that the hospital had reached out to the public about the time of Covid asking for input on what they wanted at their local hospital. The majority wanted a maternity ward. He said they had corresponded with another hospital, who said the break-event point for a hospital maternity ward is 400 babies a year.

The luncheon concluded with a drawing for assorted gift cards.