Trump is unfairly targeted in lawsuits in effort to keep him from presidency

Posted 21 February 2024 at 2:21 pm


Mr. Cropsey’s most recent Trump bashing letter is an insult to the intelligence of college-educated Orleans County residents. He thinks we are too ignorant to understand the fraudulent details in another “get Trump” case brought for the sole purpose of taking away our right to choose our next president. This case, in addition to the many other cases, reeks of election interference!

Mr. Cropsey continues to beat the same dead horse with his constant Trump-bashing editorials, never documenting his sources of information. (Include your sources please!) He has shown himself to be a one-trick pony, repeating the same things over and over. He seems to have lost the capability to process new information to discuss some of the many current events that are much more important than Trump at the moment.

Cropsey, along with Fine and Capurso have demonstrated their hatred for someone they don’t even know, getting their information from corrupt media sources that always, at the direction of our corrupt government, paints Trump as the devil in disguise.

All of these editorialists need a large dose of a vaccine sufficient enough to cure them of their severe case of  “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” Maybe a month-long vacation and dose of reality somewhere near the southern border would help to cure them.

I don’t feel sorry for any bank or business that either made money or lost money due to President Trump’s inflated value of his worth or the worth of his property. The people who made the deals were “big boys” who understand the financial banking system enough to make millions for themselves and other investors.

Everyone thinks their assets, like houses and such, are worth more because they hope to get the best price for their property when they sell. President Trump is entitled to the same. It is up to the professional appraisers and assessors to determine the value based on their experience. That is what they get paid for! If the banks failed to utilize their services and thus failed to make a larger profit, it’s their fault!

New York has become a loser state that many people are sick of! Corrupt politicians constantly redirect budget funds to influence people to make money for themselves or to help to increase their power over us. Where are the funds coming from to pay for all the illegal migrants who are flooding our cities, taking away resources from low-income families who need these funds and services? Will these migrants be granted citizenship if they join the military in exchange for their vote to perpetuate our corrupt leadership?

President Trump was the “great interrupter” who stopped the flow of corrupt money that congressmen and women depend on to become billionaires while in office. They hate him for this!

President Trump, the outsider, worked for the people, not to further the corrupt system. Come November, we will have the opportunity to choose between a free and more prosperous America or a fascist America with never-ending wars. I hope we get this right!

Gary Deiboldt
