Trump is best hope for America to reverse decline

Posted 13 September 2024 at 12:35 pm


The Fundamental Transformation of America. The Great Reset – Whatever they want to call it.

As Barack Hussein Obama’s third term comes to a close, the Democratic Party, the Deep State and the Global Elites are on the ropes as America and the entire globe has awakened to their evil plot for one world government with no borders where they have control of speech, every means of production, what we eat, what we drive and our freedom of travel (that will be eliminated) the environment and how and where we live.

The Democrats have inserted with no primary votes from the American people – two naked communists, Harris and Waltz. Puppets that once in power will finish off the middle class in this country.

While we are now living a lot of George Orwell’s 1984, it will be full-blown implemented with the force from one of the most corrupt DOJ’s (right now) the country has ever seen. These people will explode the size of the federal government to proportions never seen before in American history.

All speech that dissents against the government or any protected class of people will result in arrest and imprisonment. The constitution will fall. Anyone telling the truth will become an enemy of the state. Isn’t that what’s going on now anyone telling the truth is drowned out by the Democrat media and big social media as a conspiracy theorist? (They are doing this right now in the UK)

The biggest obstacle to the globalists’ plans is the white Christian male. My opinion is why has Biden been so eager to keep this war going in Ukraine? Besides feeding the military industrial complex, both Russians and Ukrainians are white and predominately Christian. 600,000 Ukrainian men and millions of Russians have been killed in this war. Why do you think the great replacement of the white European male has been taking place all over the western globe?

Make no mistake the globalists, the traitorous Democratic Party want to keep power forever. The invasion of our border with these mostly military-aged men – many who have been military trained – is starting to show its ugly face with rampant migrant crime throughout or entire country. Other countries have cleaned out their prisons, mental institutions, jails and have sent their worst to our country.

Over 300,000 illegal alien children have disappeared off the radar. Sold into slavery and human child trafficking. This would make the Department of Homeland Security director one of the biggest child traffickers in the history of the world. These illegal immigrants, probably around 20 million of them, have taken resources and are put first above every need of American citizens.

What monsters would open a border to the world give them full financial support while making every policy detrimental to its own citizens? Lie to you for 4 years saying the border is closed. Lie to you about everything! This is collapsing our system, destroying our culture and destroying our country.

Can you imagine four more years of this? They want to give reparations on top of that? The country will die. By the way there is 16 tons of ammonium nitrate missing from the stock pile that no one can account for. Don’t think ( my opinion) that a government that is covering up an assassination attempt on Trump wouldn’t use that to take out our grid and kill tens of millions of people to declare martial law and stop the 2024 election.

Humanity is not a part of their Agenda 2030 goals you mean nothing to them. Three quarters of us could be wiped off the face of the earth and the quarter left would be to many for these evil people. Make no mistake that is their goal.

If you are paying attention they openly tell you that. If you vote Democrat this November 5th you are voting to put the death nail in all of western civilization. Call me crazy, that’s OK. I hope I’m so wrong. The only thing standing in the way of the Democrats and the globalists is Trump.

They fear him like Dracula fears the cross and Democrats fear God in our lives. The world is on fire but it is also more awake than it’s ever been. The common man, the farmer, most all of humanity sees and understands something is very wrong.

Obama’s fourth term will be the end of the USA. Like him or not Trump 2024 is our only hope to change this upside-down country and world.

Paul Lauricella


Lauricella is chairman of the Orleans County Conservative Party