Trump deserves due process and should be considered innocent until proven guilty

Posted 19 August 2023 at 8:31 am


The fourth Trump indictment is in. I remind people that this is the United States and President Trump is innocent till proven guilty.

Some are already judging him as guilty. I remind them that is un-American and President Trump like all Americans has God-given rights and the 51 constitutions of the United States guarantees President Trump and the MAGA crowd due process.

President Trump was impeached twice by the US House of Representatives as some of your readers point out. Those impeachments were indictments and in the trial of the first impeachment (indictment) President Trump was found not guilty.

The second impeachment (indictment ) was unconstitutional and no trial could take place rendering the impeachment (indictment ) null and void.

The Democratic Party and the Republicans in name only want to convict President Trump in the public opinion because they know that many Americans will simply convict President Trump without due process.

The Democrats and Republicans in name only crowd pushed a hoax that President Trump conspired with Russian agents when in truth it was members of the “Get Trump” crowd. I personally am glad President Trump is indicted because now he can show how the 2020 elections were not only unconstitutional in several states but election fraud took place.

I want to remind people due process is the American way and President Trump is innocent until proven guilty. I pray that President Trump has his day in court because I know first-hand how the “Establishment” can deprive an individual of that enumerated right.

Steve Colon
