Trump and his allies never produced evidence of election fraud

Posted 30 August 2023 at 7:47 am


Election officials take voting very seriously. Every claim of election irregularity is thoroughly investigated. Officials don’t finalize the vote until every single voter irregularity is investigated and properly resolved.

Every voting district reports the results of the election only when all voter irregularities are resolved. All election districts in the country reported their election as fair and free from any irregularities. To claim election fraud or irregularities you would impugn the integrity of every election official in the country.

Studies looking at voter fraud in the 2020 election found there was no fraud sufficient to change election results. Studies from the University of Chicago which focused on statistical claims of the Trump administration found fraud did not change the outcome. Furthermore, studies from the Brennan Center for Justice confirm that voter fraud did not change the outcome. Mr. Trump’s own campaign hired two companies, Berkeley Research Group and Simpatico Software Systems which found no evidence of voter fraud.

Not only did election officials, colleges, universities and independent organization investigate election irregularities but the major news media in Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, etc. investigated all claims of election irregularities in their cities and found none. Every single claim, from mathematic irregularities to whatever, you name it. There is no evidence that voter fraud sufficiently effected the outcome of any electoral district in the country. None. Again, to claim election fraud or irregularities you impugn the reputation of every reporter for major news outlets.

Mr. Trump is free to challenge the outcomes of the vote. Indeed, Mr. Trump’s legal team filed 60 court cases challenging the election; 60 times they failed to produce any evidence of voter fraud. 60 times they couldn’t produce facts supporting their claims of election irregularities; 60 times. Mr. Trump’s claims were found to be unsubstantiated, unsupported, baseless or just plain false. 60 times; more than any other candidate in the history of this country, probably more than all other candidates combined.

Mr. Trump and his allies can make all kinds of claims to the press and social media but in a court of law facts matter; evidence matters. Mr. Trump has neither facts or evidence to support his claims.

Mr. Trump did freely question whether the election was free and fair and all the evidence — even research his campaign paid for — showed that it was free and fair.

William Fine
