Trump administration has been slow in response to coronavirus
No one is blaming President Trump for the coronavirus but we do blame him and his administration for being unprepared and his slow lackadaisical response.
In an October 2019 report, officials at the Departments of Homeland Security, Health and Human Services and at the White House’s National Security Council were made aware of the potential for a respiratory virus pandemic.
The NYT 3/20/20 reported “Many of the potentially deadly consequences of a failure to address the shortcomings are now playing out in all-to-real fashion across the country.” “What the scenario makes clear, however, is that (President Trump’s administration) had already modeled a similar pandemic and understood its potential trajectory.”
Time Magazine (3/19/20) reported “A few weeks after the outbreak began in China’s Hubei province in December, U.S. health officials warned Trump of the seriousness of the threat.” Yet, Mr. Trump and his administration failed to take action to ameliorate the pandemic.
At this time the Trump administration is in the courts trying to do away with insurance for pre-existing conditions. On February 10, nearly three weeks after the first reported case of coronavirus in the U.S., Mr. Trump proposed to cut C.D.C. budget about 9%.
There are still too few tests for the coronavirus, nurses and doctors are MacGyvering personal protective equipment despite a national stockpile of 12 million N95 masks and 30 million surgical masks, according to NYT on 3/20/20.
William Fine