Town supervisor sees options for lowering water rates in Shelby

Posted 5 April 2024 at 7:51 am


The purpose of the letter is to ensure the proper and correct information is available to Shelby residents so they can remain informed on their town water supply.

Currently the town of Shelby purchases water from the Village of Medina (supplied by Niagara County Water), at a rate of $5.97 per thousand gallons. The town of Shelby adds a maintenance fee to maintain and repair the town’s water infrastructure.  The town of Shelby and the village of Medina are currently in talks negotiating water rates.

The Town of Royalton has agreed to supply the Town of Shelby the same water (Niagara County Water), at a rate of $3.00 per thousand gallons through an existing connection in between the towns. Again Shelby would have to add a maintenance fee to maintain the infrastructure.

Recently there was an article in the Orleans Hub talking about a presentation from an engineering firm that occurred at a special water meeting on March 28. There was also a previous presentation from another engineering firm presented on March 12 at the regular town board meeting.

I would request Shelby residents watch both presentations on the Town of Shelby YouTube page, which occurred on March 12 and March 28, respectively. In that meeting it is presented that preliminary tests  demonstrate there appears to be adequate pressure to supply at least part of Shelby with water. This presentation (March 12) included adding water pipe along several roads in the Town. The pipes are optional at this time; even if only the connection is opened it will save taxpayers money.

Last year the town of Shelby flushed/dumped 1.2 million gallons of water near/at the connection between Shelby and Royalton due to low PPM (parts per million) chlorine in the system. If the water is not moving and used, it starts to degrade and lose its chlorination.

In total the town of Shelby had to dump 2.36 million gallons of water due to low PPM at dead end pipes. (The town of Shelby paid full price for the water dumped on the ground, and for water line leaks/breaks.) Numerous leaks were found and repaired last summer, and is an ongoing pursuit for the town. A major leak under Oak Orchard Creek was detected and repaired directly resulting in large quarterly savings.

If the connection between Royalton and Shelby is opened, the town is not only cutting their water bill, but fresh water with the required chlorine ppms are being introduced into the system thereby reducing the need to flush/dump water.  These two reasons alone will save taxpayers money.

Funding for a second connection was budgeted for and approved in the Town’s 2024 budget, no additional funding is required for the connection. Both engineering firms stated updated testing needs to be done to determine pressures, and determine the path forward.   The board has agreed further testing has to be done to determine the best viable option to move forward.

With a second connection from the Town of Royalton, the influx of fresh chlorinated water along with the supply from Medina will ensure a safe and secure supply for the taxpayers of Shelby.

I urge you to get involved, attend board meetings (2nd Tuesday each month @7 p.m.), or watch the meetings on YouTube. Let your voice be heard.


Scott Wengewicz

Town of Shelby Supervisor