Town clerk in Murray says Sidonio misleads public, is no team-builder

Posted 26 June 2023 at 11:18 am


It has been difficult for me to sit back and not comment about the misleading things that have been told to Murray residents by the current supervisor, Joe Sidonio.

From the beginning of his tenure, I’ve worked with him respectfully, in order to do my job as Town Clerk. I have done so despite the grossly inappropriate profanities he has called me and my colleagues over and over again and despite the multitude of lies he has told.

Mr. Sidonio says he wants to bring everyone together and be a team, yet he intentionally does the opposite. He continually misleads residents saying the salaries of elected officials are almost twice the actual amount. When he was called out on this, his excuse was that pensions, social security and health insurance are included in his numbers.

The Town of Murray budget is on the town website and shows exactly what the employees make. When he says that I received a higher raise than the department clerks, he fails to tell you that the previous year, the clerks received a raise while I did not. Deliberately misleading.

He takes credit for “straightening out” the water department, when in reality, the water losses were being corrected before he got elected. It began with repairs by Ed Morgan, then Dennis Mandigo and finally, Dirk Lammes made the final repairs to bring the loss to an acceptable level.

He fails to tell you that although our town and water department are audited by an outside firm annually, he insisted on hiring another outside auditor to go through the water department books. When that resulted in no improprieties found, he hired yet another outside auditor and once again the audit turned up nothing. All at the cost of the Town of Murray taxpayers.

He tells you that he reduced water taxes. Taking operation and maintenance off of tax bills makes it appear you’re saving money but what Mr. Sidonio doesn’t tell you is that your water rates have now gone up significantly to make up for it. His home is tied into the Village of Holley water so these higher rates don’t affect him at his residence.

He also fails to tell you that by taking the water operation and maintenance off the tax bills saves himself and his family significantly on the many parcels they own.

He says he’s not part of the “go along to get along” but when he oversaw the Republican committee, he threatened me with possibly not being endorsed if I didn’t vote the way he wanted.

I have no problem with someone who has opinions that differ from mine being elected supervisor, but I do have a problem when someone gets elected by misleading our residents.  I’ve been your Town Clerk for 17 years and I take pride in the way my office is run. The employees have always worked as a team. While we do not always agree, we are respectful and listen to each other’s opinions. That is not the “good old boys club,” it is called being a team with one goal in mind and that is to do what is the best for the Town of Murray.

Gerry Rightmyer has been endorsed unanimously by the Murray Republican Committee. He has no agenda. He is a great listener who truly cares about the concerns and needs of our community. He has demonstrated a commitment to transparency and accountability. He will work to ensure that our town government is responsive to the needs of all residents. He has the qualifications to do the job and, just as important, he is an honest, ethical man.

I urge you to join me in supporting Gerry Rightmyer for Murray Town Supervisor.  He is the right person for the job. Help make Murray proud again and vote Rightmyer on Tuesday, June 27.

Cindy Oliver

Town Clerk, Town of Murray