Tourney opener for Albion boys soccer team
Photo by Cheryl Wertman – Leading Albion into the boys soccer season are senior veterans Vinnie Molisani, Andrew Uderitz and Corleone Plain. Missing from the photo is Ulises Ledesma.
Albion will face the host school in the semifinals of the season opening Wheatland-Chili boys soccer tournament at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. The consolation and finals are slated for Friday.
The Purple Eagles lineup features a blend of a small veteran nucleus with a promising group of underclassmen.
That group includes senior veterans Vinnie Molisani, Andrew Uderitz, Corleone Plain and Ulises Ledesma along with newcomers David Rosario and Adrian Figuerroa-Fuentes, both sophomores, and Pablo Rosario-Reyes, a freshman.
Uderitz was a second team Niagara-Orleans All-League honoree last year while Plain and Ledesma were both Honorable Mention selections.
“We’ve got some guys who can score and they are creative,” said Coach Bridgette Varin. “Right now we’re working on getting our defense organized. The defense is the focus.”
Albion will open the N-O season at rival Medina on September 9.