Today’s Fair Schedule (Saturday, July 27, 2019)
Visit the new Ag Education and Activities areas in the Lartz Commercial Exhibit Building.
8 a.m. – Senior Council Stand opens
8 a.m. – Gymkhana Horse Show. Carlos Marcello Arena
10 a.m. – All buildings open
10:30 a.m. – Cat Show. Show Arena
Kaitlin Bennett, 10, of Barre shows a steer while seven other 4-H’ers show beef animals in Friday’s grand master showman competition. The contest includes eight breeds of animals that eight 4-H’er showed in the competition. Kaitlin qualified after being named reserve showman in the dairy competition on Thursday.
11:10 a.m. – “Iron Chef” 4-H Youth Cooking Contest starts. Stage
12 p.m. – Small Animal Grand Master Showman Competition. Wachob Pavilion
12 p.m. – Leader’s Pie Stand opens. Davis Building
12:10 p.m. – “Iron Chef” 4-H Youth Contest Judging. Stage
12 – 6 p.m. – WNY PRISM, invasive species experts at the flower show. Lartz Building
1 p.m. – Registration ends for Small Fry Pedal Tractor Pull. Fair Office
1 – 5 p.m. – Main Event Amusements $20 Unlimited Ride Wristband (Tickets purchased this block good 1-5 only) Midway
1:30 p.m. – Small Fry Pedal Tractor Pull Pedal Tractor Course: Fair Office
This team of cousins won a competition Friday at the fair where they built blades for a wind turbine. Their team had the fastest time for a turbine to pull a toy car with a string. The team includes Allison Mathes, Lillian Mathes, Sarah Mathes and Taylor Soule, all of Barre. The competition was sponsored and organized by Apex Clean Energy. There were 22 participants in the competition on Thursday and Friday.
2 p.m. – Kangaroo Keeper Talk by Spirit Wind Farms. Trolley Lawn
3 p.m. – Small Fry Pedal Tractor Pull – Championship run of all first place finishers from throughout the week Pedal Tractor Course: Fair Office
4 p.m. – Awards Ceremony and Crowning of the Fair Royalty. Curtis Pavilion
4:30 p.m. – Lew-E the Clown. Clown Stage
5 p.m. – Circus Incredible. Lawn South of the Knights Building
6 – 7 p.m. – AITC Youth Ag Education Terrific Tractors: Poems and Games. Trolley Building
6 – 10 p.m. – Main Event Amusements $20 Unlimited Ride Wristband (Tickets purchased this block good 6-10 only) Midway
6:30 p.m. – Lew-E the Clown. Clown Stage
Zachary Neal, 14, of Albion entertained fair-goers with a contraption he made that allows him to play multiple musical instruments at once. He walked around playing “Oh! Susanna” and played a ukulele, melodica, harmonica, drums, symbols, a horn and tambourine.
6:30 p.m. – Market Auction Preview and Reception. Show Arena
7 p.m. – Circus Incredible. Lawn South of the Knights Building
7 p.m. – Orleans County 4-H Market Auction. Show Arena
8:30 p.m. – Lew-E the Clown. Clown Stage
9 p.m. – Circus Incredible. Lawn South of the Knights Building
9 p.m. – Orleans County 4-H Fair $1,000 Karaoke Challenge Finals. (No qualifying round). Stage
9 p.m. – 4-H Dairy Cow Bingo. Cattle Building
10 p.m. – Buildings Close
10 p.m. – Greased Pole Climbing Contest (Teams must pre-register at the Fair Office) Greased Pole
10:30 p.m. – Greased Pole Climbing Championship. Greased Pole
Justin Robinson, 19, of Albion hangs on the grease pole while a teammate in the Greasy Heifers climbs on his shoulders. The Greasy Heifers battled but couldn’t quite get to the top.