Timing is bad for Yates to upgrade town park

Posted 19 May 2020 at 8:51 am


Our community like many other communities worldwide has been hit hard by the coronavirus.  This has created hardships and heartache, including death of family and friends, sickness, financial concerns and the daily concern of putting food on the table.

Apparently our Yates town officials are proceeding ahead with the $2.5 million park grant,  even though local food pantries have had to increase their supply by 50 percent and the well-recognized and respected ministry Hands for Hope has now included Lyndonville in their monthly designated areas of need.

Just listen to the news and you will hear of many organizations that are answering to the hunger in our communities.  Maybe not using this grant at this time could be a consideration of the board, thinking this grant money could better serve other areas of need.

Time for common sense rather than playing politics.

William Jurinich
