Tiger spikers return veteran lineup
Photo by Mike Wertman – The Lyndonville/Medina volleyball team’s veteran group includes, in front, Ethan Bowie, Tanner Burt-Hodgins, Jonathan Scroth and Daniel Squire. In back are Chris Goyette, Steven Kage, Bryce Seddon and Cameron Brownell. Missing from the photo is James Wachob.
Getting set to begin season number four, the Lyndonville/Medina boys varsity volleyball team continues to build anchored by a large group of nine returnees.
That veteran group includes seniors Tanner Burt-Hodgins, Jonathon Scroth, Bryce Seddon, Daniel Squire and James Wachob along with juniors Ethan Bowie, Chris Goyette, Steven Kage and sophomore Cameron Brownell.
The Tigers roster also includes sophomore Andrew Wolter along with freshmen Ethan Gardner, Noah Neff and Jaxon Phillips.
“We’ve got a good returning group and we’re continuing to build” said Coach Kerry Papaj.
The Tigers open the season against St. Francis on September 6 at Medina. The other home matches will be at Lyndonville.
September: 6 – St. Francis, 6:30 p.m. (at Medina); 8 – Pavilion, 11 a.m. and North Rose-Wolcott, 12:30 p.m.; 15 – vs. Midlakes, 1 p.m. at Pavilion; 17 – at St. Francis, 6:30 p.m.; 26 – School of the Arts, 5 p.m.; 28 – O’Hara, 6 p.m.; 29 at Sodus vs. Wayne, 11 a.m. and Sodus, 1 p.m.
October: 2 – at School of the Arts, 4:30 p.m.; 5 – Sodua, 6:30 p.m.; 9 – at O’Hara, 6:30 p.m.; 12 – at Midlakes vs. Midlakes, 5 p.m. and North Rose-Wolcott, 6:30 p.m.; 20 – at Pavilion vs. Pavilion, 11 a.m. and Wayne, 1 p.m.