Tenney votes against veterans, healthcare workers with Republican budget bill
Recently Republicans passed a budget, H.R. 2811 the Limit, Save and Grow Act of 2023. Budgets reveal priorities and what we value, so it is worth looking at the budget Congresswoman Claudia Tenney supported.
Denis McDonough, Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, testified to Congress that passage of H.R. 2811 would result in about 30 million fewer outpatient visits and about 6,000 fewer staff to handle benefits claim. (It is worth noting that she also voted against the Pact Act which extends healthcare benefits to veterans exposed to toxic burn pits).
Moody’s Analytics reported that passage of H.R. 2811 would result in 780,000 fewer jobs in 2024 and could result in a recession next year. The Congressional Budget Office reported that the legislation would result in about 600,000 American citizens being removed from health care insurance. The National Education Association stated in a letter that passage of H.R. 2811 “would hurt students, worsen educator shortage, and cause undue hardship for families by raising the cost of college, childcare, healthcare and putting food on the table.”
This legislation also repeals some tax credit for clean, and renewable energy and alternative fuels. (Western New York Energy, NY’s only ethanol plant and one of Orleans County biggest tax payers, is in her district). None of that mattered to Ms. Tenney.
She voted against the interest of veterans, healthcare workers, teachers and the economic interest of her constituents. Instead she voted for and supports the fossil fuel industry and tax breaks for the ultra-rich; those are her values and priorities.
William Fine