Tenney continues scapegoating with Red Light Act proposal

Posted 9 January 2025 at 8:50 am


Congresswoman Tenney has introduced in Congress the Red Light Act that seeks to withhold federal transportation funding from states that enact laws to provide driver’s licenses or ID cards to illegal immigrants.

Tenney goes on to say, “In New York, the Green Light Law has given licenses to illegal immigrants. allowing these dangerous individuals to roam freely in our country, brutally attacking, raping and murdering members of our community.”

What an astonishing, illogical thing to put into print, let alone introduce in Congress. Is this yet another example of Tenney’s efforts to pander to Trump, to make sure she walks in lock step to his racist rantings on immigrants?

Using Tenny’s twisted logic perhaps she would also ban buses, trains and planes. And since criminals also walk, how about banning shoes and socks?

When members of Congress are in session, they usually employ cooks and maids in their Washington homes. A large number of these people are immigrants. Perhaps Tenney employs immigrants in her Washington DC house hold staff, and if so, I wonder if are they legally in the US?

A clarification from Tenney in the Hub would be useful.

Jack Capurso

Ashburn, Va.

Mr. Capurso graduated from Albion High School in 1960.