Take letter from union leader endorsing Sansone with a grain of salt

Posted 28 May 2024 at 9:49 pm


Union Boss Chris Caufield’s recent letter reminds me of NYC Democrat Union Bosses flexing their muscle and cutting backroom deals. While I respect rank and file members of correction officers and law enforcement, I do not appreciate Union Bosses meddling in politics to achieve their agenda.

Mr. Caufield is also the Clarendon Republican Party Boss and a Clarendon Town Councilman with obvious conflicting political aspirations. Who does he represent, when and why?

To support a political candidate is one thing, but to bully is another. Thankfully we have Primary elections to allow voters to choose their candidate, not the stacked, self-serving committees with its membership comprised of Union Bosses, elected and appointed officials manipulating jobs, endorsements, and power.

A troubling question to raise: Why is the Republican Party approving of the 2024 “Back the Blue Rally” at the very crime scene of a known felon? When I see the list of guest speakers to include Sheriff Bourke, Assistant District Attorney John Sansone and Murray Supervisor Gerry Rightmyer, I ask, of all the places to hold the event why at the residence of a convicted felon.

One thing is certain. Union Bosses and politicians alike want a payback.

I’d like to know what’s in it for the citizens.

Mark Taylor
