Supporters for wind energy projects need to make their voices heard

Posted 15 November 2018 at 7:57 am


Supporters of the Lighthouse and Heritage Wind projects, which includes the Town of Yates, Somerset, and Barre, believe that these projects will be an incredible opportunity for this area and for all of the residents.

Not only will the wind turbine projects generate an initial economic boost for local businesses and restaurants during construction, but in the long-term will offer tax relief, and financial assistance for the towns and schools as well as up to 20 full-time, well-paid permanent jobs between the 2 projects. Other benefits will be long-term clean, renewable energy, cleaner air, and less dependence on fossil fuels. There is no logical downside.

The organized opponents of the wind turbine projects are angry and passionate, but are just wrong. The facts don’t back them up as you will see if you look for yourself on fact-based, scientific sites. Any negative consequences the opposition brings up just pale in comparison to the consequences of burning fossil fuels to create electricity. How can they be against progress, lower taxes, and clean air?

The reality is that after the wind turbines are in, they will be part of the landscape and will likely be a welcome part of it. No one notices the power poles that line the roads any more do they? The birds will still be flying around, there will still be deer in our fields and farmers on tractors planting and harvesting. People will hardly notice the turbines as they drive by. What will be noticed is lower taxes for all of the residents, better roads, new equipment for the towns, and programs for the schools. Our farmers will be in better shape, and more likely to be able to pass their farms down to the next generation rather than face possibly having to sell.

We believe that the residents living in the towns where these projects will be built will be happy that the projects passed and are in their communities.

It is up to all people in these areas that support these wind projects to stand in support and make their voices heard. Write letters to the editor, write supportive comments to the Public Service Commission, attend your local board meeting and speak up, talk to your neighbors.

We – the mothers, grandmothers, fathers and grandfathers – will make the difference in whether these projects are built or not by showing our support and getting the true and exciting facts out about how they will help our towns and our world.

Chris Loss, Barre

Susan Campbell, Lyndonville