Sunday Morning Positive Perks from your Sassy Small Town Missus

Posted 16 February 2020 at 8:00 am

Pinky from Happy Days had many presidential qualities

With the upcoming Presidents’ Day and elections, I got thinking about My Pinky Tuscadero for President T-Shirt.

If you don’t know who she is then you are in serious need of a history lesson. Pinky Tuscadero came into our homes in 1976 as the object of Fonzie’s affection on Happy Days. For you doubters, stay with me on this one. She was a red-headed stunner with her pink scarf, little pale pink boots, white shorty shorts, cone bra and front tie crop shirt, working her signature finger snaps. She knew how to use her good looks for a 1950’s character. Her beauty, charm and boldness were no match for Fonzie.

There were many reasons her potential Presidency was a missed opportunity. When Fonzie lost his demolition derby partner, no one was brave enough to step in. Pinky suggested herself. Fonzie called her “silly.” He argued that a woman would not be appropriate, using the Presidency and Vice Presidency as examples of how power teams consisted of two men.

She held steadfast in her pursuit of being his partner and Fonzie eventually conceded. Pinky would be the first woman driver in the derby. She proved to be, as she put it, “born ready” for tough challenges. In her pursuit she was loyal, determined, and thrived in a team environment. She purposely took a hit meant for Fonzie to advance the team. When her car was broad sided by the competitors, the Malachi brothers, she was fearless as she crawled out onto the hood of the car during the demolition in a last ditch effort to fix her car. Yes, she fixed cars in that pink scarf!

Pinky was cool under pressure. She ended up getting hurt on the roof of that car, but excepted defeat graciously and offered Fonzie her pink scarf for good luck to bring the win home for the team. And he did. At the hospital the Malachi brothers extended an olive branch because they revered her, respected her, and admired her not just for her beauty but for her ability to be a “Boss Lady.”

You have to respect someone who will seize an opportunity like Pinky did to prove herself. It was her beauty that opened the door for her, but her confidence, brains and toughness that earned her the trust of her peers. As exhibited, Pinky embodied many noble Presidential traits.

In the end, Pinky rode off on her pink motorcycle with her crew the “Pinkettes” because she was a businesswoman. I really appreciate the way she looked after her “Pinkettes” paying them in pink checks :).

Google Season 4 episodes 1-3 of Happy Days to see Pinky pop wheelies and sign off with the phase “Think Pink.” As the Malachi brothers said to Fonzie, “May the sun never set upon you and your thumbs ride high.” Click on the link below to see Pinky’s photo in My Post.

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Debbie Burgoon London
Your Sassy Small Town Missus from Albion