Students plant squash that will be donated to food kitchens
Provided photos – Albion FFA member Elizabeth Bentley works with students in Mrs. Perry’s third grade class to plant their squash seeds on Monday at the school’s Land Lab along Clarendon Road.
By Sara Millspaugh, Albion FFA president
ALBION – FFA members and all of the third grade classes went out to the Land Lab to plant the squash. This was a great opportunity to get some of the younger kids of the school district involved in bettering the community.
Each class came out one by one to plant their squash on Monday afternoon. Each student planted two squash seeds per hole and got to put seeds in two different holes, totaling four seeds per student.
While they were out in the field they learned all about the process of germination and the care of plants. This was a new experience for some of the students who had never planted before. Everyone was very excited to be involved.
Now we just have to wait for fall, when we will bring the fourth graders, which are the current third graders, out to harvest the squash they planted.
We will then take the squash and donate it to local food kitchens in Orleans County. The students are only in third grade and are already taking actions to better our community. Imagine what they will be able to do when they get to high school.