Sobieraski has skills, experience and enthusiasm to excel as sheriff
In a few short weeks, the people of Orleans County will be selecting their next sheriff. Choosing the right person to protect a community is probably one of the most important decisions any citizen will make.
The person you choose as your next sheriff will be faced with a number of significant challenges that will require proven skills in leadership, community investment, team building, and a significant background in all facets of law enforcement. Faced with the difficult decision on who to support in the next election, I would like to offer the citizens of Orleans County a unique perspective on one of the candidates in the running to be your next sheriff – Brett Sobieraski.
I have known Brett his whole life. I worked closely with Brett’s dad, Detective John Sobieraski at the Lockport Police Department. John would bring Brett to the station frequently to hang around with the cops. Even at an early age, Brett had the intelligence, focus and the personality to be successful in any profession.
When he was hired by the LPD years later I was one of his instructors at the police academy and was later his supervisor. Throughout his career in the LPD, I found Brett to be an outstanding police officer who truly enjoyed the job. He was a quick learner, blessed with an enthusiasm and upbeat personality that infected everyone who worked with him – he’s still like that today.
Early in his career the city suffered a fiscal crisis. Brett and other officers were faced with possible layoffs. Due to his impressive track record with the LPD, Brett was immediately hired by the Rochester Police Department and began a long and successful career with RPD. He was quickly promoted to sergeant and later placed in command of a countywide Narcotics Enforcement team.
In regional law enforcement, Brett has an outstanding reputation. He is well-known for his passion for the job as well as his investigative and leadership skills.
Brett Sobieraski has spent 31 years working cases in suburban, rural and urban communities across Western New York. As the supervising sergeant of a multi-agency task force, SWAT team leader and law enforcement instructor his career experience has not been limited to one locale.
Brett chose to live and raise his family in Kendall and Orleans County 27 years ago. In that time, he has been active in the community and was recognized for his efforts, being chosen in 2018 as an Orleans County “Outstanding Citizen.”
I can assure you that if you choose to elect Brett Sobieraski as Orleans County Sheriff, he will bring everything that he’s got to the job every day. I can recommend Brett to you without reservation and urge you to vote for him in the upcoming election.
Chief (Ret.) Larry Eggert
Lockport Police Department