Snow plow trucks will travel 31 today in awareness drive about winter season
There will be a caravan of more than 20 snow plow trucks today going along Route 31 in a “Winter Operations Awareness Drive.” The Orleans County Highway Superintendents Association is organizing the drive that starts at noon at the Shelby highway facility and goes along Route 31 through the villages of Medina and Albion to the east end of the Village of Holley.
The Superintendents Association urges people to allow more time to reach their destination while driving in the snow. Many of the towns and villages have limited crews and do not work around the clock so late evening and early morning travel could be more difficult.
The superintendents advise that people shouldn’t get too close to plow trucks because they give off slush.
The Superintendents Association will have more advice for the public later after today’s awareness ride.