Small town gives strong support for Harrison family

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 27 January 2024 at 8:30 pm

Saul Harrison greeted by more than 1,000 people in a benefit to help him in battle with cancer

Photos by Tom Rivers

ALBION – A crowd of several hundred people are shown at Dubby’s Tailgate in a benefit for Saul Harrison this afternoon. Harrison is battling myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells. He is getting chemotherapy and has had a mass removed from his spine and a lesion from his hip.

Harrison, 50, is still remembered as a powerful football player for Albion. But the 1992 graduate these days is known for his mild manner and gentleness as a youthcare worker for the county and a deacon at the Shiloh Church.

Holli Nenni, the county’s DSS commissioner, was among many in DSS at the benefit. Harrison, a 15-year county employee, is well-liked by his peers and the residents.

Harrison, besides working with youth, also is assists elderly residents. He shows lots of patience and understanding, Nenni said.

“He is a very dedicated employee,” she said. “He is an inspiration to our youth.”

Saul Harrison greets people at a benefit for him and his family today to help with medical costs and other expenses while he fights cancer.

Harrison shook many hands and received many hugs. He said the outpouring of support is very humbling.

Some of the foster kids he’s worked with attended the benefit and hugged him, so did some of the senior citizens he’s worked with.

His wife Connie thanked the community for the “amazing” show of support.

A large bobblehead of Snoop Dogg, an actor and rapper, was among the big-ticket items at today’s benefit. There were 130 baskets, many valued at $100 to $150, plus the 10 big ticket items valued at $300 or more.

Debbie Prest, one of the organizers of the benefit, said people responded in a big way today, spending money on the tickets and putting together so many baskets.

“Everybody knows Saul,” Prest said. “From his work with the county to helping coach youth sports.”

There were 500 chicken barbecue dinners and they were a quick sell out.

Laisha Harrison, left, is Saul Harrison’s daughter. She is served by, front to back: Jami Allport, Abby Kincaid, Micky Stowell, Jamie Allport and Crystal Botello.

Many of Harrison’s friends and family sold 50/50 raffle tickets and helped put on today’s event.

Trellis Pore, pastor of the Shiloh Church, has been a long-time friend of Harrison’s. The two grew up in the church together.

Harrison has a strong faith in God and long been a leader at the Shiloh Church.

“Saul is a solid individual,” Pore said. “For this cancer battle, they couldn’t have picked a tougher individual, physically and spiritually.”

Pore said “test” is part of a Christian’s testimony. God never said the road would be easy without challenges, Pore said.

He spoke while waiting to get into Dubby’s. The line to get inside was out into the parking lot. Pore marveled at the crowd. He has seen it many times in Albion and the local small towns, a big turnout to help a family facing a crisis.

“In a small town you have a sense of community,” Pore said. “That’s the greatest thing about it. This small town steps up. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.”

Provided photo: Saul Harrison is joined by his children, from left in back: Jamaur, Laisha and Noah.