Sidonio’s family says he is deeply committed to Murray

Posted 21 June 2021 at 4:54 pm


Joe Sidonio is absolutely exceptional.  This community does not know how lucky we are to have Joe looking out for our interests. He is honest, trained and experienced. He is not self interested. He is giving and caring. Luckily, somehow, he is driven to want to improve our living situations here in Murray.

What one does not see on the surface is the depth of Joe’s commitment. He began being interested in helping Murray years ago. He started by attending town meetings and listening. He then volunteered to serve and was asked by Town Supervisor Hank Lehning to represent Murray on the Orleans County Planning Board and subsequently to serve on the Town of Murray Planning Board. On each board he served for years. He studied these roles, attended trainings and talked in depth to officials across the state of New York about the positions in order to educate himself fully about his responsibilities. Incredible.

These years of service spurred Joe to run for public office so that he could further his contribution. In each chapter of his service Joe has applied the same principles: working for the town endless unseen hours, researching each topic to seek the facts and the proper procedure, recruiting new people to participate in our town, and being straightforward and unequivocally honest. The truth is that Joe has given years of his life to this community.

For Joe doing the best job equals doing things correctly. This means that the principles of procedure are very important to him. Applying rules consistently to everyone, having policies in place to guide the actions of government and then adhering to them, making sure that the accounting of the town is correct and clear, and ensuring that the mandate to spend the taxpayer’s dollars wisely and conservatively is followed, are some of the guiding principles that he follows unwaveringly.

Joe makes friends wherever he goes. He befriends people of every walk of life, every age group and every world view. It is remarkable. His innate interest in his fellow citizens is radiant and permeates his smile, his humor and his outlook. He is always learning and learns from everyone he meets. He then puts his learning and friendships to good use to make the world a better place.

The saddest thing is that Joe has been rebuffed and attacked by some community members from Murray from the day he began to volunteer simply because he has wanted to do things right. We have watched in agony as individuals have gone out of their way to present roadblocks and problems and even to create accusations. If Joe were not as gracious a person he would have long ago filed harassment complaints.

Joe has inspired us as residents to believe in Murray again. People now attend town meetings and are not afraid to voice their new ideas, opinions and concerns. We have more elections, and more people involved than any other community in Orleans County.

Prior to Joe getting involved in government Murray had not had a contested election in nearly 30 years. In the last months residents have brought forward at work meetings ideas and issues about day care, memorial restoration, dangerous speeding on roads, consistent application of the law, town spending, and proposals to divide New York State into regions – just to outline a few topics. This is democracy at work!

What you will elect in electing Joe Sidonio is someone who restores our faith in intelligent, clear, honest, hard-working government for the citizens.

Amy Susan Machamer (Joe Sidonio’s wife)

Susan Hurd Machamer (Joe Sidonio’s mother-in-law)

Amelia Sidonio (Joe Sidonio’s daughter)
