Sidonio tries to tackle serious issues in race marred by dirty tactics
I am writing this letter in support of my long-time friend and business associate, Joe Sidonio. The dirty tactics that have become the norm of this primary campaign for supervisor of the Town of Murray have brought the political process to a shameful low.
Mr. Sidonio has kept to the high-road from day one. He has been open and honest about his past issues that were brought up, which really have no bearing on the issues of the town and his ability to govern, but his own party, headed by Ron Vendetti, has taken the low-road with the use of these dirty tactics which is an embarrassment to the political process.
What is that old saying, “People who live in glass houses should not be throwing stones.” We have candidate and sitting councilman, Bob Miller, who daily promotes this hatefulness. So much for the State Trooper code of ethics, so much for his lack of character. What happened to debating the issues?
Mr. Sidonio has brought serious financial issues concerning the town to the table and has been re-buffed at every turn. We have sitting councilman and candidate Hendel, ex-educator and school principal, sitting silent for months condoning these bullying tactics and not addressing the real issues at hand. What struck me most was a campaign shirt, worn by Mr. Hendel with the words truth, ethics and accountability. The truth is they have no platform, ethics none showing, and they should be held accountable for their actions. Are these the people that you want to continue to represent your town?
Do the right thing on September 12th, take your town back, do not let a few supposed politicians sully your town’s reputation any longer. Start a new beginning with Mr. Sidonio. He is the right man for the job for Murray Town Supervisor.
Pete Dreher