Sidonio has delivered results for Murray, despite opposition

Posted 26 June 2023 at 8:16 am


Joe Sidonio’s opponent Mr. Rightmyer wrote in his letter of support towards himself that we all make choices and get to choose our path moving forward.

I totally agree, which is why we the people of Murray have strongly supported and have chosen our current Supervisor Joe Sidonio the past two election terms.

I choose to keep supporting Joe because he delivers on his promises. Joe promised to fix the water loss issues in our town and his has delivered on that. Joe has promised to keep our finances in check and stop the fiscal bleeding that seemed to flow so well out of our town hall.

Looking at my property tax bills the past two years and seeing that our rates have gone down twice during a time of hyperinflation speaks volumes to the work, dedication and accountability he has brought to the office and the town hall, delivering on his promise of fiscal responsibility.  I choose accountability at our town hall and fair oversight of the various departments that operate for our town. Some of our elected officials do not like having the oversight and accountability that Joe Sidonio brings but that’s crucial to have proper checks and balances with-in a government no matter what the size.

Joe has put in the hours and the work, all while being repeatedly tripped up and berated by our own town board for 4 years and still was able to deliver us outstanding results. Lower taxes, community outreach and restoration of our war memorial putting Murray in a positive national spotlight. Joe has the experience, the education and the work ethic to keep driving results like this for our town.

Mr. Rightmyer writes that governing is not about getting your own way and doing what’s best for yourself, and I couldn’t agree more. Supervisor Sidonio has been selfless throughout his 4 years as our leader always putting Murray and its residents at the forefront of his decision making, not allowing the in-crowd at the town hall to manipulate him into making poor decisions that will negatively affect us the taxpayer.

Some at the town hall have proposed double-digit pay raises for their family members that work there with them which would fall on the backs of us the taxpayer to pay. Is that fair for us or for them? I think they have themselves in mind and not the hard-working families in this town.   Accountability and oversight is crucial to keep our budgets and finances in check. Thank you Joe for bringing that to the table.

I saw Mr. Rightmyer at one of our last town hall meetings and when asked for a motion, he froze and looked to our clerk, and when asked why he said because he needs to know what to do. Does that sound like someone who is ready to lead this town or someone who is ready to follow what he is told to do?

June 27 is a vital day for our town. We have been moving down a great path the last few years under the stellar leadership of Joe Sidonio. I ask that all voters get out and vote for our supervisor who has put in many hours and has worked so hard for you and to keep our town moving in a great direction.

Adam Moore
