Sidonio faces lots of pushback from status quo in Murray

Posted 21 June 2021 at 8:32 am


This is not a letter I wanted to write, but I feel like I have to set the record straight. It is no secret that the Murray Town Board and their entrenched politicians have had it out for Joe Sidonio even before he was elected Supervisor. They don’t like the fact that someone is coming in and shaking things up.

Louise Passarell, who is the cousin of Randy Bower, sounds like Nancy Pelosi trying to take credit for Donald Trump’s accomplishments. They called Joe when he was running for office a liar and berated him for saying there was a loss of money and a disconnect in the water department, and now that he came in and the loss has been greatly reduced, they want credit. That’s comical to me.

Bower says he will get Murray working together. Bower has been on the town board for a year now, and has shown no sign of trying to bring the town hall together. He has two cousins working in the town hall. How can Bower be unbiased and make the right decisions for us, the tax payers, while working with family at the town hall?

I have not heard one thing that Randy Bower will do for this town. His campaign is reminding me of Joe Biden’s: sit in the basement, don’t say a word and let the career politicians shovel as much dirt out as they can to try to get you to turn against our leader. Why change coaches now when we have a winner already?

Joe Sidonio has been fighting for this town for years to make it a better place for all our families. His focus and dedication to this town speaks volumes to his character. The accomplishments by him and his administration in just one year alone is outstanding and he deserves to be re-elected to keep fighting for us all.

Vote for Joe Sidonio and let’s keep Murray winning.

Adam Moore
